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Personal Guardians

As our journey continues through the Estate, we come across a very special part of the main castle. You notice the intricately decorated gate. You inquire, "Who lives here?"

"These are very, very special dragon guardians. "While Balendyn guards the entire estate, these are my personal guardians, always watching over me. All of the dragons represent the world in which we live and how we must live in balance with everything for a proper life. Each of the dragon's represents something special in my life...."

Ice - stability
Fire - renewal & destruction
Earth - the ground upon which we live
Water - vital for all living things
Coral - showing that all things depend on each other for survival

[Fire Dragon] ~~Bai Bangrong~~
His given name is Bangrong which has a very powerful meaning, glorious nation. His surname is Bai, similar to a last name in the Western Culture. He is a Fire Dragon, and he was named after a very special person who is constantly watching over me, who was born in the year of the Snake.
[Earth Dragon] ~~Xian Longying~~
His surname is Xian, and his given name is Longying, which is a brave dragon. The dragon is a traditional symbol of the emperor and this dragon was named after the importance of the Earth. He was born in the year of the Rabbit, April 6, 1999.

[Water Dragon] ~~ ** ~~
Due to life circumstances, this guardian dragon is going through a special ceremony to receive a new name. He is very special, representing one of the most powerful elements to all living things, without water, all creatures and plants would not survive.
[Ice Dragon] ~~ Bei Enli ~~
The ice dragon represents a very strong force in my life and provides a sense of stability. She is named Bai Enli, her given name means an established kindness, the true definition of the person for whom this dragon is named. She was born in the year of the Tiger.
[Coral Dragon] ~~ Bi Lilong ~~
This is Bi Lilong, her name means a meritable dragon. This guardian's name is very meaningful and strong. She represents the coral, which lives in a delicate balance in the oceans. She was born in the year of the Rat.
All of these dragons were adopted from the Oriental Dragon Adoption.

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