I'm getting just out right pissed off at the way the media is handling the death of Dimebag Darrel. If he had been a pop artist, a country artist, anything but a heavy metal artist there were be all kinds of people fighting to
make concerts safer, but no.... "They" may as well just say, "Hey, they deserved it for the music that they played". And from what I hear there are some religous groups that are saying just that. These guys were the same as you or me. Well... maybe more like me, but you know what I mean.
My husband works with a guy who has been close friends with the members of Pantera for years. Their (Darrel and Vinnie, the drummer) mom is absolutely devastted, as would be anyone whose son was shot 4 times in the head by some psycho. From what we hear Vinnie was also shot, along with the bass player. Does anyone even care?
I do. My heart aches for their families.
Christmas? What's that?
This year it is a time for decorating. As far as gifts and a meal go.... probably not. Well, maybe the meal, but as a gift to ourselves we are attempting to start the new year with all of the bills paid.
Not paid off mind you, just paid up to current. Wish us luck!
We are those people who put out a lot of yard cut-outs every year. This year we don't have all of those cut-outs because they are all sitting in the burnt out shell of a house where
we used to live. When we moved we decided that it probably wouldn't be worth the effort and all of the bull with the slumlord that it would have taken to retrieve them. I'll just remale them, most were getting pretty old anyway. My dad still hs few that I made for them
when my mom was still alive so we are using them. (He doesn't decorate outside anymore.) I've got a couple of projects that I have been working on. One is an old world Santa that I hve been painting, the other is a table topper that I have been crocheting. My favorite part about Christmas
used to be the giving but now it's all about the crafting for me. :)