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Blackwater Forest Dragons
As you are walking, you notice and interesting sign Blackwater Forest Adoption Agency. "What are Blackwater Forest Dragons?". Well, the following information was collected from the Agency itself. If you are interested in adopting a dragon, please visit them.

Ferna Clan Dragons

There are three different types of dragons at Blackwater Forest. The most numerous dragons are the Alpha Clan Dragons, of which I do not own any. The Ferna Clan Dragons are very intelligent, which makes them difficult to capture in the wild. They can be found mainly in the foresty area. They tend to be wary of humans, but once a bond has been formed, they enjoy human company very much.

[Vrynda White Ferna Female]
~~ Vrynda ~~

The ability to cure illness, to help mend broken bones, help cure the common cold, and she has the ability to allow the blind to see.

Name : Vrynda, Hindu for "divine virtue"
Clan : Ferna
Parents : Red Kharma & Gold Cara
Mate : None
Hatchlings : None

[Balynt-Black Ferna Male]
~~ Balynt ~~
The ability to turn day into night, and vice versa. This is a very strong skill to possess, and he must have the permission of a silver dragon before he can use this power.

Name : Balynt, Latin for "strong and resolute"
Clan : Ferna
Parents : None - Wild
Mate : None
Hatchlings : None

[Rawn Oak, Black Ferna Male]
~~ Rawn Oak ~~
the ability to turn day into night, and vice versa. This is a very strong skill to possess, and he must have the permission of a silver dragon before he can use this power.

Name : Rawn Oak, unknown meaning
Clan : Ferna
Parents : Unknown - Orphaned
Mate : None
Hatchlings : None

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