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What are The Site Fights?

Walking through the main castle, you notice another oddly named room, The Site Fights. You wonder why this part of the castle has such an odd name. Could it be like The Rumbles? You inquire, "What are the Site Fights?"

"Oh, that is another place, much like The Rumbles. Currently, my site is in training for the competition. This will be an interesting time, because I am a member of two web site competitions. I am very proud to be members of both places. So I encourage you to visit them and support all of us!"

Let our journey continue.....

Main Hall
Rumbles Spirit Page
The Sight Fights
Fighting Dragon Quarters
Enchanted Forest
Estate Horde
Dragon Family
Personal Guardians
Dragon's Playground
Estate Hatchery
Web Rings
Blackwater Forest Dragons
Retired Fighting Dragons
Dragon Links
Estate Awards
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