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C2 Weekly Rants: October 9, 2000

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Courtney’s Rant for 10-9-00: Week 4

Now that I have recovered from JJ’s version of a free hand job, AKA, Whacking me in the nuts, I believe that I have recovered enough to put the pads back on and pretend to stop the puck.  Now that the team has shown their respect for me by repeatedly offering Charlie’s sister as a medical treatment (also recommended by Blue Cross and Blue Shield) to deter the focus of my pain, I am going to have to tell them that the thought is greatly appreciated, But, I am going to have to refuse because her heart is no longer into the team (she has demonstrated this fact by missing the last three games).  With every dark spot in some ones life there is usually a moment of realization, mine during the latest nut-bashing episode has led me to believe that all of my team mates are taking out their homosexual feelings out on my nuts.  

As for the game itself, we won, and I was so good in the first game, that I played another game and won that one too.  The second team didn’t even whack me in the nuts to show their love either.

Enough about me and my nuts…….

Everyone’s favorite Sieve with an Ice Pack on my balls…

Week 5

Week 6 (BYE)

Week 7

Week 8

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