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Poetry & Short Stories

You and I
Relationships are never easy, and you and I have had our share of struggling and troubled times, but together we can make it. Together, we cared enough to face our problems; we loved enough not to let go. And now, what we have is even stronger because of all we've been through, all we struggles with. I sometimes worry about the future, but with you by my side, the future seems much brighter - the present more precious, more meaningful. We need to appreciate the laughter, we must share our problems to realize how much we truly need each other - to give our love the chance to expand, to strengthen, to endure. We deserve nothing less than a love that will remain through all aspects of our lives. Together, we will face all obstacles with confidence because we already now our relationship can endure even the worst of times, as long as we love - share - and stay together.

~ Untitled ~
the days are long and the nights even longer.
the only warmth she has to keep her warm is the fire burning silently insideof her.
her dreams cause her to awaken, drenched in sweat. her breath, rapid and gasping.
she rises from her slumber, walking through the house. as she steps outside, the warm air caresses her.
she looks to the heavens, the stars glistening against the velvety sky.
suddenly she hears a noise, a shiver runs down her spine, the sound has never been heard before.
her dark eyes search the night around her, searching for the unknown.
again, the noise comes, closer this time. she steps back, seeking the comfort and shelter of the house.

before her stands a wolf, His coat shimmering in the pale light of the stars.
she gasps as He approaches, His pale grey eyes watching her, studying her.
in His mouth, a single red rose. she looks at Him curiously, never seeing a sight like He who stands before her.
without thinking, she takes a step forward, He does not move, His eyes still watching.
cautiously she reaches for the rose, its beauty never seen before.
a low rumbling growl erupts from His body, she pulls her hand back, afraid.

He steps forward, as a reflex she steps back.
He carefully places the exquisit rose at her feet, she looks down at the Gift, entranced with its beauty.
she leans down to pick up the rose, as she stands, the wolf is gone and before her stands a Man.
she steps back, the rose falls from her grasp, her eyes rapidly search for the wolf, but sees no trace of Him.

He smiles and retrieves the rose. He examines it and places a kiss upon the center, and offers it to her.
she cautiously reaches for the rose, her eyes never leaving Him.
as she looks into His eyes, there is a strange, yet familiar glisten to them.
He stands before her, a broad smiles upon His lips, barely revealing His fangs.
she stammers a quiet "thank you" as she takes the rose.
He reaches for her, His strong hand taking hers in His.
she shudders at His touch, so warm, her eyes still on His mouth.

"I will not hurt you."

she hears the words, but they seem so distant. quickly she looks up into His eyes silently pleading.
she does not notice that He is moving closer, until she feels His breath upon her lips.
His lips press gently against hers, His tongue gently pressing its way into her mouth.
she feels His slippery tongue enter, willlingly she allows its entrance.
daringly, she slides her tongue into His mouth, searching and tasting Him.
His kiss becomes more urgent, she feels the passion rise. His lips more firmly in hers, His tongue searching deeper.
she feels her body melting, His strong arms catch her, embracing her tightly against Him.
They break the kiss, both gasping for air. her head falls back, exposing her neck.
a growl from deep within Him erupts.

"I will not hurt you."

she feels Him nuzzling her neck, licking and biting lightly.
her hands run through His hair and down His back, her nails digging into Him.
He growls again. His bites become harder, more urgent, causing her body to shiver with pleasure.
His arms reach under hers, cupping her shoulders as He pulls her to Him.
suddenly, she feels His sharp bite, at the same time, a sigh escapes.
He sucks gently upon her neck, widening the wound. slowly He pulls her life from her, drinking deeply.
the pain of the bite is replaced with a pleasure never felt before.
her body feels weightless in His hands. she hears her heart beating, pushing her life into Him.
He draws back, a thin smear of blood upon His lips. His tongue darkly stained with her life.

He gently licks at the wound, tasting her sweetness.
her breathing slows in her weakened state. she looks into His eyes, full of confusion and adoration.
He smiles and kisses her, just as deeply and passionalty as before.
she can taste her life upon His lips, so sweet, so innocent.
He holds her close as she falls into a slumber. He knows she is tired and her body needs to renew itself.
her color is pale in the starry light. He looks down upon the form in His arms.
she has a beauty never seen before, just as rare as the rose.
knowingly, He carefully pierces His wrist, watching His life ooze slowly forth.
He nudges her to awaken and presses His wrist against her pale lips.
she shies away, but He offers again, insisting.

"Take from Me, that which was taken from you."

she licks at the blood, tasting its sweet saltiness.
she gently presses her lips to the wound, and licks His life slowly.
her gentleness drives Him wild, as He emits another growl, low and deep.
a strange feeling stirs within Her as She drinks of His life. it almost burns Her mouth, yet She continues.
He feels Her mouth pulling His life. the feeling pulls from the depths of His heart.
He watches Her sucking greedily, Her mouth working as She clenches His wrist with both hands.
He begins to pull His wrist from Her greedy little mouth, a low growl escapes Her and He smiles.
He feels a throbbing sensation as She drinks quickly. He looks at Her neck and His mark.
His heart fills with a need, He carefully lifts Her to Him and reopens the wound.
a gasp escapes Her as She feeds on Him, and He on Her.
Their blood mixing, tying Them together for eternity.

Their urgency decreases as Their craving becomes satisfied. They release Each Other from Their passionate grip.
She falls against Him, weakened. He holds Her close, for He is weakened as well.
He carries Her into the house, to Her room. He growls as He sees the dawn beginning to break, the dreaded sun comes.
Gently, He places Her on the bed, Her pale color replaced with a flush, His life flowing through Her veins.
He lies down with Her, glaring at the rising sun.
Their bodies pressed close to One another, for comfort and protection.
as She falls into a deep slumber, He whispers..

"I did not hurt You. You are mine, as I am Yours."

~~ Untitled ~~
there's an emptiness deep inside of her. there's a fire, smoldering quietly.
will it die? or will it be fed?
the emptiness envelopes her like a dark cloak, shielding her.
she sees a shadow, dark and looming. she hears a voice, so gentle and kind

"Come here little one."

she hesitates, her mind not knowing that to do, but her heart urges her forth.
still enveloped in the cloak, she approaches the shadowed figure.
the fire within her continues to burn, the flames licking her heart.
she stands before Him, her dark eyes searching, examining Him.
He steps from the shadows, His face kind, His eyes sparkling.
her heart pounds as she looks into His eyes, her body frozen in place.
He reaches out to her, she cannot move, meerly watch.
He begins to remove the cloak from her, offering Himself as her protection.
the cloak falls to her feet, unnoticed. for deep within her
the fire burns brightly, warming her.
her body shivers, the pounding of her heart is deafening.
He reaches out to her, a warm smile on His face, His arms open.
she sees the smile, kind and reassuring. cautiously she steps forward.
she stands before Him, her eyes glistening with tears of uncertainty.

"Do not be afraid little one."

the gentleness of His voice soothes her, causing the fire within to increase.
He wraps His arms around her, pulling her close.
she rests her head on His chest, the beating of His heart so steady and strong.

"You are safe now little one."

the words calm her, the emptiness within disappears and is replaced with happiness.
the tears of uncertainty are replaced with tears of joy.
with a tenderness never felt before, He wipes the tears away.
pressing His fingers to His lips, tasting their sweet saltiness.
she looks up, His actions confusing her, causing more tears to fall.

"Do not cry little one."

again, she smiles up at Him, finding comfort in His words.
her mind races, searching for words to express her feelings.
she closes her eyes, feeling the warmth of His body as He holds her close.
the fire within her hasn't died, for she has found what her heart desires, and it burns brightly.
she looks up at Him with pure adoration and respect.
a single word forms on her lips, "Master."
upon hearing this, His smile increases, He swells with pride.
He pulls her even closer and gently kisses her brow.

"You are Mine from this day forward."

smiling, she cuddles closer to Him, never wanting to leave His embrace.

"i am Yours forever."

She moves with the grace of a hunter, Her muscles ripple beneath a golden coat. Huge paw, hiding deadly claws was gently upon the Earth. Golden eyes scan Her domain, searching, watching. Her sense of smell is heightened, an unfamiliar scent teases Her nasal passages. She opens Her mouth, revealing deadly fangs. Again, She breathes in, taking the scent into Her mouth, still trying to distinguish its unfamiliarity.

Nervously, Her tail begins to twitch, the black tip dancing behind Her as she cautiously walks, searching for the source. Her great golden eyes narrow, mere slits now as She gazes upon the landscape, noticing familiar marks on the trees, signaling a male domain. Without fear, She passes the deeply gashed tree, knowing that males are no threat to Her. She continues Her search, the scent maddening Her, driving Her search on.

Suddenly, the scent becomes stronger, intoxicating. She breathes deeper of the scent, male? Again, She inhales deeply, male yes, but not of Her breed. The testosterone is strong in this One. Cautiously She proceeds forth, Her eyes searching for the unknown. She stops. A low rumble erupts from Her throat, a threatening snarl curls Her lips, deadly fangs exposed. Her body freezes as She faces the source of the scent. Her tail freezes midair as Her body crouches low to the ground, Her belly barely touching the soil beneath Her. Staring back at Her is a wolf. His white coat shimmering in the daylight, He almost seems to glow. His pale gray eyes watch Her, studying Her.

He is rather large, almost the size of Her, but much smaller than the males She is used to fighting off. Her ears flatten against Her skull, another snarl pierces the air as She strikes out with a massive paw. He doesn't move, rather He continues to watch Her. Her actions so strange to Him. She is much larger than the females He chases, Her body is well muscled, the sign of a successful and powerful hunter. Her golden eyes intrigue Him, for they almost seem colorless.

He watches Her crouchin, Her long body barely touching the groun, the muscles rippling beneath Her coat. She watches Him, He is unafraid of Her actions. This confuses Her, for She is larger than most females and much stronger. Yet, He does not fear Her. He steps closer again, She lashes out with razor sharp claws, snarling and hissing at Him. He stops, noticing that His advances are causing distress in Her. She sees Him, approaching closer. Her mind races, should She attack? Her body is tense with anticipation, prepared for the attack.

Suddenly, He crouches before Her. His pale eyes dance with mischief as He looks into Her eyes. They are full of curiosity and playfulness, Hers are full of confusion. He quirks His head to one side, His pink tongue drooping out of His mouth. They continue to watch each other, curiosity peaked. He places His head between His paws, still watching Her. She relaxes, Her body resting upon the ground, no longer attack ready. He inches closer to Her on His belly. His hind legs scooting Him along. He continues to inch forward, His forepaws lightly touching Hers. She feels the slight pressure of His paws on Hers, not restraining, merely touching.

She hisses softly at Him, threatening but not endangering. He simply sits there, panting lightly, a wolfish smile on His face. She leans forward, biting at His paw. He retracts it, yelping in surprise. She merely yawns, Her long pink tongue curling from Her mouth. Boldly He stands and walks to Her side, where He lies down, their bodies touching. She doesn't move, but remains in Her spot, feeling His body leaning against Hers. She feels His warmth and the softness of Her fur, as He does Hers. In Her own way, She grinz at Him and begins to groom Him.

First, She licks His ears and face, Her rough tongue brushing His fur down. Playfully, He nips at Her as She licks His face. She places Her paw in His, restraining Him, as She continues to groom Him. Feeling quite relaxed, He begins to groom Her. His tongue not as rough as Hers, but still effective. She closes Her eyes as She feels His tongue on Her face, then down Her neck. A low rumbling purr rises from Her stomach and up Her throat. Her paws begin to lightly kneed His, as They continue Their grooming session. In moments, the air is filled with Her purrs and His low growls of pleasure.

Suddenly, the long golden body is replaced with a human female form. He stops, looking at Her. Gone is the furred body. Before Him is a smooth body, well muscled and well tanned. Her long black hair flows down Her back. Gone are the golden eyes, now they are dark pools of knowledge, windows to Her soul. Gone are the paws and razor sharp claws, instead well shaped hands and nails. He looks at Her, curious, then He begins to look around, searching for the familiar golden body. She smiles, slightly visible are Her fangs, and a purr rises from Her throat.

He is shocked! The golden cat is now the woman before Him. A slow wolfish smile crosses His face as She lets go of His paws and sits up. He closes His eyes, the pale silvery color gone. She watches Him, for He is changing also. The silvery fur disappears, replaced with smooth flesh. The wolfish face, slowly changes into a more human face, a masculine face. The lithe wolf body becomes more solid, still well muscled and very well put together. Gone is the bushy tail, His hind legs lengthen, forming into well muscled thighs and calves.

He opens His eyes and smiles at Her. Their pale color replaced with a deep blue, tingled with green, very bewitching. They sit there, smiling at each other, no words are exchanged. Only looks of disbelief and confusion. "You are like Me." The first words from Her mouth. A low chuckle rises from Him, "Yes, I am like You. We are the same, yet very different. For I am the Wolf and You are the Lioness. We are symbols of Strength, Success and Power."

Feeling the fire burning deep inside of Her, She moves closer to Him, wanting to feel His warmth and smoothness of His skin against Hers. He smiles at Her advances, the tips of His fangs barely visible. Cautiously He moves closer to Her as well, wanting to feel Her body next to His. They lie with each other in silence, their breathing barely audible. His arms are wrapped around Her warm body, pulling Her closer to Him. He lightly begins to kiss Her neck, nipping gently and playfully. A soft melodic laugh fills His ears as She responds to His affections. Her nails dig into His arms as He continues to kiss Her neck. A low growl escapes Him as He feels Her nails digging into His flesh. He presses closer to Her and is surprised when He feels Her cuddling closer.

With a playful grin, she begins to wiggle Her hips into Him. His growl deepens as does His kisses. He grips the back of Her neck, biting and sucking, not letting go. Feeling Her pressing Her warmth into Him. Quickly, She breaks from His grip, Her breathing heavy, a light bead of sweat on Her forehead. She crawls away slowly, swaying Her hips seductively at Him. She turns and looks over Her shoulder, seeing Him rise and crawl after Her. She laughs softly as She increases Her pace, making Him chase Her. When She turns Her head to look before Her, He springs on Her back.

She growls and turns, Her legs and arms shielding Her from His attack. She uses the strength of Her legs to keep Him from falling on Her. His long arms hold Him above Her, as His hands rest on the ground by Her arms. He laughs softly, deeply from inside, it is met with Her melodic laughter. He pushed off from the ground and lies next to Her, they face each other. Again, studying, watching and touching. She sees that the play has aroused Him, as She feels the heated flush rise to Her face from Her causal observation. He laughs again, taking note of the color change in Her face. Slowly, He moves closer to Her, gently resting His body on top of Hers, feeling the heat rise from Her. She does not resist, for the fire inside of Her burns brightly and deeply.

She closes Her eyes, enjoying the feel of His weight upon Her. Their heated flesh burns, caressing each other. He gently holds Her face, the kisses Her. The kiss fans the fire in Her as She wraps Her arms around Him, pulling Him to Her. She feels His urgency, Her heat welcoming Him. Their kiss becomes more passionate, the heat rising dangerously. Slowly He withdraws from Her, the pleading look in Her eyes beeing Him not to leave. He smiles upon Her, His eyes drinking in Her beauty. She lies there motionless, seeing Him observing Her.

He lowers Himself to Her again, not wanting to leave. She feels the passion within Her burning brightly, the flames licking at Her heart. With a slow smile, She surrenders Her body to Him, for Her desire is great. He accepts Her surrender and takes Her as His. Long gone are the animal shaped Ones, instead their human forms join together, never possible as animals. The two bodies have joined as one, for they are one. One heart and one soul.

He smiles at Her from across the room, as He relaxes in His chair. She returns the smile with one of warmth and love. Slowly, She walks over to His chair, Her long black, unbound hair flowing down Her back, swaying with each step. Her full rounded hips swaying, invitingly, seductively. In Her hand, a beautifully etched crystal goblet, filled with a private stock of Merlot. In Her other hand, two beautiful red roses. Her smile broadens as She approaches. She stops, a couple of paces in front of Him. His eyes haven't left Her form, as He watched Her every step. He lifts His magic chalice, filled with chilled ale to His lipe, drinking slowly. His clear blue eyes looking straight into Hers.

She remains where She stands, teasing Him, allowing Him to take in Her beauty. She can feel His eyes on Her, searching Her soul. She bows before Him, the look on His face is one of curiosity, for She has never bowed before Him. She extends Her hand, offering Him the roses.

Hesitantly, He reaches forth and takes them, putting them to His nose, breathing deeply of their heady scent. He then places a kiss on both roses. Grinning, He slides His tongue into the center of one rose, the heart and looks up at Her, teasingly. She gasps softly, watching Him. His lovely pink tongue slowly entering the rose, tasting its sweetness, as a wolfish grin crosses His face. Chuckling, He removes His tongue slowly, flicking the tip of the rose once more as She emits another soft gasp. Laughing softly to Herself, She takes a sip of the Merlot, its deliciousness soothing Her, slowing Her racing mind.

He slides over, offering Her a place to sit. She smiles at the invitation, no words are needed, for His actions speak loud enough to Her. She closes the distance in two easy steps, turns and sits. He didn't move much, so She wiggles Her hips, making a little more room and turns to Him, a sly smile on His face. His actions completely intentional. Her hip and thigh are pressed close to His, She feels the warmth of His body. They sit there, quietly, enjoying the time They have together.

She leans over, resting Her head on His shoulder, a happy smile graces Her features as He reaches over, caressing Her cheek lightly. She places Her hand on His thigh, resting it there, enjoying His gentle caress. He places His hand over Hers, lacing His fingers through Hers. He lifts Her hand to His lips, placing a kiss upon it. A shiver runs through the length of Her body, His touch electrifying Her. He chuckles softly at Her reaction. She smiles at Him, slightly shocked at Her reaction to His touch. She cuddles closer to Him, He wraps His arms around Her, protectively. Sighing with content, She whispers to Him "My Master". He turns to Her, smiling proudly, whispering "My Mistress".

Holding each Other close, They exchange secret looks and even more secretive words. For They have blocked out the room before Them, focusing entirely upon each Other. Her heart soars with happiness at having found Him. She looks up at Him, studying His profile. His well shaped lips, so soft and gentle upon Hers. His clear blue eyes, so warm and caring. The little wrinkle lines near His eyes, showing that He loves life and all the pleasures it brings. She closes Her eyes, His image etched deeply in Her mind. He notices Her studying Him and pulls Her closer, reassuring Her that He is not a dream, but very real.

Smiling, She reaches up, caressing His face, pulling Him to Her and placing a sweet and gentle kiss upin His lips. She feels His grip tighten as the kiss lingers. Her daring and adventurous tongue exploring His mouth, much as He explored the depths of the rose. She presses Her body closer to His, feeling His warmth and strength. He feels Her soft and warm body against His, as His excitement grows, savoring Her sweet kiss. Her hands move down His face, caressing His neck lightly, trailing Her nails down His chest. A low growl escapes from His mouth as He feels Her nails digging into His flesh. His lips press harder to Her mouth, tasting deeply of Her.

By now, They are lost in Their own world, the room before Them no longer exists. He pulls His midnight blue cloak over Them, transporting Them to another place, a private place. In the room, all that remains in His chair are the two roses, before on separate stems, now, joined forever. A silver shimmer surrounds the roses, keeping them as fresh as the day they opened their petals to the sun.

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