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Enchanted Forest

As you walk along the Estates, you notice a heavily wooded area off to the right. Out of curiosity, you head toward the woods, a small sign informs you that you are about to enter the Enchanted Forest, home of the rare and beautiful Enchanted Dragons.

"I rescued these dragons from the thirsty swords of four evil knights, Sir Oliver-Paul, Bline the Berzerker, Gilrit the Mad and Sir Blachen. They dragons were rescued from the realm of D~Mentia."

[enchanted blue]
~~ Sachyel~~

He is named after the Angel of Water. He is a very special dragon, since many have tried to find him and the others of his kind to destroy them. Here, in the Realm, he and the rest of his kin will forever be safe from bloodthirsty swords.
[enchanted green]
~~ Thera ~~
Thera, has a very powerful name. It is Greek and means "unmastered and wild". She is a very beautiful green enchanted dragon, wild like the forest she lives in.
[enchanted orange]
~~ Dmytri ~~
Meet Dmytri, he is very shy, too used to having to hide in order to survive. His name is Greek and means "lover of the Earth". He can usually be found near the meadows, always hiding.
[enchanted pink]
~~ Joya ~~
This is Joya. Her color truly symbolizes her name which is Latin for "merry". She is always in a very playful mood and very friendly. When she was found, she was very, very lonely and sad, since she didn't have anyone to be happy with. Now she is everywhere, sometimes she sneaks to the main Estate and visits the Playground.
[enchanted violet]
~~ Nalyni ~~
Nalyni is indeed a very lovely dragon. At the moment, she has a very shiny hide, but when she was rescued, you couldn't tell what color she was. Nalyni is Sanskrit for "lovely" a name that truly suits her.
[enchanted red]
~~ Kynsey ~~
The final treasure of the Estates, is Kynsey. His red color is a symbol of the power he holds. His name is Old English for "victorious prince". He keeps the other dragons in line and is often found chasing Joya around, from the Playground, back to the Forest.

The journey continues.....

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Enchanted Forest
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