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Estate Awards

Upon entering the Estate Awards Room, you notice there are several awards posted along the walls. Walking to your left, you begin reading the various awards presented to our Estate.

"We don't have many awards, but the ones we have earned are very special to us. We have worked hard to make this place special, not only for the dragons, but for the visitors as well".

[Dragon Treasure Award from The Site Fights]
Dragon Treasure Award
Kinseeker Fyre & Sarina Blackmoon, Manager, Darksbane Dragons

[Gryphon's Moon Award]

[Solid Gold Award from Sarah's Shack]

[Silver Award]
I would like to thank Lady Linx and the rest of the gang for honouring me with this award.

[Happy Easter from Lady Linx]
Thank you to Lady Linx for the Easter wishes... and Happy Easter to all of You too!!

[Dragon Master Award]
Thank You Dragon Master for this Award. *smiles proudly* I received it on May 11th, 2000.

[Perfect Score Award]
Thank You to Lady Azure, Dragons Team Leader for this Award!!
I received a Perfect Score in the LandsEnd South.

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The Sight Fights
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Estate Awards
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