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Jedi Legends

This page is a location for prose stories about the Jedi Republic, as well as those written by members. Some will be created for this site; some have already been posted in the GalCiv forums. This list will be added to as time permits.

Constitution of the Jedi Republic

Jedi Republic Recruitment Commercial
by Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7-15-03

A Brief History of the Jedi Republic by Jedi Master Yoda
Part I - 8/6/03
Part II - 8/6/03
Part III - 8/6/03
Part IV - 8/7/03
Part V - 8/9/03
Part VI - 8/9/03
Part VII - 8/9/03
A Brief History of the JEDI REPUBLIC; PART VII

With the Republic destroyed, the galaxy entered a new age of tyranny. Ruling his Empire with an Iron Fist, Lord Palpatine had anyone who questioned his authority executed. Any attempts at a coup d'Etat were squashed as soon as they began. It seemed that the glorious Republic was lost forever...

There was one group of Rebels who managed to escape destruction by the Empire. This "Rebel Alliance", as they called themselves, kept the dream of freedom alive.
In a confrontation with the Imperial Fleet near Yavin V, the Rebels won their first major victory against the Empire. This began a chain of events that would lead to the freeing of the galaxy...

Master Yoda made his existance on Dagobah as inconspicuous as possible. After the battle of Yavin, he felt a new presence in the force.
Sure enough, a reckless young Rebel pilot crashed into the swamps of Dagobah. Yoda, sensing the force in this new visitor, began a series of tests to begin the Jedi training. Failing all the tests, the reckless force adept left before his training was complete to fight the Empire.

Winning many battles for the Rebel Alliance, the pilot finally returned to the Jedi Master on Dagobah. Telling him that his training was complete, Master Yoda knew that the fall of the Empire would soon come to pass. After his student left, Master Yoda made preparations to leave his home on Dagobah, and help rebuild the Jedi Order.

And thus the Jedi Republic was born.

The New Republic... COMING SOON!
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