Superstition? Who can
define the boundary line between the superstition of yesterday
and the scientific fact of tomorrow?"
-- Oilbhe fyrch Sanctan
inghean Gall,
High Priestess of Metilius
Magpies are seen as mystical birds, capable of
bestowing luck or misfortune when seen. The rhyme tells what
effect supposedly occurs when a person sees a magpie. The rhyme
has an unsavory reputation, and children are often beaten if
their parents hear them recite it.
1 for spirit
2 for life
3 for mothers
and 4 for strife
5 for luck and its glad tale
6 for flesh that soon fails
If you hear a magpie in the morning, it means a
guest will arrive at your door that evening.
To argue at a crossroads is to invite misfortune
into your life.
The soul of a person who breaks a mirror will
wander the world in the afterlife.
If a bird (not just a magpie, but any bird)
flies into your house, someone living there will die soon.
Dried basil hung over windows keeps the spirits
of the dead at bay.
Cows lie down in the fields right before it
If the sun rises red, the weather that day is
likely to be violent. If it sets red, look for a dry night.
Burning oak logs in the hearth strengths the home against
natural disasters, pine and cedar logs bring it prosperity,
birch wood brings happiness and elm protects it from curses and
other evil intents. Tossing basil or rosemary into the fire also
protects and brings happiness.
Animals whose coats are pure black are unlucky.
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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca
Butler, and is their solely owned property. The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are
works of collaborative fiction. All the characters and events
portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or
are used fictitiously. Except where otherwise specifically
noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all
Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright
1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights
reserved under International Copyright Convention. Submitting
material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background
information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche grants
Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish,
in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe
and the World of Taranche.
The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways
unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of
Taranche. This website was
designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless
otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player
characters which are the creations of their respective players, all
material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.
No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without
the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.
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