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Estate Diplomas
Graduation Dragons

[Graduation Diploma]

As we continue through the Estate, you see many other dragons playing in the playground. "You have so many dragons here. How do you keep them separated? Where did you get these diplomas?"

"I received them from D~Mentia's Web Guardian School of Dragons The following descriptions come from her page, describing what the school is about..."

"These Dragons are taught from birth to honor all web dwellers, and are sworn to keeping the web dwellers in line...Here at the school, dragons must study their scriptures (the 11th Commandment), good netiqette, the artist plea (web prestige), and of course they must always know the scoop...From birth these dragons are trained to be Web Guards, and Net Busters any one adopting a dragon from the school must uphold these standards..."

~~ Learn more about Web Guards, courtesy of Darklock ~~
[Web Guard Dragon] [Web Guard]

~~ Learn about Proper Netiqette from the Widow ~~
[Netiqette Dragon] [Netiqette]

~~ Learn about the Widow's plea for artists and art ~~
[Artists Plea Dragon] [Web Prestige]

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