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Jedi Legends

This page is a location for prose stories about the Jedi Republic, as well as those written by members. Some will be created for this site; some have already been posted in the GalCiv forums. This list will be added to as time permits.

Constitution of the Jedi Republic

Jedi Republic Recruitment Commercial
by Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7-15-03

A Brief History of the Jedi Republic by Jedi Master Yoda
Part I - 8/6/03
Part II - 8/6/03
Part III - 8/6/03
Part IV - 8/7/03
Part V - 8/9/03
Part VI - 8/9/03
Part VII - 8/9/03
A Brief History of the JEDI REPUBLIC; PART VI

The Clone Wars lasted many, many years, but finally, two generations after its start, the Clone Wars ended as suddenly as they had begun. In a reletivly small battle, the high officials from the Confederacy were killed and the war was won.

After the end of the war, the Senate asked Palpatine to hand down his powers and retire in glorious victory.
Palpatine had other plans.

During the many battles of the Clone Wars, Palpatine was slowly seduced by the Dark Side. In secret meetings he met with Sith Lords and plotted the demise of the Republic, and his rise as Emperor of the galaxy.

The Republic was doomed.

In one quick raid, Palpatine's Royal guards stormed the Senate Chambers and arrested all the senators. They were later executed, and Palpatine announced to the galaxy that the Republic was no more.
In its place he created the Empire. An evil government with harsh restrictions and a simple way of keeping control. If you refuse you die. This method was very efficient and fear kept the planets in line. Fear of the massive battleships called Star Destroyers that Palpatine had constructed immediately following his rise as Emperor.

The rise of the Empire also brought about the near genocide of the Jedi. Palpatine ordered that his biggest threat, the Jedi, be sought out and exterminated. And so began the Dark Times.

Thousands upon thousands of Jedi were murdered by Palpatine and his Sith Aids. Very few Jedi escaped the Dark Times alive, including Master Yoda, who survived the Dark Times on the planet Dagobah. Yoda used a cave where a Sith Knight had died to mask himself against detection. The Dark energies emited by the cave cancelled out his Light Force energy. This is how Yoda survived the Dark Times. We know now that many others lived, including the Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon.

There was hope for the galaxy yet...

A New Hope, COMING SOON.......
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