otherwise specifically altered or contradicted in these house
rule pages, the rules found in the 5th Edition Hero System apply
at all times.
Dwarf Package (2 Points):
All Khazak and Durindan characters are required to take this
- Strength +3 (3)
- Constitution +3 (6)
- Body +3 (6)
- Darksight: Nightvision (5)
- Dwarven Longevity: Life Support: Longevity (400 Years) (2)
- Dwarven Sense: Bump of Direction (3)
- Dexterity -3 (-9)
- Running -2" (-4)
- Physical Limitation: Short and Stout (-5)
Halfling Package (2 Points):
All Ostrali and Nerulk characters are required to take this
- Dexterity +3 (9)
- Hard to Hit: Combat Skill Level: +2 with All Combat - DCV Only
(-¼; 13)
- Moves Quietly: Skill Level: +2 with Stealth (4)
- Strength -4 (-4)
- Constitution -3 (-6)
- Running -3" (-6)
- Physical Limitation: Small Creature (-5)
Package (2 Points): All
full-blood and half-blood orc characters are required to take
this package.
- Strength +3 (3)
- Constitution +3 (6)
- Body +3 (6)
- Darksight: Nightvision (5)
- Dexterity -2 (-6)
- Intelligence -3 (-3)
- Physical Limitation: Large and Unwieldy Size (-5)
Assassin Package (20
Points): Trained killers who
hire their skills to those who will pay for them, who are not
also priests of Gabinius, are rare in the Young Kingdoms.
There are no organized guilds or agencies for such people,
though in every large city there are ways of finding, and
hiring, such killers.
- Acting (3)
- Analyze Security Arrangements (3)
- Bribery (3)
- Concealment (3)
- Disguise (3)
- Lockpicking (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Poisons (3)
- Professional Skill: Assassin (3)
- Security Systems (3)
- Shadowing (3)
- Stealth (3)
- Streetwise (3)
- Survival (Urban)(2)
- Weapon Familiarity: Dagger (1)
- Weapon Familiarity: Garrote (1)
- Social Limitation: Occupation (Assassin)(-15)
Package (14 Points): Blacksmithing is the craft of
forging metal tools and equipment from iron. A blacksmith
can also change iron into steel. They aren't armorers or
weaponsmiths, in general, though any blacksmith worthy of the
name can create rough, unskilled weapons and armor. Most
blacksmiths get the majority of their trade by creating tools
(plow blades, hammers, nails, and so on) and shoeing horses.
- Strength +3 (6)
- Constitution +2 (4)
- Knowledge Skill: Forgecraft (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Smithing Techniques 11 or less (2)
- Professional Skill: Blacksmith (3)
- Professional Skill: Farrier (3)
- Science Skill: Metallurgy (3)
- Trading (3)
- Weapon Familiarity: Hammer (1)
- Psychological Limitation: Always Seeking to Improve His Craft
If the blacksmith specializes in
forging weapons and armor, he adds the following to the package.
This changes the cost of the package to 21 points.
- Armorsmith (3)
- Professional Skill: Armorer (3)
- Weaponsmith (Muscle-Powered Hand-to-Hand Weapons)(2)
Bounty Hunter
Package (7 Points): Bounty hunters pursue criminals and
other fugitives for whom a reward is offered. For the most
part, they do not care about the guilt or innocence of their
prey... only that they get paid for fulfilling the bounty.
- Bribery (3)
- Professional Skill: Bounty Hunter (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Rope Use (3)
- Security Systems (3)
- Shadowing (3)
- Stealth (3)
- Streetwise (3)
- Tracking (3)
- Social Limitation: Mercenary Mentality (-15)
Cat Burglar
Package (11 Points): Cat burglars, thieves who specialize
in the unobtrusive entry into residences, shops, stores, and so
on, are one of the most common type of ne'er-do-well found in
the larger cities.
- Breakfall (3)
- Climbing (3)
- Concealment (3)
- Contortionist (3)
- Environmental Movement: Supreme Balance (3)
- Lockpicking (3)
- Professional Skill: Appraiser 11 or less (2)
- Professional Skill: Cat Burglar (3)
- Security Systems (3)
- Stealth (3)
- Social Limitation: Occupation (Cat Burglar)(-15)
Calafian Militia
Package (7 Points): In times
of war, the Kingdom of Calafia relies on a small army of
volunteer militia made up of commoners, led by a corps of
officers who belong to the nobility. Local militias
train with weapons and armor one day out of every three weeks.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 with Spear (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Calafian Local Laws 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Calafian Banner Signals 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Calafian Bugle Signals 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Drill and Muster 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Basic Weapon Care 11 or less (2)
- Professional Skill: Militiaman 11 or less (2)
- Tactics 11 or less (2)
- Weapon Familiarity: Dagger (1)
- Weapon Familiarity: Mace or Weapon Familiarity: Hand Axe (1)
- Weapon Familiarity: Spear (1)
- Social Limitation: Subject to Mustering (-10)
While the officers in the Calafian
militia are all members of the nobility, nearly all hold no rank
above that of Knight. Calafian Militia Officer add the following
to the package; this addition increases the package cost to 10
- Knowledge Skill: Heraldry (3)
- Nobility: Knight (1)
- Oratory (3)
- Riding (3)
- +2 with Tactics (4)
- Social Limitation: Occupation (Military Officer)(-10)
Farmer Package (3 Points): Outside of
scattered mining communities, the fishing-and-commerce port cities of
the Tan Lemenar islands, and centers of commerce and manufacturing like
Povero, farming is the primary "industry" of the Young Kingdoms.
Farms and farm products form the basis for the world's economy.
- Animal handler (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Animal Husbandry 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Farming Techniques 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Crop Plants (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Weather Prediction (3)
- Professional Skill: Farmer (3)
- Trading (3)
- Psychological Limitation: Kinship with the Land (-15)
Fisherman Package (7 Points): This
package addresses the large-scale "industrial" fisherman who goes onto
the water in a big boat fully crewed in order to pull his livelihood
from the grasp of the water. Fishermen can be found in the coastal
areas, as well as on the towns bordering the larger lakes, especially
Lake Kalaif, the Sea of Storms (which is actually the largest freshwater
lake in Taranche), and other "inland seas".
- Knowledge Skill: Fish (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Fishing Techniques 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Rope Use 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Weather Prediction (3)
- Navigation (3)
- Professional Skill: Fisherman (3)
- Professional Skill: Sailor (3)
- Trading (3)
- Transport Familiarity: Small Windpowered Boats (2)
- Psychological Limitation: Kinship with the Sea (-15)
Grifter (26 Points): Grifters, shills,
and confidence men ply their trade across the Young Kingdoms, fooling
other people into giving the grifter their money in the hope of some
highly profitable, yet totally imaginary, return.
- Acting + 1 (5)
- Analyze Motive and Intentions (3)
- Bribery (3)
- Conversation (3)
- Cramming (5)
- Deduction (3)
- Disguise (3)
- Forgery (3)
- High Society (3)
- Mimicry (3)
- Oratory (3)
- Persuasion (3)
- Professional SKill: Appraiser 11 or less (2)
- Seduction (3)
- Sleight of Hand (3)
- Social Limitation: Occupation (Grifter)(-15)
Healer Package
(2 Points): Healers are practiced in the medical arts.
They use the land around them as a pharmacopia, and apply that
knowledge to healing the sick and curing injuries.
- Knowledge Skill: Remedies and Medicines (3)
- Paramedic (Healing) + 1 (5)
- Professional Skill: Healer (3)
- Science Skill: Natural Philosophy 11 or less (3)
- Science Skill: Physiology (3)
- Psychological Limitation: Must Help Those in Need (-15)
Pentitent Package (9 Points): Criminal justice among the
Khazak dwarves is generally swift and harsh. Mutilation,
branding, and death are the most common punishments for crimes
against other Khazak. But in some cases (especially in
cases of blasphemy), the individual Khazak is given a chance to
atone for his crime. These Khazak become penitents, sworn
to seek out the enemies of his race and kill them and kill them
and kill them until there are either no more enemies or his last
drop of blood has been spilt trying to kill them. He is
fearless, unsubtle, and in some cases more of a danger to any
companions he might have than he is to the enemy he is hunting.
(When constructing the character, the player must choose one of
the following as the chosen enemy: Dragons, Giants, Goblins,
Kobolds, Ogres, Orcs, or Trolls.
Penitents are marked as such by the
extensive tatooing across the upper part of their faces, their
neck and shoulders, and the tops of their shaven heads. In
addition, their beards have been permanently burned off with a
flame, leaving the bottom of their faces scarred.
Other dwarves (including the
Durindan) look on a penitent with a mixture of disdain at the
thought of the crime the penitent must have committed, and
respect for the penitent's wish to redeem himself through
combat. No penitent will ever divulge the nature of his
crime; asking about it is considered rude at best and insulting
at worst.
- Constitution +3 (6)
- Ego +3 (6)
- Berserk Fury (16 Points)
- Combat Skill Level: +4 with Hand-to-Hand Combat - Only When
Fighting Chosen Enemy Species (-½) (13)
- Defense Maneuver IV (10)
- Fringe Benefit: May Demand Shelter and Food From Any Dwarven House
- Knowledge Skill: Chosen Enemy Species +1 (5)
- Rapid Attack: Hand-to-Hand (5)
- Tracking (3)
- Psychological Limitation: Seeks Death In Combat Against His Chosen
Enemy (-20)
- Psychological Limitation: Utterly Fearless (-20)
- Social Limitation: Beardless (-5)
Knight Package (10 Points): Mounted
knights form the elite fighting forces of several of the Young Kingdoms.
Each Order of Knighthood is distinct in their training and vows.
Order of the Banner and Sceptre:
Knights of the Banner are members of an old, distinct, and traditional
order. All of its members are blooded nobility of ancient
lineage dating back to the early days of the Empire.
Order of the Blue Rose: The members of
this order of knighthood are the defenders of the status quo in
Soravia. They are elitists, and tend to look down on those of
inferior station with disdain and ridicule. While they take
their vows of honor and justice seriously, their definition of who is
worth of honor and justice excludes most commoners.
Order of the Griffin: Knights of the
Griffin are sword defenders of Calafia, and the personal guard of the
king. They differ from most other orders of knighthood in that
most of them began life as commoners and were elevated in reward for
acts of heroism in service to the Kingdom.
- Combat Skill Level: 8 points of Combat Skill Levels spent as
determined by the player. (8)
- High Society (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Heraldry 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Orders of Knighthood 11 or less (2)
- Language Skill: Literacy in His Primary Language (1)
- Nobility: Knight (1)
- Riding +2 (7)
- Weapon Familiarity: Common Melee Weapons (2)
- Weapon Familiarity: Lance (1)
- Choose Two:
- Conversation (3)
- Paramedic (Healing) (3)
- Oratory (3)
- Persuasion (3)
- Riding (3)
- Seduction (3)
- Tactics (3)
- Social Limitation: Expected to Follow Their Order's Code of
Conduct (-10)
- Social Limitation: Member of the Nobility (-10)
Note that the paladinic orders of such deities as Ausonius, Artorus,
and Lampronus are all considered orders of knighthood as well.
Sailor (10 Points): The Lemenari are renown for their
ability as seaman, using the sealanes to trade from the entire
length of the Sea of Horses as far south as the southern edge of
the Burning Sands and as far north as the Ice Islands.
- Swimming +2" (4)
- Climbing (3)
- Combat Sailing (3)
- Language Skill: 6 Points of Language Skills (6)
- Martial Arts: 12 points of Maneuvers from Lemenari Knife Fighting
- Navigation (Oceanic Navigation) (3)
- Professional Skill: Rope Use 11 or less (2)
- Professional SKill: Sailor 11 or less (2)
- Weapon Proficiency: Knives (1)
- Transport Familiarity: Four Points of Transport Familiarities
related to Watercraft. (4)
- Choose One:
- Concealment (3)
- Gambling (3)
- Professional Skill: Smuggler (3)
- Professional Skill: Predict Weather (3)
- Streetwise (3)
- Trading (3)
- Psychological Limitation: Looks Down on "Landlubbers" (-10)
- Psychological Limitation: Superstitious (-10)
- Social Limitation: Seen as Pirate, Whether He Is or Not (-10)
Merchant Package (8 Points): Merchants
and traders are the economic lifeblood of the Young Kingdoms. If
someone in one place wants something that can only be acquired somewhere
else, you may rest assured that a merchant is on his way to bring it to
his new customer.
- Area Knowledge: Trade Routes +1 (4)
- Contacts: Any Three Business-Related Contacts at 11 or less (6)
- Knowledge Skill: Trade Laws and Regulations 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Research Techniques 11 or less (2)
- Professional Skill: Apparaiser +1 (4)
- Trading +1 (5)
- Well Connected (3)
- Choose Three of the Following:
- Area Knowledge: Specific City (3)
- Bribery (3)
- Concealment (3)
- Contact: Highly Placed Official 8 or less (3)
- Credential: Membership in an Appropriate Merchant's Guilds and
Contact: Any One Contact at 11 or less (3)
- Forgery (3)
- High Society (3)
- Psychological Limitation: Profit Driven (-15)
- Reputation: Would Do Anything to Make a Predes 11 or less (-10)
Package (8 Points): In the Young Kingdoms, a philosopher
is not only one who thinks deep thoughts about the human
condition (in other words, the modern idea of a philosopher),
he's also a scientist, scholar, artist, and inventor in the
tradition of Aristotle, Eratosthenes, Bacon, Galileo, and Da
- Conversation (3)
- Deduction (3)
- Oratory (3)
- Players Choice: 9 Points of Knowledge Skills or Science Skills, in
Any Combination (9)
- Professional Skill: Philosopher (3)
- Professional Skill: Scribe (3)
- Scholar (3)
- Choose: Three points spent as the player chooses on the following
- Animal Handler
- Artistis Skill (Player's Choice)
- Bureaucratics
- Inventor
- Persuasion
- Psychological Limitation: Gets Arrogant When His Conclusions Are
Questions by the Ignorant (-5)
- Psychological Limitation: Scientific Curiosity (-15)
Slave Package (5 Points): Slavery
is common in Soravia, some parts of the Broken Kingdom, in
some of the city-states along the Lost Coast, among the Chayk,
and in some of the Border Cities. The Social Limitation
can be changed to Freed Slave or Escaped Slave,
as appropriate, with no change in the point value.
- Constitution: +3 (6)
- Endurance: +10 (5)
- Knowledge Skill: One Form of Simple Entertaiment (Nine Men's
Morris, Draughts, Mumblepeg, etc.) 11 or less (2)
- Professional Skill: Laborer 11 or less (2)
- Professional Skill: One Specific Type of Manual Labor
(Stonecutting, Farming, Blacksmithing, etc.) 11 or less (2)
- Workhorse (4)
- Social Limitation: Slave (-15)
Sorcerer Package (50 Points): As
spellcasters, sorcerers differ from wizards in that their
spellcasting ability is gained through a natural talent rather
than study and understanding of arcane formulae.
Sorcerers gain this talent through a connection to some
supernatural entity in their family line. The exact
nature of that supernatural entity determines the details of
the Sorcerer package. Once a particular bloodline
package has been taken by a specific character, that character
may not take another.
The base Sorcerer's package is common to all
bloodlines and contains the following:
- Knowledge Skill: Magical Research 11 or less
- Knowledge Skill: Spellcraft (3)
- Professional Skill: Sorcerer (3)
- Talent: The
Gift (10)
- Sorcerer's Spell Pool:
Variable Point Power Pool (40) - No Skill Roll Required (+1), 0 Phase
to Change Spells (+1)(100 Active Points); Only Arcane Magic (-½), Very
Limited List of Spells Known (-¼),
Variable Limitation (-¼; each spell must
take -½ of limitations from Extra Time, Concentration, Incantation,
Gesture, or Limited Range in any combination at a minimum) (67
In addition to the base package, all
sorcerers are required to select one (and only one... no character ever
has more than one) bloodline types. The appropriate spell-like
abilities and disadvantages are then added to the Package.
Angelic Bloodline: One of
the character's distant ancestors was native to one of the
heavenly realms. Such characters are likely to be tall
for their race, and physically beautiful and impressive.
They are almost always goodly in nature, though this is by no
means certain. Angelic sorcerers are decisive,
compassionate, and determined. They tend to start
adventuring out of an urge to combat evil, aid others, and
sometimes both.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Light-Based Spells (3)
- Create Light: Sight
Group Images - Increased Size (16" radius; +1), 0 Endurance
Cost (+½), (Active Cost: 25 Points); 1 Continuing Charge
Lasting 20 Minutes (-½), Only to Create Light (-1), Delayed
Phase (-¼), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Necromantic
Spells (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Once A Decision is Made, The
Decision is Stuck To (-15)
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Darkness-Based Magics
Diabolic Bloodline: One of the
character's distant ancestors was native to one of the hellish
realms. Such characters tend to be darker in coloration,
and tend to be more hirsute than normal for their race.
Diabolic sorcerers are almost always evil in nature, though
this is by no means certain. They can be prone to greedy
and lustful behavior, and have no compunctions about bending
or even breaking the law to their own benefit. The evil
inside of them tends to drive such characters: those that are
trying to overcome their darker impulses are haunted and
adventure out of a sense of restless longing for peace.
Those that accept their nature often simply enjoy killing and
the adventurer's life is a perfect outlet.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Darkness-Based Spells
- Create Darkness:
Darkness to Sight Group, 2" radius - Personal Immunity (+¼)
(25 Active Points); No Range (-½), 1 Continuing Charge
Lasting 20 Minutes (-½), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Delayed
Phase (-¼), Gestures (-¼)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Light-Based
Spells (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Amoral (-15)
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Light-Based Spells (-10)
Draconic Bloodline: One of
the character's distant ancestors was a dragon. Such
characters tend to be proud, and of noble bearing if not
birth. Others sometimes see them as arrogant and
obsessive, but the Draconic sorcerer tends to feel his
attitudes are justified. Draconic sorcerers love
knowledge and beautiful items, and they often adventure to
acquire one or the other.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Battle Magic Spells (3)
- Comprehend Languages:
Universal Translator - 1 Continuing Charge Lasting 6 Hours
(+0) (20 Active Points); Extra Time, Only to Activate
Constant or Persistent Power (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -¾),
Concentration (0 DCV; -½)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Spells Based
on an Elemental Type (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) of the
Player's Choosing (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Arrogant (-15)
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Spells Based on Their
Forbidden Elemental Type (-10)
Elemental Air Bloodline: One of
the character's distant ancestors was a creature of elemental
air. The character is likely to be pale in complexion,
with wild, unkept hair and light blue eyes. Air
Sorcerors tend toward gentleness and a strong appreciation for
beauty, but are moody and have terrible tempers if provoked.
Restless, characters with this bloodline often start
adventuring out of a need for doing something and going
somewhere different.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Air-Based Spells (3)
- Obscuring Mist: Darkness to
Sight Group, 2" radius - Personal Immunity (+¼) (25 Active
Points); No Range (-½), 1 Continuing Charge Lasting 20
Minutes (-½), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Delayed Phase (-¼),
Gestures (-¼)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Spells
Involving the Element Earth (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Moody (-15)
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Spelled Involving the
Element Earth (-10)
Elemental Earth Bloodline: One of
the character's distant ancestors was a creature of elemental
earth. The character probably has a hardy, solidly built
body and dark coloration. Earth sorcerers are often
considered by others to be hidebound and unchanging; while
there is some truth to this, its more correct to say that
earth sorcerers are simply comfortable with the way things
are. They are also tough, determined, and unwavering in
their goals. They generally enjoy being underground, so
they like to delve into caves and dungeons and other
subterranean areas.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Earth-Based Spells (3)
- Fist of Stone: Hand
Attack: +4d6 - Costs Endurance to Turn On (-¼), Hand-to-Hand
Attack (-½), 1 Continuing Charge Lasting 20 Minutes (-½),
Delayed Phase (-¼)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Spells
Involving Element Air (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Headstrong (-15)
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Spelled Involving the
Element Earth (-10)
Elemental Fire Bloodline: One of
the character's distant ancestors was a creature of elemental
fire. The character is likely to have either fiery red
or coal black hair and either smoky gray or golden eyes.
Usually hot-tempered and unpredictable, fire sorcerers can be
ruthless, passionate, egotistic, and prone to destructive
behavior. They usually adventure for the chance at
personal fame and glory.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Fire-Based Spells (3)
- Plume of Fire:
Ranged Killing Attack 1d6 - Area Of Effect (4" Cone; +1) (30
Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Gestures (-1/4), Requires
Both Hands (-1/4), No Range (-1/2), Concentration (½ DCV;
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Spells
Involving the Element Water (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Ruthless and Unpredictable
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Spelled Involving the
Element Water (-10)
Elemental Water Bloodline: One of
the character's distant ancestors was a creature of elemental
water. The character is likely to be pale complected,
with blue or green tinges. They are adaptable, quick
witted, and hard to fool or surprise, but sometimes seem cold
and distant to others. Water sorcerers are often driven
to always move forward and overcome any obstacle.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Water-Based Spells (3)
- Water Breathing:
Life Support (Expanded Breathing: May Breath in Water) - 1
Continuing Charge Lasting 6 Hours (+0), Persistent (+½),
Usable By Others (x8 Number of Targets +1) (12 Active
Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -½)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Spells
Involving the Element Fire (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Ruthless and Unpredictable
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Spelled Involving the
Element Fire (-10)
Fey Bloodline: One of the
character's distant ancestors was a faerie creature.
Fey-blooded characters have widely varying appearances, but
usually have some unusual feature that marks them as such,
such as strange hair or eye color. Fey sorcerers possess
keen intellects, but tend to be rash and impulsive, and are
sometimes fickle. They are quick to laugh, though, and
have pleasant senses of humor. They adventure primarily
out of a sense of alienation, seeking some place that they
truly belong.
- Combat Skill Level: +1 OCV with Enchantment Spells (3)
- Glamour: Shape Shift vs. Sight
Groups, Any Shape (37 Active Points) - Costs Endurance Only to Change
Shape (+¼); No Gross Anatomical Changes (Only to Change Details About
the Character's Features (Hair Color, Eye Color, Skin Tone, Hair
Length, Etc., Rather Than Body Shape)(-1½), Delayed Phase (-¼),
Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Character's Reflection Retains Natural
Appearance (-¼), Character's Appearance Reverts Automatically If The
Character Comes Into Contact With Cold Iron (-½), Gestures (-¼)(8)
- Physical Limitation: Incapable of Casting Necromantic Magic Spells
- Psychological Limitation: Rash and Impulsive (-15)
- Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Necromantic Spells (-10)
Spellsinger Package (20 Points):
Spellsingers are the most unique of all the types of spellscasters, and
also perhaps the most limited. Their magical power comes from
harnessing sound and music as a magical force. Among all of the
spellcasters, only priests are more widely accepted among the common
- Artistic Skill: Musical Intstrument (3)
- Artistic Skill: Singing (3)
- Artistic Skill: Spellsinging (3)
- Ear for Music: Perfect Pitch
- Knowledge Skill: Music + 1 (4)
- Language Skill: Musical Notation (Written Only) (1)
- Professional Skill: Spellsinger (3)
- Spellsong Multipower:
Multipower with a 40 point pool, built with the following limitations:
Spells Must Have Music-Related/Sound Related Special Effects (-0),
Incantations (-½), Gestures (Throughout, Both Hands; -¾), OAF: Musical
Instrument (Fragile; -1¼), Requires an Artistic Skill: Spellsinging
Roll (-½)
and an additional 10 points worth of spell slots, chosen by the
player. (20)
- Psychological Limitation: Fascinated with Music (-15)
Troubadour Package (13 Points):
Troubadours are traveling musicians and storytellers. They wander
the land, always seeking a new story or tale and bringing the news with
them as they travel. They tend to adventure for the love of a good
story; being in the company of heroes tends to generate tales as a side
- Conversation (3)
- High Society (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Legends and Lore (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Tales and Stories (3)
- Language Skill: Literacy in their Primary Language (1)
- Musical Talent: 12 Points of
Music- and Storytelling-related Knowledge, Artistic, and Professional
Skills (12)
- Oratory (3)
- Persuasion (3)
- Seduction (3)
- Choose Four:
- Acrobatics (3)
- Acting (3)
- Breakfall (3)
- Climbing (3)
- Contact: Three Points of Contacts as Defined by the Player (3)
- Cramming (3)
- Disguise (3)
- Gambling (3)
- Jack-of-All-Trades (3)
- Linguist (3)
- Lip Reading (3)
- Lockpicking (3)
- Mimicry (3)
- Perfect Pitch (3)
- Sleight of Hand (3)
- Streetwise (3)
- Ventriloquism (3)
- Well-Connected (3)
- Psychological Limitation: Lives for the Tale (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Natural Wanderer (-15)
Wizard Package (39 Points): As
spellcasters, wizards differ from sorcerers in that their spellcasting
ability is gained through study and understanding of arcane formulae
rather than through a natural talent. Wizards gain this
understanding while apprenticed to other, more experienced and skilled
wizards. Such apprenticeships are never easy, and when they are
through the wizard has more than earned his place among his fellow
- Analyze Magic 8 or less (1)
- Knowledge Skill: Arcane Lore (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Magical Research (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Single Type of Magic (3)*
- Power Skill: Single Magic Type (3)*
- Power Skill: 12 Points of Magic-Related Power Skills (12)
- Professional Skill: Wizard (3)
- Professional Skill: Scribe 8 or less (1)
- Wizardly Knowledge: 12 Points
of Magic-Related Knowledge or Science Skills (12)
Wizard's Spell Pool: Variable Point Power Pool (40) -
Only Arcane Magic (-½), May Only Change Spells With A Spell Book and
Study Time (-½), All Spells Must Have 1 Charge (-¼), Variable
Limitation (-¼; each spell must take -½ of limitations from Extra
Time, Concentration, Incantation, Gesture, or Limited Range in Any
Combination at a Minimum)(48)
- Psychological Limitation: Fascinated with Magic (-15)
- Psychological Limitation: Elitist Attitude (-15)
- Rivalry: Professional Rivalry with Other Wizards (-10)
* These two skills must involve the same type of magic.
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