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Seiryu and the Orochi Vendetta

The villainous Orochi Cult has returned to exact vengeance on Ranma and company, and they are willing to go under extreme lengths to get that revenge! Only one person can stop them, but what will be the cost?

*#11: Enter the Shadows; Months ago, in a prophetic dream, Ranma was tormented by his closest friends and enemies; that nightmare is about to become reality as the shadows make their move. What happens when your closest friends become your greatest enemies? And, who is that hiding in the shadows?! 16/20.

*#12: Face of the Enemy, Fan Artwork; Ranma, with the aid of Dr. Tofu's relaxation techniques, takes a trip through the memories of his defeated enemy. In his quest to discover why the future is in danger, Ranma may come across events he wishes would never happen and beyond....

*#13: Rising Star, Artwork; Ryu Kumon returns to Nerima with a surprise. The entire gang gathers at the Tendo household for Christmas. Ranma tries to cope with his amazing discovery.

*#14: Team Ranma in the King of Fighters '96, Fan Artwork; Team Ranma (Ranma, Ukyo, and Ryoga) enters the annual King of Fighters tournament to prove who the greatest martial artists in the world are. However, they aren't the only ones to enter; Natsume and Kurume return and, with Akane, enter the tournament to represent the Tendo School! A mysterious friend shows up once more, an old enemy returns, and a man of shadows finally reveals himself.... This is actually my ninth fanfic, but needed the longest to develop.

*#15: Beginning of the End; To have faith in oneself is to wield great power, but greater still is to have faith in others. Can Ranma learn this before it's too late? As March draws near, Nabiki and Kuno approach a new phase in their lives, and it's not together!

*Nemesis. In Greek myth Ixion was bound to a wheel of fire, condemned to spin in Hades for all eternity. Now that the wheel has come full circle, there is yet one matter to be settled: In the end, there can only be one! After all, all good things must come to an end....

  1. Fan Artwork 1. This may be a major story spoiler.
  2. Fan Artwork 2. The Price of Success may be too high.
  3. Teaser. This should keep the hounds busy for a while.


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