See notes of family cemetery on Alexander Pruitt (R 456).spouse: Pruitt, Alexander (1755 - 1821)
Middle name also found as Marier and Mariah. She divorced George H GILES inspouse: Giles, George Hanna (1869 - 1945)
the 1920s. She later remarried to a PENTECOST, who apparently worked for the
Government Fleet, and was drowned on a river boat when a levee broke during a
flood on the Mississippi River in the 1920s or 1930s. She lived for some time
in New Orleans, LA, and returned to Memphis in 1934 fatally ill with breast
cancer. She died at her daughter's home and was buried in Obion Co, TN, in
Chapel Hill Cemetery.BIRTH: Records, dau Sarah E Giles Prewett.
DEATH: Memphis, TN. Personal knowledge of recorder & Mphs Press Scimitar death
notice, 18 Oct 1934 & Mphs Comm Appeal death notice, p20, 18 Oct 1934.
BURIAL: Chapel Hill Cemetery, Union City, TN.
On 11-1-1863 Lewis joined the Confederate Army, he served in Col. Lee'sspouse: Martin, Martha Ann (*1811 - )
regiment 4-1-1869 in Forsythe County, Georgia. He was paid $ 7.50 to haul
rocks to build a wall around the courthouse there.
Children were Thomas, John W, Joshua, Joseph L, Ann Blackwell, Sarah, Rebecca,spouse: Gray, Daniel (*1790 - )
and Mary Jane. This family moved to Bastrop Texas in 1831 where the family
line has remained.
WWI veteran. Appointed Corporal 22 Aug 1918, Med Dept, Hq, Eastern Dept,spouse: Carthrae, Helen Lee (1901 - 1956)
Governors Island, NY. Married 10 Jul 1920, Second Presby Ch, NY, NY. ASN
390 475. DOE 4 Jun 1918, DOD 25 Jan 1919.
BIRTH: Cert of Birth, VA, #15205, filed 8 May 1925. 29 Apr 1925, Alexandria,spouse: Prewett, James Franklin (1921 - )
VA.MARRIAGE:Marriage License, Forest Glen, Montgomery Co, MD, No 14299, 20 Aug
Had six children.spouse: Pruitt, Catherine Carter (1823 - 1915)
Went to Ontario Girls School College(Methodist). Marriages: (1) Dr CARTHRAE,spouse: Carthrae, ? (*1872 - )
(2) Matthew CURREN (lumber; b.Des Moines,IA; lumbered in Canada and later moved
to Norfolk, VA.(3)
A ____ WILLIAMS; Helen, Buddy, and Virginia assumed name later. (4) Dr Samuel L
HILTON, pharmicist,one-time pres of Nat Pharm Soc or Assn; pharm was at 22d &
L St, Wash, DC; turned first spade for Pharm Bldg at 23d & Constit Ave, Wash,
! Bought the Sproull place ( Green Pastures ) in Greenwood County, Southspouse: Pruitt, John Marion (1835 - 1891)