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C2 Weekly Rants: September 25, 2000

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Courtney’s Rant for 9-25-00: Week 2

What a horrible game on my part, Kappy, burn the damn tape.  That had to have been one of the worst performances of me brief Canadians career, even with the enticements of beer being in the locker room after the game (if one can call Miller High Life beer).  It appears that I will have to continue my beer replenishment visits at the rehab center for longer than I expected.

It also appears that Chuck Alexis will have to go through the “Hockey and Marriage: Knowing the priorities of scale.” Training courses offered at most Division I schools with hockey programs.  Missing two games in a row due to a honeymoon is unacceptable (unless he brought back the videos to share with the rest of the team).

We set a precedent for the league last season by almost doubling the penalty output or any other team.  With the G.M. adopting the “Richard Simmon’s” policy regarding being mean and nasty toward the other team, it looks like others will have to pick up the slack.

Enough of me ranting…. I need a beer.

Week 3

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Week 5

Week 6 (BYE)

Week 7

Week 8

     Week 1