The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff

And we are still waiting...................

Okay, so Matt's part turnmed out to be more of a walk-on. But he did get a line and a close up, and more important he will hopefully be eligible for his SAG card now. It's an indie film called "Flight To Savannah".
It will probably never play in Waco.

We took the dogs to the lake yesterday. It was Drex's first time to ever go to the lake and both had never been on a boat before. This was only the 3rd time in a car with us for Drex. We know he had been in a car at least once before, when he was dropped off here originally. He figured out the last time that he was still going to get to come back home and has acted like he's a member of the family ever since the first car trip (to the vet) when he got to come back home. Some day soon he'll be an old pro at it. Mo-Mo loves cars, especially all of the passing smells. But I'm getting off track here. We took the pontoon boat out so we could go swimming in a more private area. We weren't out long though because it was windy and the water was choppy. The dogs did good on the boat after they got their water legs. When we got off of the boat though.... Drex wanted no part of that big water coming after him! We bought a couple of those screw in tie down stakes to take to the lake along with the cable to put the dogs on. They both had their harnesses on too. They've made it a rule here that dogs have to be on a leash at all times, including while they are swimming. Mo was tied up near the water's edge while Drex was tied up away from the vicious waves ;) Mo (sporting her new shaved look since she doesn't handle the heat well) is part lab so she wanted to hit the water.
Drex was laying nervously on the shore.

04-mo-mo_lake (15K)spacer (1K)04-drex_lake (15K)

Craig put Mo on her regular leash and headed for the water and Drex came unglued. He pulled right out of his harness and hie tailed it out of there! Luckily Tracee moved fast and was able to catch up with him. He spent the rest of the time on the boat, which was just fine with him, poor little guy. Well, maybe not so little, they are each just over 60 lbs. But you know what I mean. Backtracking to the shaved poochy, we had no idea that she still had that black streak down her back. I will post new pictures of her on the
"That Lucky Dog" page, and will be making a second Lucky Dog page for Drex.


We've been pretty busy with trying to get the house and all. It's a manufactured home (David hates it when I say "mobile home"). LOL But it's new and doesn't contain any mold, and it's pretty big too. Here are some pics of the house (no longer working). This IS the home we are buying but the furniture doesn't go with it. Oh, and the picture showing the front of the house isn't ours, it's just one like it. I couldn't fit the whole thing in one frame. The land we are getting is a shady single lot, 80' X 125'. Not huge but it'll do. The house is 28' X 66'. I can't wait to get the dogs moved to some place that has a backyard rather than a pen.

OK, so on to the important stuff :)
Go Matt Go!!
We won't know any details until Wednesday other than he will be playing a Marine.
Don't know who Matt is?
He's Scott's best friend. He's also the crazy kid featured on so many of my pages and my e-cards. You never know what to expect from him. LOL
Here is the page I made when he moved to New York to study acting. Here is the page I made for their former band, Next In Line. Hmmm.. curious. I was just looking at the Next In Line page to get the URL and some of the pictures only partially loaded. I've never had that problem before. Matt can also be found on this page Senior Pics 2003

Break a Leg Matt!!!!
We are very proud of you!


We've been approved to buy a home!
And that's all I'm going to say for now :))


5-9-04 - Mother's Day
Scott, Craig, Josh & Rhonda
Scott, Craig, Josh and me - April '04
And if Craig hadn't been hunching down you would be able to see that the youngest is also the tallest. Mother's Day has been pretty nice this year. Tracee brought me a flower and a card yesterday, then Scott brought me a flower, card and candy last night. Today David and the boys gave me a card and a little German chocolate cake, all for myself. Plus David got up and cooked me some southwestern style eggs for breakfast, then took a bunch of stuff to the storage shed, plus mowed and trimmed. Without even being asked :) Kadi and Armani stopped by to drop off cards from them and Richard. And of course my dad and I went to the cemetery to visit our moms. Over all it's been a pretty peaceful day. Oh yeah, and since Scott works at Blockbuster I had him get me a chick flick because I never get to see any. He picked out Alex and Emma, which I really enjoyed. I don't think they could have cast anyone better than Luke Wilson in the lead. The part had to have been written with him in mind. That's saying a lot coming from me since I'm more a fan of his brother's.

I hear Aubs graduated from college yesterday. We've pretty much lost touch since she moved to Denton and she is planning to move to FL next. If you happen to read this Aubs, Congrats!

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