The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff

If I'm not back before Thanksgiving, then
Happy Thanksgiving

Mo-Mo Drex



Yeah, about that life sucks thing....
Some things never change.

It looks like we won't be having our phone back anytime soon. If we don't have the $300+ paid by the 19th it will be turned off permanently, and naturally we don't have the money. Our bill has doubled each month since we moved and we have no clue why.

Oh well, life goes on.

We have been alternating between using Richard's parent's computer and lugging my whole computer to my dad's house. Of course we may just get one of those pay in advance phone's & cheap internet somewhere, or maybe if we can ever get caught up we'll go for the digital phone - roadrunner - cable tv package since it would run us what our phone has been running us lately.

Yesterday was David's birthday. Since we're pretty strapped we weren't able to do too much. We put some streamers and a birthday banner up while he was at work, and in typical David fashion he didn't notice until he walked into it. LOL We made a point of making some hang down in the doorway. I made him a Boston Cream Pie and wrote Happy Birthday on it. It looked pretty scary but it tasted great. We got these cool candles that burn the same color as the color of the candle. They are plastic filled with alcohol and refillable. Had to have some kind of fun... We got him a watch that he can use at work. They are not allowed to have anything that may scratch the finish of the cabinet, they even have special belts that don't have buckles. So we got him a watch that he can keep in his pocket. It's not a pocket watch exactly but does the trick. It came with a carbiner that has a tiny, built-in flashlight. Tiny but very bright. We also made a point of getting one with numbers and hands that glow in the dark as opposed to one that lights up. That way he can check it quickly while driving without taking his eyes off the road.

For lack of space, and quicker loading, I've put some random pictures from the past few weeks up HERE.

It's been raining non-stop for two days now. In the past two hours I have watched our backyard go from having a low spot to a pond. Since we are new to this house I can't help but wonder what kind of nasty surprises we may be in for before it lets up. It looks like we will be using Paul & Suzi's computer today. Thankfully I have been able to avoid Richard for a couple of months now. I'm afraid if I run into my former best friend I will end up laying into him, and since I am currently being treated for high blood pressure that would not be a good thing. I don't even know who he is any more and that's very sad.



Life kind of sucks right now.

Getting screwed out of the money we put down when we were trying to buy a home, combined with the money it took to move anyway, has pretty well sucked us dry. So now we are struggling as much, if not more, than we did when we were first married. As a result we are currently without a phone. I don't miss the phone so much, it's kinda nice to not have it ringing, but we have dial-up internet and that is something that we all miss.

It's 11:30 p.m. on the 31st right now so it's still technically Halloween. (Like that matters.)
We don't have our yard cut-outs or any of our decorations anymore :(
No headstones....
No laughing skeleton in a coffin....
No witch crashing into the tree....
and no ghosts.
We decided that getting out of the hell house was worth the loss. I hope we feel the same way next month (Dec). Some of the cut-outs I really hated to lose, like the ones that I had made especially for my mom and the fishing Santa that I made for David. Where they are stored there is most both wood bores and termites so we decided that it would probably be better to leave them and just start over. It made for a boring evening though since the decorations used to really bring in the trick-or-treaters. Don't get me wrong, we still had fun. Tracee dressed up as a dark faerie. I was a witch and Josh was his standard insane guy in a straight-jacket. All we did was hand out candy but I'm thinking that maybe we should have trick-or-treated. Plenty of adults did this year! And they were not the least bit shy about it either. It was sort of cool.

I have definitely decided that next year this page will have a plain white background. I thought I'd try something new, using the lavender, but it just doesn't work with some colors, and I like to change the background each month.

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