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C2 Weekly Rants: October 23, 2000

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Courtney’s Rant for 10-23-00: Week 6 (BYE)

Ranting only because I can: 

No Game this week, but I believe that I have kept up the beer consumption quota for the team.  I started drinking Friday morning about 10:30, and the only liquid intake until Monday morning besides that was coffee in the morning to jump start me so that I would be able to drink beer the rest of the day.  Drinking beer from 8:30 in the morning until 1:30 in the morning can be an uplifting experience.  Enough on the personal beer consumption, back to the living soap opera we call Aero’s (Formerly Les Canadien’s) Hockey. 

When we last left the locker room, the world was wondering if Kappy would ever get over the loss of his legal case enabling him to get closer than 1,000 feet of Jessica Simpson.  Last we heard, he was willing to settle for an afternoon with little Lisa Simpson, but even Homer was unwilling to accept Kappy’s self proclaimed Demigod status as a qualifier to allow him to get personal with Homer’s 7 year old daughter. 

Billy's whirlwind relationship with the Scorekeeper / Grimace actress has hit some tumultuous times since the episode of the referee (also known as “the Hamburgeler”) being caught on tape in several compromising positions thanks to the placement of cameras in the showers of the Southboro middle school girls locker room (wonder how the cameras got there Kappy?)  Current rumors have it that Billy is trying to work things out as long as he gets some of the royalties from the sale of the tapes.

There has been a rumor that JJ and Rogie have patched up their relationship following a romantic three day Caribbean cruise.  Although the trip got off on the wrong foot with JJ hitting on the Purser (who looked an awful lot like Gopher from the original Love Boat series) Rogie soon got the best of the situation by inviting the Purser to a night of three way pleasure (which he nearly accepted but for the fact that Fabio was on board).  JJ quickly became lovable sex slave that Rogie had hoped for.  Now only one hopes that the new bliss between them does not disrupt the edge that has been present in the locker room giving the team some sort of advantage.

Enough of this week’s Rant / team update…..

Everyone’s soon to be lynched Sieve…..

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