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C2 Weekly Rants: October 2, 2000

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Courtney’s Rant for 10-2-00: Week 3 

The Canadians finally broke out of their early season slump with a resounding win over the Wolfpack despite being undermanned.  The secret to the win????   No thinking.  While on the bench players were stuck in two quandaries: what brand of beer to drink, and plotting a punishment for the missing in action JJ.  The beer choice was almost over whelming, two different kinds of beer that cost more than $2.85 a case.  Most of the players were almost too confused to even drink the beer.  In the locker room, after the game, the rumors were confirmed; Charlie had sold his sister into slavery in order to get the advice on what kind of beer to bring to the game (that explains her absence from the stands).  Many theories were bounced around on the bench concerning the absence of JJ: Petitioning the local Zoning commission for a Daycare permit, reselling Charlie’s sister for pot money, still tied to the tree Rogie sexually abused him at while mountain biking early that afternoon.  No one will ever really know, but Rogie did have that “I got some today” look on his face when he mentioned the mountain bike ride.  And Speaking about Rogie, his recent retirement from deck hockey has bolstered the team’s energy and emphasized the G.M.s “no moonlighting” policy (which was accidentally observed by Kappy in a bold and defiant move).  It seems that Pussy Whipped Greeks should for ever be banned from hockey, some one tell Chuck the honeymoon is over and the ring will not keep him from skating.

That might do it for now…..

The Sieve in a Tube Top

Week 4

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Week 6 (BYE)

Week 7

Week 8

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