previous - go to surnames
Brown, Josie Belle (*1893 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Ralph Edward (*1892 - )
----------child: Pruitt, John Allen (*1921 - )
Brown, Malinda C (~1808 - ) - female
b. ABT 1808
spouse: Pruitt, John P.F. (1816 - )
- m. 20 SEP 1843 in ,Hardeman County,Tennessee
Brown, Rice Evans (1819 - ) - male
b. 27 JAN 1819 in ,Oldham County,Kentucky
father: Brown, William (*1777 - )
mother: Wilson, Elizabeth (~1777 - 1829)
spouse: Pruitt, Anna Crow (1821 - )
- m. 7 SEP 1837 in ,Morgan County,Indiana
Brown, Ruth Ann (1812 - 1872) - female
b. 29 APR 1812
d. 7 SEP 1872
spouse: Smith, James Douglas (1805 - 1871)
----------child: Smith, Martha Davis (~1847 - )
spouse: Smith, James Douglas (1805 - 1871)
- m. 20 SEP 1828
----------child: Smith, Martha Davis (~1847 - )
Brown, Sarah "Sally" (1795 - ) - female
b. 1795
spouse: Brintle, Oliver Franklin (1793 - )
----------child: Brintle, Martha (1819 - 1892)
Brown, Susannah (*1843 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Nathaniel (1830 - )
- m. 12 SEP 1867
Brown, Thomas - female
Brown, Unknown (*1789 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Sallie (*1793 - )
Brown, Unknown (*1922 - ) - female
spouse: Prewett, Harold Woolland (*1918 - )
Brown, Unknown (*1922 - ) - female
spouse: Prewett, John Henry (*1918 - )
Brown, William (*1777 - ) - male
spouse: Wilson, Elizabeth (~1777 - 1829)
- m. 1796 in ,,Virginia
----------child: Brown, Rice Evans (1819 - )
Browning, William Jackson (1880 - ) - male
b. 6 JAN 1880
spouse: Pruitt, Zada Emmaline (1882 - )
- m. 29 SEP 1907
Bruce, Carolyn (*1838 - ) - female
spouse: Clayton, James Solomon (*1834 - )
----------child: Clayton, Nancy Ann (*1870 - 1960)
Bruffee, Augustus N (1826 - ) - male
b. 1826 in ,Washington Co.,Missouri
spouse: Pruitt, Nancy Jane (1830 - )
- m. 17 OCT 1855
Brumfield, Edith Edah (*1753 - ) - female
father: Brumfield, Robert (*1718 - )
spouse: Prewitt, Isham (1753 - 1825)
- m. ABT 1774 in ,,Virginia
----------child: Prewitt, Susanna Frances (1775 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Mary (1778 - >1850)
----------child: Prewitt, Susannah Frances (*1778 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Matthew (1780 - 1813)
----------child: Prewitt, Margaret Peggy (*1785 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Martha A (*1787 - 1842)
----------child: Prewitt, Isham (*1790 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Elizabeth (1792 - )
Brumfield, Mary (1758 - ) - female
b. 1758 in ,,Virginia
spouse: Prewitt, David (1755 - 1829)
- m. 19 FEB 1778 in ,,Virginia
----------child: Prewitt, Joseph (1779 - 1840)
----------child: Prewitt, Susan (*1789 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Sarah (*1789 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Mary B (*1789 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Nancy (*1789 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Nelson (*1793 - 1830)
----------child: Prewitt, John (1797 - 1882)
----------child: Prewitt, Thomas (1798 - 1856)
Brumfield, Robert (*1718 - ) - male
----------child: Brumfield, Edith Edah (*1753 - )
Bruner, Catherine (1833 - 1918) - female
b. APR 1833 in ,,Georgia
d. 22 OCT 1918 in ,Cleburne County,Alabama
spouse: Pruitt, Jonathan G (1832 - 1862)
- m. 14 JUN 1849 in ,Benton County,Alabama
----------child: Pruitt, William Decatur (1850 - 1908)
----------child: Pruitt, Texanah (1851 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Levi (1853 - )
Bruno, Frank (*1933 - ) - male
spouse: Prewitt, Geraldine R (*1937 - )
Bryan, George Joseph (1774 - 1841) - male
b. 1774
d. 1841
spouse: Prewitt, Elizabeth (1785 - 1844)
- m. 28 JAN 1802
Bryan, Mary - female
spouse: Ragsdale, William (? - <1820)
Bryson, Alex (*1822 - ) - male
spouse: Prewitt, Adecia Martin (1826 - )
Buchanan, William Jonathan (*1874 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Tennie Jo (1876 - 1944)
- m. 20 FEB 1900 in Itasca,Hill County,Texas
Buckhanon, Alexander M (1824 - 1854) - male
b. 23 FEB 1824 in ,Allen County,Kentucky
d. 1854
father: Buckhanon, Joshua (*1789 - )
spouse: Williams, Sarah A.E. (1827 - 1854)
----------child: Buckhanon, John W (1847 - )
Buckhanon, John W (1847 - ) - male
b. 21 JUL 1847 in ,Allen County,Kentucky
father: Buckhanon, Alexander M (1824 - 1854)
mother: Williams, Sarah A.E. (1827 - 1854)
spouse: Pruitt, Candice (1847 - 1872)
- m. 29 OCT 1865 in ,Allen County,Kentucky
Buckhanon, Joshua (*1789 - ) - male
b. in ,,Virginia
d. in ,Allen County,Kentucky
----------child: Buckhanon, Alexander M (1824 - 1854)
Buckhanon, Mary (*1810 - ) - female
spouse: Boucher, Isaac (*1806 - )
----------child: Boucher, Sarah F (*1841 - )
Buckley, Catherine (*1803 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, Thomas (1798 - 1856)
- m. 12 AUG 1824 in ,Mercer County,Kentucky
----------child: Prewitt, John B (1828 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Mary E (1830 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Thomas C (1832 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Sarah (1835 - )
----------child: Prewitt, David (1838 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Catherine (1840 - )
Buckley, Mary (*1783 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, David (1755 - 1829)
- m. 13 DEC 1814 in ,Mercer County,Kentucky
Buff, Margaret (*1845 - ) - female
spouse: Pruett, William Harris (1847 - )
- m. BEF 1870 in ,,North Carolina
----------child: Pruett, Noah Sialas (1870 - )
----------child: Pruett, Mary J (1872 - )
Buff, Peter (*1846 - ) - male
spouse: Pruett, Sarah (1850 - )
Buffington, James (*1870 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Phoebe Ellen (1874 - )
Buffington, James Joseph (1832 - 1902) - male
b. 1832
d. 1902
spouse: Morris, Sarah Elizabeth (1840 - 1915)
----------child: Buffington, Mary Alice (1872 - 1946)
Buffington, Mary Alice (1872 - 1946) - female
b. 6 JUL 1872 in Honey Creek,Pottawatamie Co.,Iowa
d. 19 DEC 1946 in Benicia,Solano County,California
father: Buffington, James Joseph (1832 - 1902)
mother: Morris, Sarah Elizabeth (1840 - 1915)
spouse: Pruett, Barton Joseph (1868 - 1939)
- m. 23 JUN 1888 in ,,Iowa
----------child: Pruett, Noah Edward (1889 - 1980)
----------child: Pruett, Ace Albert (1890 - 1966)
----------child: Pruett, James Joseph (1893 - 1958)
----------child: Pruett, Luther Martin (1894 - 1976)
----------child: Pruett, Henry Barton (1898 - )
----------child: Pruett, Lula May (1900 - ~1990)
----------child: Pruett, Oscar Bert (1902 - 1974)
----------child: Pruett, Howard Curtis (1904 - 1975)
----------child: Pruett, Alice Frances (1908 - )
----------child: Pruett, Harry Franklin (1917 - )
Buford, Amos E (*1887 - ) - male
spouse: Prewett, Jennie (1893 - 1939)
- m. 1910
Buford, Unknown (*1867 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Thomas Erastur (*1863 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Elizabeth (*1898 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Walter (*1898 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Blanche (*1898 - )
Buice, Nancy (*1804 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Martin (1808 - )
- m. 17 NOV 1819 in ,Jones County,Georgia
Bulls, Alexander Lafayette (*1840 - ) - male
Died from typhoid fever during the Civil War.
spouse: Pruitt, Zelphia Angeline (1844 - 1908)
- m. 15 AUG 1864 in ,Forsyth County,Georgia
Bumgardner, John (1817 - 1890) - male
b. 6 APR 1817 in ,Rutherford Co.,North Carolina
d. 8 APR 1890 in ,Cleveland County,North Carolina
father: Bumgardner, Lewis (*1782 - )
mother: Parker, Catherine (*1786 - )
spouse: Pruett, Jemima (1823 - 1899)
- m. 15 AUG 1838
Bumgardner, Lewis (*1782 - ) - male
spouse: Parker, Catherine (*1786 - )
----------child: Bumgardner, John (1817 - 1890)
Bumgardner, Lewis (*1855 - ) - male
spouse: Johnson, Delia (*1859 - )
----------child: Bumgardner, Stella (*1890 - )
Bumgardner, Stella (*1890 - ) - female
father: Bumgardner, Lewis (*1855 - )
mother: Johnson, Delia (*1859 - )
spouse: Pruett, Edgar Amos Winehardt (1892 - 1961)
- m. 12 MAY 1912 in ,Cleveland County,North Carolina
----------child: Pruett, Lillian Pauline (1913 - )
----------child: Pruett, Unknown (1914 - 1914)
----------child: Pruett, Delia Fae (1915 - )
----------child: Pruett, Unknown (1918 - 1918)
----------child: Pruett, Julius Edison (1919 - 1984)
----------child: Pruett, Amos Earl (1922 - )
----------child: Pruett, Annie Pearl (1922 - 1922)
----------child: Pruett, Dorothy (1931 - 1998)
Burch, Christine (*1933 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Donald Ray (1929 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Allen Ray (*1964 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Candis Kay (*1964 - )
Burd, Jim (*1822 - ) - male
spouse: Prewitt, Adecia Martin (1826 - )
Burgess, Elizabeth (*1832 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Joshua W (1831 - )
- m. 20 APR 1850 in ,Benton County,Alabama
Burgess, Jane (*1764 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Zachariah (1758 - )
- m. 17 OCT 1785
----------child: Pruitt, Sallie (*1793 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Polly (*1793 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Jenny (*1793 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Leahanna (*1793 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Catherine (*1793 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Thomas (*1793 - )
----------child: Pruitt, William (*1793 - )
Burke, Mary (*1725 - ) - female
father: Burke, Patrick (*1690 - )
mother: Keeling, Elizabeth (*1694 - )
spouse: Prewitt, Fields (*1693 - )
- m. in ,Halifax County,Virginia
----------child: Prewitt, Fields (~1775 - 1850)
Burke, Patrick (*1690 - ) - male
spouse: Keeling, Elizabeth (*1694 - )
----------child: Burke, Mary (*1725 - )
Burkett, Needham (*1806 - ) - male
b. in ,,Tennessee
spouse: Pruett, Annis (1810 - 1850)
- m. BEF 1830
Burkhart, James W (*1824 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Nancy (1828 - 1906)
Burnett, Daniel (*1800 - ) - male
spouse: Prewett, Phoebie Phebe (1806 - 1870)
- m. 20 SEP 1822 in ,Monroe County,Mississippi
Burns, Jesse G (*1930 - ) - male
spouse: Prewitt, Mary Elizabeth (1931 - )
- m. 17 AUG 1957
Burns, Sarah (1824 - 1909) - female
b. 25 JAN 1824 in ,Clark County,Indiana
d. 15 JAN 1909 in Kleburg,,Texas
spouse: Pruitt, James Paulen Clark (1823 - 1896)
- m. 23 OCT 1845
----------child: Pruitt, Margaret Almira (*1853 - )
Burnside, Laurens (*1896 - ) - female
spouse: Pratt, Heath (*1892 - )
Burrell, Harvey (<1797 - ) - male
b. BEF 1797 in ,Pendleton Dist.,South Carolina
father: Burrell, Jesse (~1780 - )
mother: Pruitt, Mary Jane (*1772 - )
Burrell, Hezekiah (<1797 - ) - male
b. BEF 1797 in ,Pendleton Dist.,South Carolina
father: Burrell, Jesse (~1780 - )
mother: Pruitt, Mary Jane (*1772 - )
! Hezekiah Burrell and Harley Burrell named as grandsons in will of David
Pruitt, Pendleton District, 1797. Both were in Hambersham County, Georgia, in
1820. Hezekiah also cited in case vs. Jane D. Welbourn in Franklin County,
Georgia, in 1841.
Burrell, Jesse (~1780 - ) - male
b. ABT 1780
father: Burrell, Walter N (*1745 - )
mother: Unknown, Mary (*1749 - )
Jesse Burell and Harvey Burrell were living in Gwinnett County, Georgia, in
1827. On Jan 20, 1797, David Prewet conveyed a cow and other property in
Pendleton District, South Carolina, to Hezekiah and Harvey Burrell...his
spouse: Pruitt, Mary Jane (*1772 - )
- m. BEF 1797
----------child: Burrell, Hezekiah (<1797 - )
----------child: Burrell, Harvey (<1797 - )
Burrell, Walter N (*1740 - ) - male
----------child: Burrell, Walter N (1775 - )
Burrell, Walter N (*1745 - ) - male
spouse: Unknown, Mary (*1749 - )
----------child: Burrell, Jesse (~1780 - )
Burrell, Walter N (1775 - ) - male
b. 1775 in ,Wadesboro,North Carolina
father: Burrell, Walter N (*1740 - )
spouse: Pruitt, Phoebe (*1774 - )
Burroughs, Sallie (*1773 - ) - female
spouse: Taliaferro, Charles (*1769 - 1838)
Burt, Elizabeth M T (1810 - 1848) - female
b. 1810 in ,,South Carolina
d. 3 FEB 1848
spouse: Pruitt, Moses Yarbrough (1804 - 1876)
- m. 6 JAN 1831 in ,Putnam County,Georgia
----------child: Pruitt, Margaret A (1832 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Frances A Elizabeth (1834 - 1857)
----------child: Pruitt, Richard Washington (1836 - 1881)
----------child: Pruitt, John C (1838 - 1863)
----------child: Pruitt, Mary E (1840 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Eliza Burt (*1840 - 1847)
----------child: Pruitt, Theresa Caroline (1844 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Moses S (1847 - ~1850)
Burt, Joel (*1819 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Abagail Jane (1822 - 1890)
- m. 24 SEP 1844 in ,Lowndes County,Alabama
Burt, Mary A E (*1839 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Richard Washington (1836 - 1881)
- m. 21 DEC 1858 in ,Russell County,Alabama
Burton, James W (*1802 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Elizabeth (1808 - )
- m. 8 JAN 1825 in ,Giles County,Virginia
Burton, Travis (*1812 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Judith (~1820 - )
- m. 10 JUN 1835 in ,Giles County,Virginia
Bush, Martha Ann (1834 - 1922) - female
b. 8 OCT 1834 in ,Wilkinson County,Georgia
d. 5 JUN 1922 in Milledgeville,,Georgia
father: Bush, Samuel J (1811 - 1875)
mother: Hughes, Elizabeth Ann (1814 - 1893)
spouse: Stubbs, Robert Lawrence (1830 - 1865)
- m. 3 SEP 1854 in ,Wilkinson County,Georgia
----------child: Stubbs, Emmala Joann (1855 - 1936)
----------child: Stubbs, Elizabeth Frances (1859 - 1931)
----------child: Stubbs, William Benjamin (1861 - 1920)
----------child: Stubbs, Robert Emmett (1864 - 1939)
Bush, Samuel J (1811 - 1875) - male
b. 22 AUG 1811
d. 14 NOV 1875
spouse: Hughes, Elizabeth Ann (1814 - 1893)
----------child: Bush, Martha Ann (1834 - 1922)
Bussey, Mary Rosalie (1865 - 1935) - female
b. 10 FEB 1865 in Chauncey,,Georgia
d. 1 JUL 1935 in Macon,Bibb County,Georgia
father: Bussey, William Dowsing (*1826 - 1886)
mother: Kennedy, Mary Catherine (1828 - 1886)
spouse: Stubbs, Furney Bartow (1861 - 1911)
----------child: Stubbs, Claude (1887 - 1949)
----------child: Stubbs, Bessie (1889 - )
----------child: Stubbs, Maude (1893 - )
----------child: Stubbs, Joseph Bartow (1895 - 1976)
Bussey, William Dowsing (*1826 - 1886) - male
b. in ,Lincoln County,Georgia
d. 23 FEB 1886 in ,Telfair County,Georgia
spouse: Kennedy, Mary Catherine (1828 - 1886)
----------child: Bussey, Mary Rosalie (1865 - 1935)
Butler, Charlotte (*1852 - ) - female
spouse: Abney, Joseph (*1848 - )
----------child: Abney, Minnie Beatrice (1884 - 1951)
spouse: Abney, Joseph (*1848 - )
----------child: Abney, Lottie (1882 - 1959)
Butler, Robert Wesley (*1867 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Emily Joella (1871 - 1971)
- m. 17 JAN 1891
Butler, Whitaker (*1864 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Ezzie Ellafire (1869 - 1942)
- m. 28 FEB 1887
Butler, William Augustus (*1822 - 1902) - male
b. in ,Wilkinson County,Georgia
d. FEB 1902 in ,Wilkinson County,Georgia
!Overseer of plantation slaves.
spouse: Stubbs, Hannah Ann (1822 - 1909)
- m. ABT 1862
Butts, Zachariah (*1764 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Elizabeth (1763 - )
- m. 26 APR 1794
Bynum, Catherine Lavinia (*1853 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, John Elliott (1849 - 1925)
Bynum, Theresa A (*1856 - ) - female
spouse: Lancaster, Benjamin Franklin (1851 - 1887)
- m. 14 DEC 1876 in ,Obion,TN
Bynum, Wiley G (*1849 - ) - male
!MARRIAGE: see wife.
spouse: Lancaster, Sarah Jane (1854 - 1874)
- m. 7 MAR 1872 in ,Obion,TN
Cagle, Lindzey (1817 - 1863) - male
b. 1817
d. 1863
Emigrated from Allen COunty, Kentucky, in 1845 to the southwest corner of
Lawrence County, Missouri, along with Moses Pruitt's sister Mahulda.
spouse: Pruitt, Mahulda (1816 - 1893)
- m. 24 OCT 1834 in ,Allen County,Kentucky
Cain, Alice (*1875 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, Rufus King (1844 - 1920)
- m. 8 OCT 1908 in Auburn,Lincoln County,Mississippi
Caldwell, Elizabeth J (1828 - <1870) - female
b. 1828 in ,,South Carolina
d. BEF 1870 in ,,Alabama
spouse: Pruitt, Thomas H (1817 - ~1882)
- m. 12 NOV 1847 in ,Benton County,Alabama
----------child: Pruitt, Mary A (1849 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Elizabeth D (1852 - )
----------child: Pruitt, George T (1853 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Margaret (1854 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Casander (1858 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Ransom S (1861 - )
Caldwell, John (*1898 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Lula (*1902 - )
Caldwell, Malinda Daily (*1870 - ) - female
spouse: Pruett, William Hamilton (1863 - 1917)
- m. 20 JUL 1891
Caldwell, Mary (*1719 - ) - female
spouse: Mitchell, Daniel (*1715 - )
----------child: Mitchell, Daniel (1750 - )
Callaham, David Pickens (*1835 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Sarah A (1837 - 1906)
- m. 1860
Callaham, Elisha (*1796 - ) - male
spouse: Hinton, Elizabeth (*1800 - )
----------child: Callaham, Rachel Elizabeth (1831 - 1884)
Callaham, Rachel Elizabeth (1831 - 1884) - female
b. 1831 in ,Anderson County,South Carolina
d. 22 FEB 1884 in ,Anderson County,South Carolina
father: Callaham, Elisha (*1796 - )
mother: Hinton, Elizabeth (*1800 - )
spouse: Pruitt, Joshua A (1829 - 1904)
- m. 1848
----------child: Pruitt, William H (1849 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Sarah Ophelia (1852 - 1874)
----------child: Pruitt, James Aaron (1853 - 1854)
----------child: Pruitt, John Andrew (1855 - 1906)
Callaham, Sarah Sallie (~1824 - ) - female
b. ABT 1824
spouse: Pruitt, Toliver C (1822 - 1867)
- m. 1844
----------child: Pruitt, Margaret Elizabeth (1845 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Frances C (1848 - )
----------child: Pruitt, William Cowan (1851 - )
----------child: Pruitt, John Calhoun (1855 - 1909)
----------child: Pruitt, Moses Columbus (1857 - 1914)
----------child: Pruitt, Jefferson (1861 - )
----------child: Pruitt, James O (1863 - )
Callahan, Thomas (*1799 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Matilda (1799 - )
- m. 3 JUL 1827 in ,Oldham County,Kentucky
Callaway, Keziah (*1774 - ) - female
spouse: French, James (*1770 - )
----------child: French, Keziah (*1805 - )
Calvert, Elizabeth A (*1852 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, John Felix (1835 - >1884)
- m. 17 APR 1879 in ,Vandenburg Co.,Indiana
Calvert, Fidelia J (*1846 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Joseph Abraham (1844 - )
- m. 27 SEP 1865 in ,Vandenburg Co.,Indiana
Calvert, Leroy (*1805 - ) - male
spouse: Unknown, Penelope (*1809 - )
----------child: Calvert, Sarah E (*1840 - 1874)
Calvert, Sarah E (*1840 - 1874) - female
d. 28 JUN 1874 in ,Vandenburg Co.,Indiana
father: Calvert, Leroy (*1805 - )
mother: Unknown, Penelope (*1809 - )
spouse: Pruitt, John Felix (1835 - >1884)
- m. 16 JAN 1862 in ,Vandenburg Co.,Indiana
----------child: Pruitt, Emma L (*1870 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Catherine J (*1870 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Leroy E (*1870 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Ann R (*1870 - )
Camp, Isabell Rachel (1855 - 1905) - female
b. 29 AUG 1855
d. 28 JAN 1905
Gravestone shows W/O Frank.
Rochelle J Camp ?
spouse: Prewett, Oliver Franklin (1851 - 1923)
- m. 11 JAN 1874
----------child: Prewett, Sarah E (1875 - 1951)
----------child: Prewett, Luther (1877 - )
----------child: Prewett, B J "Gray" (1881 - 1934)
----------child: Prewett, William Grover (1884 - 1962)
----------child: Prewett, Martha Isabel (1887 - 1918)
----------child: Prewett, Nannie T (1890 - 1974)
----------child: Prewett, Jennie (1893 - 1939)
Camp, Malinda (1852 - ) - female
b. 1852
spouse: Prewett, George W (1849 - )
----------child: Prewett, Zollie Z (1878 - 1955)
----------child: Prewett, Essie J (1880 - )
----------child: Prewett, John Orlando (1883 - 1966)
----------child: Prewett, Ida L (1885 - )
----------child: Prewett, Hattie M (1887 - )
----------child: Prewett, George C (1889 - )
----------child: Prewett, Cora F (1890 - )
Camp, Permelia "Pamala" (1862 - 1937) - female
b. 1862 in ,Paulding County,Georgia
d. 1 OCT 1937
father: Camp, William (*1828 - )
mother: Jarman, Sarah Ann (~1835 - )
Pamala on gravestone. No death date shown.
spouse: Prewett, John W (1857 - 1933)
- m. 1876 in ,Paulding County,Georgia
----------child: Prewett, James W (Sam_G) (1877 - 1950)
----------child: Prewett, Sarah Elizabeth (1884 - 1965)
----------child: Prewett, Henry Walter (1888 - 1970)
----------child: Prewett, Daniel N (1891 - 1981)
----------child: Prewett, Eunice (1905 - 1989)
Camp, William (*1828 - ) - male
spouse: Jarman, Sarah Ann (~1835 - )
----------child: Camp, Permelia "Pamala" (1862 - 1937)
Campbell, Debra Aurelia (1958 - ) - female
b. 1958
spouse: Pruett, Christopher Duane (1963 - 1998)
----------child: Pruett, John Edward (1986 - )
----------child: Pruett, Christa Jo (1991 - )
----------child: Pruett, Alex Dewayne (1993 - )
Campbell, James David (1835 - ) - male
b. 1835
spouse: Pruitt, Elvira (1838 - >1888)
- m. 8 NOV 1855
Campbell, Mary (*1862 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Absolom Abraham "Apps" (1858 - )
Campbell, Mary Ann (1966 - ) - female
b. 1966
spouse: Pruett, Michael Dane (1963 - )
----------child: Pruett, Matthew Dane (1987 - )
----------child: Pruett, Mark Andrew (1991 - )
----------child: Pruett, Mitchell Aaron (1996 - )
Campbell, Nancy (1800 - 1856) - female
b. 21 JUN 1800 in ,,Tennessee
d. 9 SEP 1856 in ,Lowndes County,Alabama
spouse: Pruitt, Lemuel (1788 - 1843)
- m. 21 SEP 1826 in ,Dallas County,Alabama
----------child: Pruitt, Martha Malinda (1828 - 1866)
----------child: Pruitt, William Wallace (1830 - 1875)
----------child: Pruitt, John C (1833 - 1840)
----------child: Pruitt, Catherine McLeod (1835 - 1908)
----------child: Pruitt, John (1841 - 1863)
Canada, Sarah H (1828 - ) - female
b. 1828 in ,,Tennessee
spouse: Pruitt, Alfred (1820 - )
Cannon, Elizabeth (1795 - >1860) - female
b. 1795 in ,,South Carolina
d. AFT 1860 in ,Tallapoosa Co.,Alabama
spouse: Pruitt, Joseph (1795 - >1860)
----------child: Pruitt, Newton (1823 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Henry (1833 - )
Canter, Almeda (*1851 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Thomas (1850 - )
- m. 29 AUG 1869 in ,Orange County,Indiana
Cantrell, A C (*1846 - ) - male
spouse: Stubbs, Sarah Franklin (*1850 - )
Carr, Mack C (1881 - 1950) - male
b. 1881
d. 1950
spouse: Prewett, Minnie Dovie Ella (1891 - 1985)
Carr, Mary (*1667 - ) - female
spouse: McGehee, William (*1663 - )
- m. in ,,Henrico County,Virginia
----------child: McGehee, James (~1698 - 1774)
Carr, Unknown (*1844 - ) - male
spouse: Stubbs, Frances Stevens (1848 - )
Carrel, John Wesley (1852 - >1913) - male
b. 1852
d. AFT 1913
spouse: Pruitt, Susan Alice (*1863 - )
- m. 14 JUL 1878
Carrel, Stella (1884 - ) - female
b. 1884
spouse: Pruitt, Oliver M (1862 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Pauline (*1908 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Marion (*1908 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Charles (*1908 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Louise (*1908 - )
Carruth, Jane E (1825 - ) - female
b. 1825
father: Carruth, Walter (1788 - 1852)
mother: Wales, Elizabeth (1799 - 1850)
spouse: Prewitt, Moses A (1823 - 1897)
- m. 1 DEC 1843 in St Helena Parish,,Louisiana
Carruth, Walter (1788 - 1852) - male
b. 1788 in ,,North Carolina
d. 23 DEC 1852
spouse: Wales, Elizabeth (1799 - 1850)
----------child: Carruth, Jane E (1825 - )
Carson, Carvill Hynson (1830 - 1911) - male
b. 14 NOV 1830 in Baltimore,,Maryland
d. 18 FEB 1911 in Savannah,,Georgia
spouse: Gere, Sarah Frances (1834 - 1918)
- m. 24 MAY 1855 in Baltimore,,Maryland
----------child: Carson, Helen Neal (1866 - 1944)
Carson, Helen Neal (1866 - 1944) - female
b. 31 AUG 1866 in Baltimore,,Maryland
d. 26 OCT 1944 in Macon,Bibb County,Georgia
father: Carson, Carvill Hynson (1830 - 1911)
mother: Gere, Sarah Frances (1834 - 1918)
! Buried at Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia.
spouse: Stubbs, William Benjamin (1861 - 1920)
- m. 23 NOV 1887 in Savannah,,Georgia
Carter, America (1866 - ) - female
b. 1866
spouse: Pruitt, William Otto (1853 - 1890)
- m. 26 NOV 1890
----------child: Pruitt, William (*1891 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Mary A (1893 - 1941)
----------child: Pruitt, Orvan Hoyle (1894 - 1951)
----------child: Pruitt, George Bryan (1896 - 1970)
Carter, Catherine (1764 - 1832) - female
b. 1764
d. 1832
Also known as Catherine Carter-Arrington (widow).
spouse: Farrar, Abner (1765 - 1841)
----------child: Farrar, Diannah Hillsman (1806 - 1894)
Carter, Ira Dexter (*1884 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Una Ollie (1890 - 1966)
- m. 22 SEP 1907 in ,,Texas
Carter, Kate (*1887 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, Charles Dickson (1883 - )
Carter, Marie (*1802 - ) - female
spouse: Pruett, James (*1798 - )
- m. 22 FEB 1822
Carter, Mary (*1881 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, Rufus Dudley (1877 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Jack Russell (*1912 - )
----------child: Prewitt, Latimer (*1912 - )
Carthrae, ? (*1872 - ) - male
spouse: Potter, Virginia Lillian (1880 - ~1945)
----------child: Carthrae, Helen Lee (1901 - 1956)
----------child: Curren, Virginia (1906 - 1992)
----------child: Williams, Charles Lee (~1910 - )
Carthrae, Helen Lee (1901 - 1956) - female
b. 25 APR 1901 in El Reno,,Oklahoma
d. DEC 1956 in Bethesda,,Maryland
father: Carthrae, ? (*1872 - )
mother: Potter, Virginia Lillian (1880 - ~1945)
spouse: Poerstel, Maxwell (1896 - 1932)
- m. 10 JUL 1920 in Sec Presby Ch,NY City,NY
----------child: Poerstel, Richard Hilton (1923 - )
----------child: Poerstel, Shirley (1925 - )
----------child: Poerstel, Kenneth (1929 - )
Carvin, Alfred L (1823 - 1895) - male
b. 23 APR 1823
d. 29 OCT 1895
spouse: Pruitt, Margaret (1823 - 1892)
- m. 16 APR 1842 in ,Bartholomew Co.,Indiana
Cassaday, Murray K (1884 - 1942) - male
b. 1884
d. 1942
spouse: Pruitt, Dora (1890 - 1960)
Cassity, Nancy Miller (1794 - ) - female
b. 1794 in ,,Kentucky
spouse: Pruitt, Abram (1787 - 1856)
- m. 7 APR 1845 in ,Allen County,Kentucky
----------child: Pruitt, C A (*1824 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Paralle (1838 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Lucinda M (1841 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Georgeanna (1845 - )
----------child: Pruitt, William W (1848 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Amanda H (1849 - 1905)
----------child: Pruitt, Abraham S (1852 - 1854)
----------child: Pruitt, Tabitha (1855 - 1893)
Castello, Jo Ellen (*1939 - ) - female
spouse: Pruett, Larry Lynn (1942 - 1991)
----------child: Pruett, Larry Lynn (1965 - )
----------child: Pruett, Keith Wayne (1968 - )
----------child: Pruett, Kenneth Edward (1970 - )
Castleberry, Drucilla (*1829 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Sanford Elison (1828 - 1865)
- m. 30 AUG 1848
Castleberry, Julia Ann (*1829 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Madison Floyd (1832 - )
- m. ABT 1853
----------child: Pruitt, Sarah (1854 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Anna L (1857 - )
Cathron, Harvey (*1909 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Christine (1913 - )
Catledge, Mary Jane (*1841 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Benjamin Franklin (1839 - 1906)
- m. BEF 1860
----------child: Pruitt, James (1862 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Benjamin Franklin (1864 - )
----------child: Pruitt, William Jessie (1869 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Amanda (1873 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Oscar W (*1873 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Mary Parilee (1877 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Florence L (1880 - )
Catledge, Susie (*1842 - ) - female
spouse: Pruitt, Jesse Carter Farrar (1843 - 1922)
- m. 1863 in ,,Mississippi
----------child: Pruitt, Mary Dianna (1866 - 1955)
----------child: Pruitt, William Benjamin (1867 - 1949)
----------child: Pruitt, Thurza Catherine (1870 - 1870)
----------child: Pruitt, Thomas Jefferson (1875 - 1951)
----------child: Pruitt, Martha Dianna (*1877 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Robert Allen (*1877 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Unknown (*1877 - )
Cato, Gabriel Louise (1964 - ) - female
b. 20 NOV 1964
spouse: Stubbs, Thomas Price (1949 - )
- m. 11 MAR 1983 in Douglas,Coffee County,Georgia
----------child: Stubbs, Bridget Nicole (1983 - )
Caton, Lorinda (*1803 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, Nelson (*1793 - 1830)
- m. 3 FEB 1824 in ,Mercer County,Kentucky
Cavins, John (*1787 - ) - male
spouse: Prewitt, Mary Hamblin (1792 - 1851)
- m. 6 DEC 1810 in ,Fayette County,Kentucky
Cavitt, Nancy (*1794 - ) - female
spouse: Prewitt, William White (1786 - )
- m. 9 AUG 1816 in ,,Tennessee
Center, Abner (*1768 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Diannah (*1772 - )
Chamberlain, Oscar P (1869 - 1945) - male
b. 1869
d. JUL 1945
spouse: Pruitt, Ida May (1875 - 1946)
Chambers, Elizabeth (1860 - 1940) - female
b. 30 OCT 1860 in ,Wilkinson County,Georgia
d. 2 JAN 1940 in ,Wilkinson County,Georgia
! Buried at Old Stubbs Cemetery near Liberty Baptist Church.
spouse: Stubbs, Benjamin Harris (1852 - 1919)
Chambers, James A (*1834 - ) - male
spouse: Pruitt, Elizabeth C (1838 - )
- m. 1 SEP 1857 in ,Marion County,Iowa
Chambliss, Marjorie (*1898 - ) - female
spouse: Ricketson, Eston (*1894 - )
----------child: Ricketson, Betty Zane (*1929 - )
Chandler, Malinda (1823 - ) - female
b. 1823
d. in Itasca,Hill County,Texas
spouse: Pruitt, Joseph Melton (1819 - 1891)
- m. 17 FEB 1842 in ,Benton County,Mississippi
----------child: Pruitt, William Jasper (1842 - 1910)
----------child: Pruitt, Louisa J (1845 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Cinderella (1847 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Nancy M (1849 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Lucinda M (1852 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Elizabeth (1855 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Absolom Abraham "Apps" (1858 - )
----------child: Pruitt, Mary W (1862 - )
Chandler, Martha Patsy (1762 - 1833) - female
b. 6 MAR 1762 in ,Halifax County,Virginia
d. 29 JUN 1833 in Winchester,Fayette County,Kentucky
father: Chandler, Robert (1729 - 1792)
mother: Hamblin, Mary (*1732 - )
Died from cholera.
spouse: Prewitt, Robert (1758 - 1819)
- m. 23 MAY 1782 in ,Halifax County,Virginia
----------child: Prewitt, Elizabeth Betsy Simpkins (1784 - 1811)
----------child: Prewitt, Vaul Allen (1785 - 1843)
----------child: Prewitt, William Chandler (1788 - 1854)
----------child: Prewitt, Henry Hamblin (1790 - 1863)
----------child: Prewitt, Mary Hamblin (1792 - 1851)
----------child: Prewitt, Robert Chandler (1795 - 1850)
----------child: Pruitt, Willis C (1797 - 1852)
----------child: Pruitt, Levi (1799 - 1880)
----------child: Pruitt, James (1802 - 1879)
----------child: Prewitt, Nelson Gilduroy (1806 - 1870)
Chandler, Robert (1729 - 1792) - male
b. 1729 in ,Halifax County,Virginia
d. 1792 in ,,Kentucky
spouse: Hamblin, Mary (*1732 - )
----------child: Chandler, Martha Patsy (1762 - 1833)
Chandler, Susan Ann (*1820 - 1849) - female
d. 1849 in ,Fayette County,Illinois
spouse: Pruett, Charles J (1816 - 1866)
- m. 25 MAY 1845 in ,Fayette County,Illinois
----------child: Pruett, William C (1846 - )
----------child: Pruett, Nancy P (1847 - )
----------child: Pruett, Elisha David (1849 - )
next - go to surnames