The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff

......and this morning the water heater is leaking. I'll bet it's a brand new water heater and that it's our fault it's leaking.
Actually, it's an unsafe water heater that the gas company refused to light. I think I still have the report from the gas company, I need to look.

I just finished uploading 220 photos that I took this morning around the house, things that the housing authority and health department may find interesting. Now I'm off to burn them on CD, along with all of the pictures from when we first moved in, before the house was livable at all. Now I just need a couple more pictures that I won't go into detail about but will most likely not only make the health department declare that this house is unsafe to live in, but also every building on this property, including where the landlord lives. This is one thing that no amount of money can repair because it's enviromental.

David's home, he transferred to Dallas.

Our landlord isn't happy about David being home, I guess being required to maintain the property you rent is more than he can handle. He wants us to move. Funny, so do I. We've been without heat twice now, and I'm not talking two days when I say twice. The first time was when the weather first turned cold and the furnace went out. He said it was our fault and refused to pay for it or have it checked out. It turned out to be the heat coils, they were burned out. After getting yelled at about it being A NEW FURNACE and that it was our fault it was damaged because he wouldn't get anyone out here to repair it and so we did, and he blamed the guy that we got to repair it for the problem. That was back, wait.... 3 times the furnace has been out since we moved here in July. The first time was when it caught fire. Actually, that was during A/C season so I don't know if that counts. But anyway, he said that our guy wired something wrong and that was the problem. Not quite. (Like he would know, he never checked the thing out.) The problem was that the heat coils we needed stopped being manufactured in the 1980's. Amazing how this NEW FURNACE takes such outdated parts, huh? So we were without for a couple of months, and as anyone who knows me knows, the cold air cuts my lungs like a knife because of my lung damage. But David came home for Christmas and was able to get the parts for the furnace, $38 btw, and repair it following the instruction of the place who sells the part. This time when it went out it was the blower motor. I told Cliff when it went out and that's as far as it went. Never even attempted to look at it. And of course we had another cold snap. David moved back home and was able to "fix" the furnace again just before a snowstorm hit. I've been down sick for over 2 weeks now with my lungs and have no way of going to the doctor thanks to this shit. Oh yeah, it turned out the blower motor needed cleaning and oiling. It had never been oiled before. It's the old fashioned kind that requires oiling. You know how these NEW FURNACES are. In the furnaces defense, it was left to rot in the garage for a couple of years.

The stove that was here when we moved in was unsafe and we were finally able to get him to replace it with one he had taken from some other tenants. He has a habit of evicting people and ending up with ALL of their belongings. But when this stove, that had been left in the weather on an open trailer for months, started leaking gas, he refused to do anything about it. Except assign blame. Again it was our fault because it was a NEW STOVE. Wrong again. The stove we have now is new. Brand new. My dad bought it for me when David was living in Georgia.

Shall I go on about the plumbing? The bathroom faucet that has leaked as long as we've lived here, the toilet that flushes itself, as near as we can tell, because of a factory defect. It was probably bought as a "second", I'm guessing. But wait! No, it's brand new, just like everything else in this house. My husband should know, he's the one who took it out of one of the other rentals and put it in here. The hose on the kitchen faucet has leaked for as long as we've lived here, but I keep it in the sink so it can't do anymore damage under the sink. Under the sink gad pretty well caved in before we moved here. Then the other night the faucet broke off in my hand while I was doing dishes. That of course, is my fault since the faucet was brand new.

David did shingle the roof at Christmas because it leaked so bad when it rained. He also put the missing siding and insulation in and on the wall upstairs and close in around the, I don't know if you would say eaves? And stapled plastic over the wall where the only thing between the outside and our 14 year old son is a piece of sheetrock. And his dresser. Oh, and he put up a piece of rain gutter to deflect the water that runs under the French doors when it rains. That has helped a lot since the floor isn't standing in water anymore. Not that it matters much since the house had woodborers. The floors are going to give out soon anyway.

Our uncapped fireplace with the flue non-operational has birds now and the kitchen has some kind of rodent, but I'm sure that's because the neighbors behind us just throw their trash over their porch railing and the dogs chew it up and drag it everywhere. Which brings us to the landlord wanting us to move because I told him I wouldn't pick up human waste. He came over today and said that he wanted us to clean up, so I picked up all of the stuff that the dogs have chewed up except for the diapers that are spread all over our yard and the lots behind us. I will not pick those up and I called to tell him so. But of course he didn't answer the phone, he never answers the phone. I take that back, he has twice, but I think he was too sleepy to look at the caller ID first.

I could go on and on, but frankly, I've been on the computer for too long already researching exactly what our rights and responsibilities are, and what his are. And who needs to be out here doing inspections to keep anyone else from having to rent from this guy. Or better yet, to have this house condemned.

My son tells me he showed up at the door with a black eye. My best friend tells me he got the black eye from something falling on him. My son tells me the bruise is fist shaped. Good for whatever (or whoever) knocked the hell out of the guy.

I wonder if Webster's has the definition of "slumlord".

Happy Birthday Rosie!
(We're getting old)
So yesterday was my birthday. Every year all I ask for is a clean house, so this year I gave it to myself. I cleaned for 2 days straight so now I can paint without guilt.
As far as gifts go, all I got was age spots. My first age spots.

I just downloaded this new HTML editor called HTML-Kit. Got it at Boy, when they say full service they mean it! This does everthing but wipe your ass for you. My old HTML editor disappeared. We've been having a LOT of computer trouble lately, mainly because our system resources are at 52% when they need to be at 70% for optimal performance.
Also because of something called QTTASK. This is connected to Quick Time and will totally mess your computer up. I couldn't run ScanDisk, I couldn't defrag, couldn't get rid of QTTASK.... I finally ran a search on "remove qttask" and came up with a message board where someone gave the links to download a couple of very tiny programs that made it so I could close it out. If you don't know much about computers, hit CTRL+ALT+DELETE and see if QTTASK pops up in your list of programs that are running in the background. One, make that two, things that I have learned from this is that Quick Time and Real One are two of the worst programs available. They have caused more computer crashes than just about everything else out there. Get rid of them for your own sake!

So back to the missing programs.
Among the missing/disfunctional are our digital camera and our scanner.
Think someone is trying to tell me something???

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