The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff


No house for us. The landlord lied to the lender and screwed us out of our loan.
Time to start turning him in for all of the housing and enviromental hazards that we have been forced to live with. I'm tired of playing nice.

I finally broke down and went to the ER a couple of nights ago.
Back on the nebulizer and antibiotics I go......

Sometimes life really sucks



There was one good thing that happened this month :)

I made this page for her months ago. She's grown so much.

Mani's party went pretty well.
All of the nieghborhood kids came, along with her grandpa Pavelka, (grandma and aunt Maria were at home with strep throat), her Aunt Ashley and Uncle Carl, Matt (who was here visiting from N.Y.) and us. Richard bar-b-qued chicken, burgers and hot dogs. They had a Bratz cake, quite tasty too. Since Kadi's family are in Virginia, we went out of our way to spoil my "granddaughter-ish little person" rotten! She is such an awesome kid!! The only damper was that psycho-Jenna called during the party, and as always, was so self-involved that she stayed on the phone without caring that she was interrupting Armani's party. And Richard had drank so much beer that he let her stay on the phone. He's a sucker for a stray. I wish he'd get over his Superman complex and quit trying to save the world, but since Jenna is walking drama there's no doubt she will need some kind of rescue that will interfere with his life. And he's such a nice guy that he'll rekindle a friendship with this girl who has consistantly treated him like dirt and mess up not just his own life, but the lives of others as well. Maybe they will move to Virginia after he graduates next month and we won't have to be exposed to his gullibilty anymore, therefore I could quit worrying about him so much. And with Kadi's jealousy this has definitely caused a problem, not that selfish little Jenna would give a damn one way or the other. If Armani gets hurt because of her, in any way, there are a dozen or so of us who will come down so hard on her that she'll wish she had dropped out of high school and never heard of Richard.

I don't think I have written anything about Aaron's accident in here. If you think back a few years you will remember that he lived with us for awhile. Him and his g/f had a blow-out while making a turn, he lost control and flipped the car, taking out a stop sign and hitting a fire hydrant before coming to rest on the side of a building. He has minor injuries and they both had concussions, but his g/f broke her neck. Our thoughts & prayers are with you two.

Matt has decided to move back to Texas. School has gotten too far away from what he was hoping for so he quit. There is a possibility of a reality show being filmed where he works as a piercer, called American Tattoo, from the people who made American Chopper, but he's decided to give that up, mainly because of a girl named Jamie, who is perfect for him. I hope it works out once he gets back, we all think she's great.

A n d there is more bad news.

Tracee found out last week that her dad has cancer. I can't speak for anyone else, but I will be praying that it can be cured and that it hasn't spread.

There were also two break-ups this month;
Heather and Russ called it quits as did Aubrey and John.

Over all, July has pretty much sucked (so far).



Rest in Peace........ I'll miss you cous...



I'm jumping the gun by a day here but only because I feel like writing and hate to do it just to change months in 24 hours.

Still no news on the house......
Just thought I'd throw that out there and get it over with.

It's been kind of like a reunion week around here. People that we haven't seen in ages keep popping up out of the blue. It's been kind of nice.

My lungs are still acting up, but not as severe as they were. Richard's mom said tonight that I sound like I have bronchitis (sp). I had forgotten that it even exists, and that I am prone to getting it. I guess I should consider trying to get on antibiotics. With no insurance it's easier said than done.

Mo-Mo had us frightened for a few days. She was throwing up every day for about 4 days but seems to be much better now. She's our little "princess" and we'd hate to have anything happen to her.

I sure do hate it when I'm in the mood to run my mouth and there is nothing to say! Oh well.... I'll just say later then.
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