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C2 Weekly Rants: October 16, 2000

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Ranting away:  10-16-00: Week 5

Another win for the Aero’s (Formerly Les Canadien’s), and it could not have been against a more appropriate team, Da’Bulls (closely related to Da’Bears).  Inspired to play better by the show of kindness from the rest of the team by NOT whacking me in the nuts (Last reference Kappy, the cops only whack me there when they see me) and by the brilliance of Kappy’s natural hat-trick in the first period (Look at me suck up now), I had no choice but to stop more than 9 shots.

Kappy’s performance could only be attributed to one thing, his court hearing concerning the pending 10 Mile restraining order got him into the same building as Jessica Simpson.  It is rumored that it required 7 police officers to restrain him.  Little did the police know it would have only taken 2 strippers.

Suspensions:  It is my belief that all suspended players should bring the beer to a game for every game that they are suspended.  This would keep the people on the team that think they cannot afford beer from getting into the “situations” that they get into.  And keep those of us that are too afraid to fight from buying beer.  And last word on the Billy and the McDonalds Grimace / Scorekeeper was that they were trying to get some Dipping sauce from the Chicken McNuggets to fulfill a romantic Monday evening.

If we are going to try to lead the league in penalty minutes again this season, we will need a much better effort on everybody’s part (I will even do my part).

Enough of my last Canadiens based rant…..

Everyone’s favorite sieve / lush……


Week 6 (BYE)

Week 7

Week 8

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