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Jedi Legends

This page is a location for prose stories about the Jedi Republic, as well as those written by members. Some will be created for this site; some have already been posted in the GalCiv forums. This list will be added to as time permits.

Constitution of the Jedi Republic

Jedi Republic Recruitment Commercial
by Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7-15-03

A Brief History of the Jedi Republic by Jedi Master Yoda
Part I - 8/6/03
Part II - 8/6/03
Part III - 8/6/03
Part IV - 8/7/03
Part V - 8/9/03
Part VI - 8/9/03
Part VII - 8/9/03

[[Opening voiceover]]

This public service announcement is brought to you by the Jedi Republic.

[[Opening music - Vader's "Imperial March." Opening shot - wide angle of a planet under attack by Drengin corvettes. Switch to closeup shot - Drengin mercenary is honing a Ginsu knife set as Midwestern farmers scream in background]]

The FAR from over!

[[Panoramic view - Hundreds of Yor ground force phalanxes march in perfect machine formation, mercilessly gunning down cutlass-wielding pirates]]

Threats to galactic stability and order are increasing since the fall of the Old Republic!

[[Switch to interior shot of a smoky, torch-lit, rough stone tower. Crack Altarian PSI-Troopers surround a lone, sweating, shivering wizard, who clutches his staff under their steely gazes. The sound of his knees knocking underneath his tattered robes is VERY noticeable]]

Dark forces are rampant, threatening to overrun us all!

[[Slow fade to black; music volume fades to absolute silence]]

The downtrodden of the Metaverse need a new ally to fight this evil...

[[Light slowly increases, revealing a closeup of Yoda's face, looking into the distance, in "wise old master" expression. Camera positioned LOW - under floor level if possible - so that he appears, well, almost 4 feet tall. Yoda slowly turns and looks down at camera, narrows eyes dangerously]]

"MY ally is the Force...And a POWERFUL ally it is!"

[[Roll audio of Star Wars overture, a.k.a. "Luke's Theme" - maximum volume. Fast cut to space battle with GalCiv Starfighters (modified to look suspiciously like X-Wings) peeling out of formation into a strafing run against an Arcean battleship]]

ENLIST today!

[[Cut to Qui-Gon, Dooku, etc. wielding lightsabers; chopping, slashing, and generally making a whopping big pile of scrap out of Yor death droids]]

FEEL the Force flowing through you!

[[Closeup of black gloved hand "choking" air; Torian marine in background levitating approx. 19" from floor, eyes bulging; DON'T show helmet on figure in foreground! This is a recruiting tape for Pete's sake]]

STRIKE a mighty blow against the destructive tide!

[[Back to space shot; Drengin Death St - no, TERROR STAR exploding. Use Dolby Surround on explosion SFX; crank up bass so that rumble rattles teeth of audience]]

BE A PART of the rising power for order and justice in the Metaverse!

[[Rapid "machine-gun" montage of images to raise adrenaline level of the viewer. Emphasis on lightsaber and space battles. Insert at least one image each of Leia in Jabba's Palace outfit and Amidala in skintight white outfit from Ep. II for cheesecake value. Also at least one pointless image of Artoo beeping and rocking from side-to-side; the kids always love that one]]

JOIN the Jedi Republic!

[[Music swells to climax of overture. Switch to widescreen. Jedi Knights in line-abreast formation in background, silhouetted, lightsabers ignited. Yoda positioned in the foreground, so that he looks taller/more imposing, in spotlight. Silhouette gives more visual impact for Knights and is NECESSARY to minimize disturbingly dark robes on a few members]]

[[Fast zoom to closeup of Yoda]]

"Strong we are, already...but perhaps...THERE IS ANOTHER."

[[Music ends - abrupt cut to black. Brief pause. Then, yellow text fades in on black screen - NO VOICEOVER]]

The Force is with us.
Is it with you?
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