Unless otherwise specifically
altered or contradicted in these house rule pages, the rules found in
the 5th Edition Hero System apply at all times.
Genre Conventions: In general,
Powers possessed by characters will either be in the form of
spells, spell-like abilities, or magical items of some sort or
another. There are exceptions, naturally (especially when
it comes to Enhanced Senses, Running, and so on). The
player should get pre-approval for any powers his character
Forbidden Powers: The following powers may not be taken: Density
Increase, Faster-Than-Light Travel, Growth.
Restricted Powers: The following powers may only be taken with
prior permission of the GM: Extra-Dimensional Movement, Hand-to-Hand
Attack, Life Support, Teleportation
Half Dice: Powers must always be bought
in whole dice. The sole exceptions are martial arts maneuvers
that, according to the rule, grant a half-die attack.
Minimum Endurance Cost: Unless a power has an Endurance Cost of 0, it requires an
expenditure of at least 1 point of Endurance per character phase to
maintain. For example, a flying character is required to expend 1
point of Endurance per phase to hover in place.
Pushing: Powers may not be pushed.
Adjustment Powers: Magical spells and
spell-like abilities have multiple special effects. First, they
all have "Magic" as a special effect. Second, they have the type
of magic (i.e., Body Magic, Necromancy, Rune Magic, and so on) that is
applicable as a special effect. And lastly, they have appropriate
special effects depending on what the spell does. As such, any
adjustment power affecting any of the spell's special effects target and
affect the power as normal. For example, a Fireball spell has the
special effects Magic, Battle Magics, and Fire. An
adjustment power that affects any one of those three special effects
would affect the Fireball spell.
For the purpose of this rule, Dispel is considered an Adjustment
Mental Powers: For the purposes of
what sort of creatures are affected by Mental Powers, all humanoid or
demi-human creatures (dwarves, orcs, centaurs, etc.) count as "Human
Minds". All other minds either count as Animal minds (generally
for unthinking animals and monsters) or Alien minds (demons and some of
the weirder monsters). "Machine Minds" is not a valid category in
these campaigns.
- A character cannot
use his own powers and abilities on himself in order to absorb them.
- Affects
Non-Damaging Attacks (+½):
this Advantage, the character can absorb the effects of attacks
which normally cause no damage (such as Flash attacks) if the attacks
match the character's special effect.
- Empathic (-½):
Aid purchased
with this Limitation represents Aid which drains an equivalent amount
of points from the character as it gives to the target. The
points drained return at the usual rate.
- Must Be
Ingested (-¼):
This limitation represents a drug or other chemical that must enter
the bloodstream to be effective.
- Temporary (-2):
This limitation represents Aid that is fleeting. After a single
12 phase turn, all benefits from temporary Aid vanish completely.
- Succor: This
option is being used, and may be purchased by the character.
However, it may not be purchased with the 0 Endurance Cost
Non-magical Armor is limited to +8 PD/+8 ED.
Change Environment:
- This can be used to create positive
and beneficial effects (such as warmer and more pleasant environment,
bonuses to rolls, etc).
- Multiple Combat Effects
(+5 Points): With this adder, a character can buy more than one
combat effect with a single Change Environment power. The
character can choose which of the combat effects to use whenever he
activates the power; he can use one, some, or all of them as he
- Varying Combat Effects
(+10 Points): This adder allows the character to switch among
different combat effects with a single Change Environment power.
The character buys the power with the most expensive combat effect,
and whenever he activates the power can choose to use instead any
combat effect of equal or lesser value than the one specifically
Technically a
character with Desolidification can turn his power on and off to
make people miss as a zero phase action relying on a good Fast Draw
or Dexterity roll. This is abusive and is not allowed.
Dispel: Characteristics
cannot be dispelled. They may, however, be Suppressed.
Drain: The Body characteristic is immune
to Drain.
Enhanced Senses:
- Unless
specifically constructed otherwise, all characters are assumed to
have the five basic human senses. Normal Sight and Normal Hearing
are automatically considered to be Discriminatory. Enhanced Senses are
grouped according to their special effects, regardless of how they are
purchased. For example, if a character has the power to smell
water, his Detect Water is considered part of his Smell/Taste
senses. All such senses are affected by sense-affecting powers
that target the appropriate sense group.
- The sense of smell is covered in the
official Hero Games FAQ, which says: "The Smell/Taste Sense
Group provides the following Sense Modifiers: Discriminatory,
Range (Smell only), Sense. The Discriminatory effect provided by
the Smell/Taste Group is not the full Discriminatory obtained by
buying that Sense Modifier, but rather an effect of somewhat
cruder degree (for example, a character can tell a steak from a
potato by smell or taste, but can't necessary identify every
ingredient in either dish). Characters can make Normal Smell or
Normal Taste (or the entire Smell/Taste Sense Group) fully
Discriminatory by paying the usual cost."
- Enhanced Senses belonging to a
sense group normally considered Targeting automatically become
Targeting for no extra cost. The same applies to
Discriminatory (but not Analyze), Sense, and Telescopic.
- Enhanced Senses may not be linked.
- Entangles are not
automatically considered to have an area effect. If you wish
your Entangle to have an area effect, you have to purchase it with the
Area Effect advantage.
- Hardening (-1):
This advantage represents an Entangle that is relatively soft when it
first enwraps its target, but gets harder and stronger as time goes
on. In game mechanics terms, the Entangle begins with only
one-half of the total Defense and Body rolled. It then gains +1
point of Defense and Body per phase until it has reached its maximum
potential value.
Deteriorates (-¼
or -½): This
Limitation represents an Entangle that slowly gets weaker and weaker
with time. At -¼, the Entangle loses 1 DEF per turn. At -½, it loses
1 DEF per phase.
- Does Not Prevent The
Use Of Accessible Foci (-1):
An Entangle with this limitation does not prevent the Entangled
character from using most Foci. (The GM decides when and if the
Entangled character can use his Foci.)
- Shapeshifting cannot
be made Always On, though it can be made Persistent. In
addition, the Useable On Others Advantage may not be taken with this
Clothing Does Not
Change With Shapeshifting (-¼):
This Limitation is self-explanatory.
Limited Effect (-¼): Shapeshift with
this Limitation does not completely change the character. For
example the character might be able to transform himself from a
6'4", 220 pound male into a 5'1" 98 pound female, but when
he speaks, he speaks with his normal male voice. The player must
define what does not change about him.
The Body characteristic is immune
to Suppress.
Normally, Suppress must be purchased to work against a single specific
power or characteristic, such as Energy Blasts or Dexterity. The
following advantages take the place of the ones given in the book:
Suppress Any Power
Of A Given Special Effect (+½):
This allows the character to suppress all powers and
characteristics applicable to a certain special effect, but only
one at a time. An example would be Suppress vs. All Fire
Suppress Any
Power, Regardless Of Special Effect (+1): This allows the
character to suppress all powers or characteristics he chooses,
but only one at a time.
For the purposes of holding an object, Telekinesis is a continuous
power. For the purposes of applying damage (such as when
Telekinesis is used to throw, punch, or squeeze a character),
Telekinesis is an instant power.
Affects Porous (+10 Points):
Telekinesis cannot normally affect liquids; this adder allows
Telekinesis to do so. The amount of liquid the character can
affect depends on his or her Telekinetic Strength. A character can
use Telekinesis with this adder to form liquids into rough shapes; to
sculpt the liquids into complex shapes requires Fine Manipulation and
Artistic Skill: Sculptor. Telekinesis with this adder can affect
gases, smoke, and mists, but only if they also have the Area of
Effect Advantage.
Telepathy: When used only for
communication, using telepathy is a 0 phase action, just like any
other soliloquy.
Teleportation: Can Only Teleport
To Certain Locations is
either a -½ or a -1 limitation.
Characters who can only use Teleportation with this Limitation to
travel only to a character's Fixed or Floating Locations. If
the character has only Fixed Locations, its worth -1. If the
character has both types of Locations, its worth -½.
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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca
Butler, and is their solely owned property. The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are
works of collaborative fiction. All the characters and events
portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or
are used fictitiously. Except where otherwise specifically
noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all
Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright
1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights
reserved under International Copyright Convention. Submitting
material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background
information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche grants
Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish,
in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche.
The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways
unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of
Taranche. This website was
designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless
otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player
characters which are the creations of their respective players, all
material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.
No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without
the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.
Fantasy Hero and the
Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero
Games, Inc. No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made
or implied by this site. |