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C2 Weekly Rants: October 30, 2000

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A Ranting I will go 10-30-00

Four wins in a row, are we feeling OK???  Could it have been the new shirts, or the full compliment of players?  Maybe it was the enticement of the Old Milwaukee beer (better known as “Ol’ Swillwatter”) or the relief that Billy had cut off his torrid affair with the Grimace / Scorekeeper.  Only the systematic adjusting of the variables will tell the whole truth.  It was an outstanding defensive performance for the entire club.  All of the forwards were back-checking, we seem to have traded for or swindled a real compliment of defensemen (A feat earlier thought impossible). 

The end of Billy’s affair with the scorekeeper / Grimace actress has officially come to an end, even when she threatened to have him suspended for the remainder of the season to keep him all to herself.  But she finally gave in when she was made aware of his newfound love of the Chicken McNuggett dipping sauce and its applications while all by himself with only a black light on.   Billy has since realized the warped nature of his new found passion, and joined me in weekly therapy sessions.

Kappy’s dazzling slap shot finally got on track and can only be attributed to the latest letter from Jessica Simpson’s lawyer.  In the letter the lawyer claims that miss Simpson is “Personally disturbed by the letters and attempted phone calls… and personally pleads with Mr. Kaplan to stop this particular behavior.”  When asked about the letter from the lawyer, all Kappy would comment was “she is pleading with me, heh, heh, heh.”  

Rogie and JJ seem to have hit a bump in their road of bliss, shown in the game by JJ’s eagerness to attack on the offense.  It seems that JJ thinks that Rogie had an encounter with Fabio while on the off week cruise.  Little did JJ know that Rogie was only looking for hair care tips to make his hair wavy and full for JJ.  Apparently JJ made some comments about how much he loved Fabio’s ass and then Rogie took it as he loved Fabio’s hair.

Kappy broke out the camera in the locker room looking for some naked men pictures for his team website.  When all of the players refused to get naked unless there were either naked women or naked boys in the locker room, Kappy resorted to taking pictures of all the players in their new and spiffy (did I just use the word spiffy?) new uniforms.  To see the pictures of the team members, check out Kappy’s web page:                                           

That should do it for this week…… I imagine that there will be more unless I get lynched before I can do this again…..

Everyone’s favorite sieve and lush….

Week 8

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     Week 6 (BYE)