The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff

Mona Lisa Birthday
Tee loves Mona and I love enhancing her for Tee :)
Uh, BTW.... I grew those tulips she's holding this year and tubed them.

We had a visit from my aunts (my mom's sisters) and cousin this week.
It was wonderful to see them all again!

Aunt Carolynspacer (1K) Aunt Bobbie

I just wish it could have been a happier reunion,
as these pictures were taken at my mom's grave.


There will be more pictures as soon as my aunt gets home and emails them to me. Leave it to me to forget my camera!

I haven't seen my aunt Bobbie and cousin Brenda since 1980 and haven't seen my aunt Carolyn since 1986. I was fully expecting Aunt Carolyn to look more like my mom than Aunt Bobbie, but things have reversed over the years. Neither looked too much like her when they first got here but after talking for awhile we all noticed that Bobbie has so many facial expessions and movements that are identical to my mom. I both anticipated and dreaded every time one of those expressions would happen. I saw my dad tearing up a few times and know that he felt the same way. My aunt Carolyn, on the other hand, had expressions, movements and (her) voice that all reminded me of my grandma. The last time I saw Carolyn, her and their brother looked a lot alike, but that's not the case anymore. She would probably be happy to hear me say that since he has gone out of his way to alienate everyone that he is related to. Which is kinda sad since he lives in here and doesn't even know that they had been for a visit.

I sure do miss my mom :_(
but am very happy that I got to see my aunts and cousin, and that my family had the chance to get to know them.


Another baby!


It's another grandson for Patti (nanakeet) and David.
His name is Tyler Nicholas.
Congratulations to the new parents and the new grandparents!!!

My dad has been going through some health issues, but I will let that subject drop until we find out what exactly is wrong with him. I would certainly appreciate all prayers though. He will be 82 years old on the 5th. I have tended to say that he is already 82 years old for some reason, I think because he has said that all year himself. The following day is my mom's birthday. I still miss her sooo much....

Speaking of birthdays, Craig celebrated his 15th birthday on March 25th. He will be getting his driving permit soon. His Uncle Danny is giving him his Chevy Cavalier, talk about a happy kid!

It looks like we will be buying a house.
.......More on that later.......
Don't want anything to go wrong :)

Matt's in Texas for Spring Break, and brought one of his friends from school with him. We haven't met the friend yet but hear that he is every bit as crazy at Matt.
This should be a fun night.

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