The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff


There were two births today!
I have much more info on the first.

His name is Aiden Asher and he weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs., 5 oz. The proud parents are Dustin and Julie. Dustin has been serving in Iraq since Sept. and in a surprise move, almost made it home in time to witness the birth! He missed it by a few of hours. No one knew he had gotten leave or that he had been in the air since Saturday trying to get home. Even more amazing is that he called while she was in delivery and got to hear the whole thing. LOL Isn't God awesome?

The second birth is a girl.
I don't know the details since her 1st time grandparents Ernie and Diane are on the east coast for her birth. The proud daddy is their son Chris.

Congratulations Everyone!


It was pretty strange to look back to last June's archive and see how happy I was. The reason I was looking at the archived pages was to get dates concerning the house in case we end up in court with our landlord. He has turned out to be exactly the opposite of what he presented himself to be originally. I'm assuming that my friend who hooked us up with him has never known this side of him. Whether or not her husband knew is another question. Him and our landlord grew up together so surely he knows that the guy is a control freak? Also that he doesn't maintain his rentals?
He claims bad memory and/or depression.
I've tested his memory and he failed miserably.
More than once.
He's faking that big time.
I know that he suffers from depression since I recognize myself in him, but if you are going to run a business you have to put that aside. As far as I know owning numerous rental houses and a "car lot" qualifies as a business. You know Sandford & Son? That's what his "car lot" looks like. I didn't even realize that he was a car lot until I was researching him online. I thought it was just where he stored junk. But anyway, I could go on and on and on, and probably will in my blog since that is the reason I created it in the first place.

Matt will be home Tuesday for his grandpa's funeral.
All of our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Richard and Kadi found a house and are getting settled in. Now they are going through what I call "Real Life 101". Some people call it Murphy's Law. I just hope nothing affects Armani adversely, I love that little girl way too much :) Kadi, Richard & Armani
Kadi, Richard and Armani

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