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Jedi Legends

This page is a location for prose stories about the Jedi Republic, as well as those written by members. Some will be created for this site; some have already been posted in the GalCiv forums. This list will be added to as time permits.

Constitution of the Jedi Republic

Jedi Republic Recruitment Commercial
by Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7-15-03

A Brief History of the Jedi Republic by Jedi Master Yoda
Part I - 8/6/03
Part II - 8/6/03
Part III - 8/6/03
Part IV - 8/7/03
Part V - 8/9/03
Part VI - 8/9/03
Part VII - 8/9/03
A Brief History of the JEDI REPUBLIC; PART I

The Jedi Republic, an ancient civilization with ties back to the very beginnings of space-faring civilization, continues to flourish. Founded over 8000 GSY (Galactic Standard Years) ago, the Jedi Republic was originally known as the Republic. The Republic, as it were back in its prime, was an aristocratic governmental system that held tremendous power. Its influence stretched far and wide, and only those planets and star systems that fell in the Galactic Rim did not enjoy its benefits.
However, with power comes greed and corruption, and the Republic was doomed to failure if it could not resist the urge. Several times during its existance, the Republic was brought to its knees, nearing extinction. One such event began harmlessly enough, in the fields of Dantooine...

Alex Kenor was an adventurous young Jedi. Having been a Padawan for many years, Kenor was already quite skilled in the force. His time at the Jedi Training Enclave on Dantooine would soon come to an end and he would travel to Coruscant to serve the Jedi Council as a Knight. Often lectured to by his Master against such behavior, Kenor loved to explore the many caves and ancient monuments scattered about the landscape of Dantooine. On one such outing, Kenor stumbled upon an ancient door that he had not noticed before. Walking up to the large stone entrance, Kenor studied it extensively. The slab of dark grey rock was engraved with the intricate decals of a language long extinct. Kenor pressed his hand into the centerpiece of the structure, and to his surprise, it depressed under his hand. A slight rumbling sound was heard, and the door disappeared into the surrounding earth.

Stepping inside, Kenor found himself within a great cavernous expanse, a great hall of incredible proportions. Curiously continuing down the hall, Kenor was greeted by a small droid.

"Phraf Uah Phraf Uah" the droid proclaimed in an unintelligible ancient tongue.

"What I don't understand" Kenor replied to the three-legged droid that stood in-front of him.

The droid made a few beeping sounds and then tried again in a completely different language.

"Buab Fo Buab Fo" the droid said in the same manor as before.

"I'm sorry, I still don't understand you. What are you trying to say?" Kenor said with growing anxiousness.

"Basic Basic" the droid tried once again, finally analyzing Kenor's words enough to identify his language.

"Yes, I understand you. I speak Galactic Basic." Kenor replied to the droid, relieved to finally understand the droid.

"Welcome to back, you don't appear to be a builder." the droid said in its computerized tone.

"Builder? What are you talking about, the people who made this place?" Kenor inquired of the droid's odd welcome.

"Yes, the constructors of this monument. I have not been put to use in a long while."

"This is a monument? What is your purpose, how long have you been here?" Kenor had many questions to ask of this apparently ancient droid.

"I have been programmed to look over the great monument, should the builders return, I am programmed to greet them. Since I was activated, I have recorded approximately seven-thousand orbital rotations. This is the monument of the Great Builders, the leaders and rulers of the infinite Empire and masters of the Universe." the droid answered all Kenor's questions.

"Seven-thousand orbital rotations! Thats over fifty-thousand years!" Kenor spoke in disbelief.

"Your years do not compute, but yes I have recorded seven-thousand orbital rotations since my activation."

"Well, what are the Builders?"

"Er, the Great Builders are the leaders and rulers of the infinite Empire and masters of the Universe. This is a monument to their power." The droid repeated.

"Infinite Empire? That obviously doesn't exist anymore."

"The Great Builders, the leaders and rulers of the infinite Empire and masters of the Universe. I must remain and await their return. How may I serve you, slave?"

"Slave?!? I am no slave, I am a Jedi and I want to know what is in this place." Kenor said annoyed.

"You appear to be of the same race of those that the Builders used to build this place, I interacted with many of your kind during construction. All the slaves were executed after the completion of this monument. What you say must be true, you may not be a slave. However, I must still maintain my protocol, so how may I serve you?"

"I want to know what is in here."

"This is the monument to the Great Builders, it is a dedication to their infinite Empire and to the Star Forge. In here is the Star Map, and the great Hall.." Kenor interrupted the droid mid-speech and questioned of this Star Forge.

"ERR ERR, no entry in memory. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find an answer to your inquiry. The Star Map is just past this hall, perhaps you can find what you seek inside. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, thank you"

And with that Kenor walked past the ancient droid and continued down the hall. His steps echoed within the stone structure until he reached a door at the end of the hall. It was just like the one outside, and he placed his hand on the center feature. The door opened just as before and he stepped into the Star Map room.

Inside Kenor found a triangular black object. It appeared to be closed so Kenor searched for a way to activate it. In the center of the room there was a platform, right in front of the Star Map object. Kenor stepped on the platform and immediately the object went into motion. By splitting the sides into three triangular parts, the Star Map opened. After the sides had opened fully, a holographic image began to appear. The image grew clearer and finally displayed a 3D map of the entire galaxy.

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