The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff


Or not.

If you read the previous post below you'll know what I mean by that.

The problems may have been Yahoo related since Yahoo and it's affiliates are the only thing we were having trouble with, including our ISP. Things seem to be working better now. Of course it could be running better because I downloaded the free anti-virus program from, which picked up 1 virus and 4 trojans that my other program missed. Or it could be because I downloaded Ad-aware and removed almost 2,000 items that were spyware.
Or it could be that Yahoo is just worked out their glitches?
Who knows?

Josh is writing music reviews for now. You can read his reviews at And I highly recommend it, not only because he's good, but also because he can get paid for you reading them :) And let's face it, we need the money.

It was our computer. After months of trying to get it to let me run a thorough scan with ScanDisk it finally allowed it to happen. I started running then closed out programs that I knew didn't need to be running in the background one at a time (instead of all at once) until it started running right. Then I defragged it, and now it's working just fine, thank God.
I would be lost without my 'puter!

I've gone through and redone all of the very first posts of The Latest Shtuff. They can be found at the "Oldest Archive" link below if you are interested.

Damn I'm a lousy writer. Oh well, not trying for any awards :)


I don't know what the deal is, but we can't use Interent Explorer right now, or our other browser, and Outlook Express won't work either. Or should I say I can't receive mail? I can read whatever is already downloaded. Everything we have, as far as internet goes, is Yahoo based and it may be Yahoo that is having the problem (not an uncommon thing, is it?), although I was able to connect to messenger. I was also able to go to a couple of non-Yahoo sites through my HTML editor. Our computer is 3 years old now and on it's last leg. I'm afraid it may be the computer itself. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the problem seems to be all Yahoo connected, I would just assume that it is the computer. We have been needing to reboot it constantly. And I'm NOT exaggerating when I say constantly.

So what else is new?
Let's see... Craig is on crutches again. He was playing soccer at church the other night and injured it. We went to the ER so we know it isn't broken but the doc said he definitely tore something in there. I'm supposed to be taking him to an orthopedic doc later this week. Which reminds me, I need to call one. The swelling goes from his knee to a few inches up on his thigh.

I discovered yesterday that my page that links to the oldest archives here no longer exits. I will be working on that. I've been trying to find out just exactly when I started Ludlow's Place by going through old guestbooks, etc. As near as I can tell it was March of 1999. Look for something different in March on my site :)

So if you haven't heard from me in awhile, and thought to look here to see why, now you know.


Our New Year started out very much like last New Year's Eve, with a death and a fight. The fight wasn't physical, that's an improvement over last year. The death was an old friend who had cancer, caused by Agent Orange in Vietnam. David and I did get to spend some alone time on New Year's eve. We went out to eat at Appleby's, which I've always enjoyed in the past but this time the service was awful and the food wasn't that good. There weren't many cars in the parking lot, which is unusual, and now I know why. They must have had a change of staff. We originally set out for the Texas Roadhouse where they make the best potato skins, but they of course were packed. Afterward we went to Booter's and had a couple of beers. It was Jon's last night working there (he was one of the DJ's) so naturally we had to stop in. A blues band called The Sonny Mac Band were playing and they were excellent. We topped the night off by going to a party at the Pavelka's house. New Year's Day went much nicer than it normally does. It was very peaceful and I have to admit that I out did myself on the meal. I forgot that I was capable of cooking that well. LOL

They say that how you spend New Year's is how the rest of the year will go.

I hope that means New Year's Day.


Hope you enjoy the new look.

David has been a regular worker bee since he's been home. In the past week he has repaired the furnace, fixed the dishwasher, wired the electric for my new stove, closed in the back of the house where the siding was missing, put the garage door on the house and is busy fixing the roof right now. Hopefully he will take at least a day off before he goes back to just rest. The house will finally be winterized. YAY! Now I just need to keep some salt on hand in case of an ice storm. This house has concrete no matter which door you go out of and I'm the kind who falls. It's only been a few days since my last fall. And only a couple of weeks since the fall before that one.

Last night we had a big of unplanned partying. Richard, Kadi and Armani came over. Matt was here, Jon was too since he lives here, plus the 5 of us. We had a great time. It's been quite awhile since I drank that much, but every now and then you just have to cut loose.
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