The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff


And still we wait................

At the moment they are saying the hold up is that David Williams is such a common name. The latest credit report shows about 20 credit cards that aren't ours, some with limits as high as $80,000. So what I want to know is this: Don't they run a credit check using your SS#? Before this it was the appraisers that were holding things up, I forget what all before that. We are about ready to tell them to just cancel the whole thing.

Except that.......
My bronchiectasis has been flaring up big time for the past couple of weeks. Originally the mold around here triggered my allergies, then one thing led to another......
We need to get out of here!!!



Aunt Alice spacer
Aunt Alice

My aunt Alice passed away on the 2nd. Alice was my dad's sister. Even we would call her grandma occasionally, but usually that was when we were talking to another family member, just to avoid confusion. She not only raised my half brothyer, Freddy, but also many of her grandkids. She was a life-long resident of Lacy-Lakeview but the obituray has her listed as a resident of the town where my cousin, Johnny, lives. They discovered that she had breast cancer after it had spread to her liver. Although she will be missed by everyone, we are all glad that her suffering is over.

We still haven't closed on the house. The waiting is killing us.

Belated birthday wishes to our son Josh, also to Cassie and her mama, Cheryl and to Kadi. Also an early Happy Birthday to Jon and to my aunt Carolyn.
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