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Martial Arts

Unless otherwise specifically altered or contradicted in these house rule pages, the rules found in the 5th Edition Hero System apply at all times.

Martial Arts Packages: If the character takes at least twelve points of maneuvers from a single martial art, plus at least eight points of that art's associated skills, the character is awarded a martial arts package bonus.  This bonus is equal to the total cost of all maneuvers, skill levels, extra damage classes, and associated skills in the package divided by 5. The bonus is then subtracted from the total cost of the martial arts package.  The minimum cost for a Martial Arts package is thus 16 points.


Archery is the art of the bow, one of the oldest weapons in the human arsenal.  This art uses the Bow weapons group, and as such that weapon element is free.

Maneuver OCV DCV Range Effect Cost
Basic Shot +0 OCV +0 DCV +2 RNG Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Defensive Shot -1 OCV +2 DCV +0 RNG Weapon Strike 3
Distance Shot +0 OCV -2 DCV +6 RNG Weapon Strike; +1 Segment 5
Far Shot +1 OCV -1 DCV +4 RNG Weapon Strike 5
Quick Shot +1 OCV +0 DCV +0 RNG Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Ranged Disarm +0 OCV +0 DCV +0 RNG Disarm, +15 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Knowledge Skill: Archery
Professional Skill: Bowyer
Professional Skill: Fletcher
Weapon Familiarity: Bows

Hit Locations: All maneuvers take a 3d6 location roll except for Ranged Disarm, which takes no roll.


The Art of the Axe

This martial art was originally developed by the Dwarves.  Up until the conquest of the Durindan it was considered a violation of custom to teach this fighting style to outsiders.  Since then, knowledge of it has passed from the dwarves to those warriors of other races who favor the axe as a weapon.

This martial art is used with the Axes/Maces/Hammers/Picks Weapon Group, and thus that Weapon Element is free.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Avoidance ----- +5 DCV Dodge, Abort, Affects All Attacks 4
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Chop/Smash -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Cleave +1 OCV +3 DCV Weapon Strike 4
Side Slash +0 OCV +2 DCV Weapon Strike + 2 DC 4
Knowledge Skill: The Art of the Axe
Weapon Familiarity: Axe/Maces/Hammers/Picks
Weapon Element: Use Art With Clubs
Weapon Element: Use Art With Blades

Hit Locations: The Side Slash takes a 3d6 location roll.  The Chop/Smash takes 2d6+1.  The Cleave takes 2d6+7.

Body Harmony

Body Harmony was developed by the Church of Metilius as a meditation tool, not as a true fighting art.  When correctly practiced, the movements are slow and graceful, requiring the full concentration of the priest.  However, when performed quickly, it serves as an unarmed combat style.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Palm Slap/Kick -2 OCV +1 DCV Strength + 4d6 Strike 5
Root +0 OCV +0 DCV Block, +15 Strength for Resisting Shove, Abort 4
Shove +0 OCV +0 DCV +15 Strength to Shove 4
Strike +1 OCV +2 DCV Strength + 2d6 Strike, Must Follow Block 4
Knowledge Skill: Body Harmony
Knowledge Skill: Meditation

Hit Locations: The Palm Slap maneuver take 2d6+1 location rolls.  The Kick takes a 3d6 location roll.  None of the other maneuvers take location rolls.

Choyen Stick Fighting

This traditional martial art was developed by the Choyen tribe thousands of years before they were brought into the Taor Empire.  It was originally used as a secret weapon among Choyen resistance fighters, but as resistance died out, the art came into the open and began to be openly taught and practiced.  It slowly spread to other parts of the Empire, where it isn't unknown but is rarely taught.

Choyen stick fighting traditionally uses a pair of 30" long wooden rods, but anything that general shape and toughness can be used.  The art also includes a few barehanded maneuvers that cannot be learned unless the character takes Weapon Element: Barehanded.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Kick +0 OCV +2 DCV Strength + 2d6 Strike 4
Nerve Strike -1 OCV +1 DCV 2d6 NND (4 DC) 4
Sidestep ----- +5 DCV Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4
Punch +2 OCV +0 DCV Strength + 2d6 Strike 4
Strike in Reply +2 OCV +2 DCV Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block 4
Takedown +1 OCV +1 DCV Weapon Strike, Target Falls 3
Knowledge Skill: Choyen Stick Fighting
Weapon Familiarity: Off Hand
Weapon Element: Barehanded

Hit Locations: The Punch and Kick takes a 2d6+1 location roll.  The Nerve Strike takes a 2d6+1 roll unless the character has taken the Barehanded weapon element, in which case it takes a 3d6 location roll.  The Strike in Reply and Takedown take a 3d6 location roll.  The other maneuvers do not take location rolls.

(Light Blade Fighting)

Fencing was developed some time during the early years of the reign of Emperor Maximillius III, nearly five hundred years before the fall of the Empire, though some elements of the art predate that time.  It makes use of long, thin, light blades (especially rapier and sabre) and knives (including stilettos, daggers, and longknives).  This art uses the Fencing Blades weapon subgroup (a subgroup that includes rapier, sabre, and cutlasses), and thus get that element for free.  In addition to the Fencing Blades group, the character may purchase the Cloak weapon element, allowing the character to use the Bind and Snap maneuvers.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Cloak Bind +1 OCV -2 DCV Bind, +10 Strength to Hold On 4
Cut +2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon Strike 3
Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Dodge ----- +5 DCV Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4
Escaping Blade +0 OCV +0 DCV +15 Strength to Escape Bind 4
Grip -1 OCV -2 DCV Grab One Limb, Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 3
Lunge +1 OCV -2 DCV Weapon + 4 DC 5
Parry +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Responding Strike +2 OCV +2 DCV Weapon + 2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block 4
Rushing Strike +2 OCV -2 DCV Weapon + v/5", Full Move 4
Sidestep Slash +2 OCV +2 DCV Weapon + Foe's v/5" 3
Slash -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Takeaway +0 OCV +0 DCV Grab Weapon, +10 Strength to Take Weapon Away 5
Tap Step +2 OCV -2 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike, Half Move Required 5
Thrust +1 OCV +3 DCV Weapon Strike 5
Trip +2 OCV -1 DCV Strength + 1d6 Strike, Target Falls 3
Two and Two +2 OCV +2 DCV Weapon + 2 DC, Must Follow Predefined Maneuver 4
Knowledge Skill: Fencing
Sleight of Hand*
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Familiarity: Fencing Blades
Weapon Familiarity: Off-Hand
Weapon Element: Cloak

Hit Locations: The Tap Step, Cut, Two and Two, Sidestep Slash, Lunge, Riposte, Slash, and Thrust maneuvers take a location roll of 3d6 when used with a long blade, or 2d6+1 when used with a short blade (like a dagger).  The In Passing maneuver takes a 2d6+7 location roll.  The other maneuvers do not take location rolls.

* A practiced Fencer can gain a +1 OCV for the next phase with a successful Feint.  This is purchased as the Sleight of Hand skill.


Hitting another person with a fist may well be the oldest martial art in Taranche, reaching back into the darkest ages of history.  Some cultures, including the Jaris and the Barind, turned basic empty handed fighting into a sporting art on which much money is bet during the competitive seasons.  Its a more refined fighting style than simple brawling.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Hooked Punch -2 OCV +1 DCV Strength + 4d6 Strike 5
Jab +2 OCV +1 DCV Strength Strike 3
Punch +1 OCV +0 DCV Strength + 2d6 Strike 3
Knowledge Skill: Fisticuffs
Weapon Element: Use Art With Cesti

Hit Locations: The Hooked Punch and Punch both take location rolls of 2d6+1.  The Jab automatically targets the head, but does not cause any extra damage from striking. The Block doesn't take a location roll.


Lemenari Knife-Fighting

This fighting art, which originated among the merchant seaman crews, was created for use with a sailor's folding knife, called the punal.  Its has since been adapted for use with nearly any short, bladed weapon.  In the past few centuries, its been adapted for use with the chuchinal, a light knife better designed for throwing than the punal.  Some sailors have also adapted it for use with belaying pins and other easily acquired ship-board clubs.

Characters cannot use this art barehanded (except for the Dodge and Grab maneuvers).  This art is used with the Blades weapon group, and thus gains the Blades weapon element for free.

Maneuver OCV DCV Range Effect Cost
Basic Throw +0 OCV +0 DCV +2 RNG Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV ----- Block, Abort 4
Change +2 OCV +0 DCV ----- Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Defensive Throw -1 OCV +2 DCV +0 RNG Weapon Strike 3
Dodge ----- +5 DCV ----- Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4
Grab +0 OCV -1 DCV ----- Grab One Limb, +10 Strength for Holding On 3
Quick Throw +1 OCV +0 DCV +0 RNG Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Slash +0 OCV +2 DCV ----- Weapon + 2 DCV Strike 4
Stab -2 OCV +1 DCV ----- Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Thrust +1 OCV +3 DCV ----- Weapon Strike 5
Fast Draw (Knife)
Knowledge Skill: Lemenari Knife-Fighting
Sleight of Hand
Weapon Familiarity: Blades
Weapon Familiarity: Off-hand
Weapon Element: Use Art with Clubs

Hit Locations: The Stab, Thrust, and Slash maneuvers all take a 2d6+1 location roll.  So does the Change maneuver, which involves shifting the knife from one hand to the other so quickly that the opponent misses it, leaving himself open to attack.  The ranged maneuvers take a 3d6 location roll.  The other maneuvers do not take location rolls.


Pike Fighting

Pike fighting is the art of using pikes, halberds, spears, and other polearms.  It isn't a very complicated art, comprised of only a handful of basic maneuvers, but they can be effective.  In pitched battles, favored targets are usually the enemy's horses and infantrymen's legs.  In addition to cutting and slashing with the blade, practitioners of pike fighting are trained to use the haft and butt of the weapon as well.  Using the Legweep maneuver requires the character to take the Staff weapons element for this purpose.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Legweep +2 OCV -1 DCV Strength + 1d6 Strike, Target Falls 3
Slash -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Thrust +0 OCV +2 DCV Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Knowledge Skill: Pike Fighting
Weapon Element: Staff

Hit Locations: The Slash and Thrust maneuvers all take a 3d6 hit location roll.  The Legsweep maneuver automatically targets the legs but does not cause any extra damage or suffer a penalty for doing so.  The Block maneuver naturally does not take a location roll.

Staff Fighting

Staff fighting is an ubitquitous martial art developed by nearly every culture of Taranche, and is probably the most common form of martial art.  The single exception known are the dwarves; no indigenous staff fighting art was ever developed by them.  The art of the staff uses a six-foot long staff (though halflings, goblings, and the other shorter races use shorter staves, naturally), held in both hands by the fighter.  This art uses the Staff Weapons Group, and thus gets that Weapon Element for free.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Bind +1 OCV +0 DCV Bind, +10 Strength 4
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Jab +1 OCV +3 DCV Weapon Strike 5
Legsweep +2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 1 DC Strike, Target Falls 3
Shove +0 OCV +0 DCV +15 Strength to Shove 4
Strike +0 OCV +2 DCV Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Smash -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Vital Strike -1 OCV -1 DCV 2d6 NND (4 DC) 4
Knowledge Skill: Staff Fighting
Two Weapon Fighting*
Weapon Familiarity: Staff

Hit Locations: The Vital Strike maneuver takes a 2d6+1 hit location.  The Smash and Strike maneuvers take 3d6 rolls.  The Legsweep automatically targets the legs, but does not suffer any Attack Roll or Damage penalties because of this.

* A Staff Fighting expert can sometimes make several attacks in rapid succession before his opponent can react.  This is bought as a form of Two Weapon Fighting.

Sword Fighting
(Heavy Blade Fighting)

This is the fighting art of the knight and squire.  It requires the use of blades such as the long sword, short sword, and broadsword.  As such, the Blades group weapon element is free.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Bind +1 OCV +0 DCV Bind, +10 Strength to Hold On 4
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Evade ----- +5 DCV Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4
Lightning Stroke +2 OCV +0 DCV Weapon + 2 DC Strike 4
Running Stroke +1 OCV +0 DCV Weapon + v/5", Full Move 5
Sacrifice Stroke +1 OCV -2 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Slashing Stroke -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 4 DC Strike 5
Takeaway +0 OCV +0 DCV Grab Weapon, +10 Strength to Take Weapon Away 5
Fast Draw
Defense Maneuver
Knowledge Skill: Sword Fighting
Weapon Familiarity: Blades
Weapon Familiarity: Off-Hand

Hit Locations: The Lightning Stroke, Sacrifice Stroke, and Slashing Stroke take location rolls of 3d6.  The Running Stroke takes a location roll of 2d6+1.  The Bind, Block, and Takeaway maneuvers do not take location rolls.


Taor Wrestling

No one is sure what the origins of this fighting system are; despite the name it predates the Empire (and those human kingdoms that predate the Empire). However, it was the primary unarmed combat style of the Imperial Army, and is still widely known.  It features grappling, joint-locks and -breaks, tripping, punching, and control techniques.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Escape +0 OCV +0 DCV +15 Strength vs. Grabs 4
Grapple -1 OCV -1 DCV Grab Two Limbs, +10 Strength for Holding On 3
Hip Throw +1 OCV +1 DCV Strength Strike, Target Falls 3
Joint Break -1 OCV -2 DCV Grab One Limb, ½d6 HKA (2 DC), Disable 5
Joint Lock +1 OCV +0 DCV Grab One Limb, +10 Strength for Holding On 3
Joint Lock/Throw +1 OCV +0 DCV Grab One Limb, 2d6 NND (4 DC), Target Falls 4
Legsweep +2 OCV -1 OCV Strength + 1d6 Strike, Target Falls 3
Strike +0 OCV +2 DCV Strength + 2d6 Strike 4
Takedown +1 OCV +1 DCV Strength Strike, Target Falls 3
Knowledge Skill: Taor Wrestling

Hit Locations: The Strike takes a 3d6 location roll.  None of the other maneuvers take location rolls.

Tavern Brawling

Tavern Brawling is not a true fighting style, but is rather a collection of common maneuvers used by bar fighters, thugs, and pit fighters across Taranche.

Maneuver OCV DCV Effect Cost
Block/Chin Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block, Abort 4
Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, +10 Strength to Disarm Roll 4
Eye Gouge -1 OCV -1 DCV Sight Group Flash 4d6 4
Kidney Blow -2 OCV +0 DCV ½d6 HKA (2 DC) 4
Low Blow -1 OCV +1 DCV 2d6 NND (4 DC) 4
Punch +0 OCV +2 DCV Strength + 2d6 Strike 4
Roundhouse -2 OCV +1 DCV Strength + 4d6 Strike 5
Tackle +0 OCV -1 DCV Strength + v/5" Strike, You Fall, Target Falls 3
Weapon Familiarity: Common Melee Weapons
Weapon Element: Use Art with Clubs*

Hit Locations: The Punch, Roundhouse, and Kidney Blow all take location rolls of 2d6+1.  The Disarm takes no location roll.  The Low Blow is automatically a Vitals shot, but receives no extra damage.  The Eye Gouge automatically targets the eyes, but receives no extra damage.  The Tackle maneuver does generalized damage.

*The "clubs" element mentioned below that are used with Tavern Brawling include bottles, mugs, chairs, table-legs, and so on.

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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Fantasy Hero and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.