A dark metal the rainbow hue of oil on water, its colors extremely clear
and sharp. It is similar to iron in strength and effort needed to be
worked. Chromium is extremely expensive and rarely used for anything
larger than a brooch.
A cloudy black, lusterless metal with gradations of grey. It is extremely
resistant to magic.
Durendum: Durendum is a blue-green
metal that is hard to work but worth the effort. It holds
an edge despite abuse that would shatter a steel blade.
A grey, lusterless metal of great strength and durability. While not very
attractive, Ever is extremely valued, although hard to work.
A silver-blue metal that is relatively conducive to enchantment it is
often used to make magic items, especially mirrors of scrying.
A bone-white metal that, when fired and worked, becomes the
color of aged ivory. It can take a fine polish and holds
an edge as well as steel.
This metal is magificently light. Items made from it are
half as heavy as similar items made of steel or iron. The
metal will float on water, as will items made from it. It
is one of the rarest metals, and only small deposits of the ore
are ever found.
Moondark is a black metal with blue highlights that does not reflect even
the brightest lights; the reflection is dulled to a dim blue glow.
This rosy metal can be worked in the palest rose or the deepest blood-red,
depending on the tempering formulae used. Roseflame is often used for the
decorations on armor.
Starsteel is a silvery metal as strong as steel that rings like a bell
when struck. It is often used for jewelry, but it is sometimes been
worked into swords and armor.