The Latest Shtuff
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The Latest Shtuff


It's been a couple of days shy of a full month since I've updated this. Times sure flies when you're living outta boxes. O.K., so maybe not quite living out of boxes but we might as well be. I just can't seem to get unpacked no matter how hard I try. The things that we actually need are unpacked and even some decorative things, but I just can't seem to get the rest of it finished. I have no energy what-so-ever and feel like I am anemic again. Look it too, getting dark circles around my eyes. I have literally hundreds of unanswered emails. I just don't have the energy or the patience for it and I don't know why.

Scott quit Blockbuster a couple of weeks ago. He had been working there nights and working at TMD with Jon during the day. Now he is just working his day job, which is refurbishing electric meters. Matt also got hired on there.

Richard never learns and that really brings me down. I don't think Kadi was even gone more than a day or two before he hooked up with his new g/f, who he still denies is his g/f even though he spends all of his time either with her or on the phone with her. I guess I would deny it too since she's married. I told him that I don't want him to bring her around here as long as she's married. I'm not even interested in meeting her since I have no reason to believe her interest goes beyond an affair. Of course he's so gullible that he doesn't see it that way. And who knows? Maybe she'll surprise us and get a divorce. Personally, I won't hold my breath. And naturally, she has kids. Like Armani didn't get hurt bad enough. She doesn't have custody of her kids though. Just one of many red flags that he doesn't see. Can we say young, dumb and full of...... well, you know the rest of it.

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