The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff


We Moved!!!

We didn't get the house we were trying to buy because our ass of a landlord screwed us out of it, but we did get to move :)

It's a long, drawn out story, but here's the condensed version.
The people upstairs were able to find a place to live first, so they called the Sheriff's Dept., who sent out their enviromental officer. What we were told is that he cited the landlord for 39 enviromental violations. He also said that if it wasn't all repaired within 30 days he would have the entire place condemned. Then I decided that since we would be moving if it was condemned, might as well jump on the band wagon. So I called and turned him into everyone that I could think of, and everyone that was suggested by the people I turned him in to. So hopefully he'll be tied up with fines for a long time to come. I haven't decided if I'm finished turning him in yet.

So we were looking and looking for a place to rent, like we have been doing for the best part of a year. Craig and I went to write down the number for a pretty old and worn out place that everyone kept telling us about. On the way back I saw a for rent sign on this house, called, put down the deposit and started moving. There is no doubt in anyone's minds that there was some divine intervention. There's a lot more to the story but like I said, this is the condensed version.

There have been even more deaths, we are up to 11 now. Well.... one happened last year but I just found out about it. A dear old friend of mine, who went by the name Onie, passed away last July. I just found this out when her son-in-law died a couple of weeks ago. I wish someone had told us at the time. I have tried to find her obituary online but haven't had any luck. I've never known how old she was, but about 25 years ago she looked to be in her 70's.

Richard and Kadi have called it quits. I wish I was a little more excited about it but the truth is that I will miss Mani something terrible. But they were a match made in hell so it's just as well that it's over. Although no one will really buy that it's over until she is actually back in Virginia.

David started as a full time Gulfstream employee almost 2 weeks ago. Yippy! Insurance again. Now maybe I can find out once and for all if I have been walking around on a broken foot for the past year.

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