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Jedi Legends

This page is a location for prose stories about the Jedi Republic, as well as those written by members. Some will be created for this site; some have already been posted in the GalCiv forums. This list will be added to as time permits.

Constitution of the Jedi Republic

Jedi Republic Recruitment Commercial
by Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7-15-03

A Brief History of the Jedi Republic by Jedi Master Yoda
Part I - 8/6/03
Part II - 8/6/03
Part III - 8/6/03
Part IV - 8/7/03
Part V - 8/9/03
Part VI - 8/9/03
Part VII - 8/9/03
A Brief History of the JEDI REPUBLIC; PART II

With such a discovery, the baffled Jedi of that day set out on a hunt for information regarding this strange artifact, one that was hidden right under their noses..

But, more importantly, an intergalactic war was being fought at the time. Strangly enough, the leader of the opposing forces was a former Jedi. This particular Jedi had often fought in battles for the Republic, but after one such battle, he, and the entire fleet at his command, came back changed... This valient Jedi had fallen to the Dark Side.

Years of bloodshed ensued between the Republic and the minions of Darkness. The Jedi Council of the time was very strong, and thousands of Jedi from around the galaxy had been trained. The Jedi/Sith war raged on with even more intensity, a war started not out of greed, but rather a disagreement on ideals.

The Sith of this day like those found now were mearly the followers of an ideal, a Sith was originally a species, not a follower of a religion. Sith were not always twisted and evil, but rather a very proud race, a race with tremendous power. The Sith held a huge Empire, stretching even further than the Republic would years later. The source of their power was from a machine called the Star Forge, a massive "factory" that ran off of the incredible energy created by Stars.
The machine itself was like a living being, it craved power, and went to any lengths necessary to gain its indulgance. The Star Forge corrupted its users, and eventually those Sith came to be what we now know them as. The race that was the Sith finally realized the source of the corruption, and they cast the Star Forge deep into space. But, in doing so they destroyed the only thing keeping their massive and rebellious Empire in check. The ensuing civil war destroyed the remaining Sith, only those who had been corrupted survived, and thus the Sith lived on, no longer the grand race of their predecssors, but rather twisted and evil peoples, corrupted by their own thirst for power.

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