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Main Hall
[Main Hall]

As we enter the castle, you notice the tall cathedral-like ceiling and wide hallway, large enough for a small dragon or Balendyn to walk through. There are many colorful tapestries hanging from the walls depiciting scenes of dragons in flight, with bright flames of colour erupting from their mouths, and beautiful gardens. The floors are also covered with large, dark rugs and huge vases of yellow roses line the hall, filling the air with their sweet scent. From the high ceiling, several candle laden chandeliers hang, providing a warm, welcoming glow.

"I began this place very simply as a place to house various dragons. As you can see, it has grown quite a bit. The main castle is my home, but outside, there are several places for my dragons to play. Over time, we have had to expand the main castle, to provide sleeping quarters for many of the dragons. Since the nights are cool, many of them prefer to sleep outside, but if the weather changes, many sleep in the castle or find shelter in the forest."

As we walk through the castle, I point out some of the rooms, "That is my Office, where I keep records of my dragons, where they are from, their mates, and any hatchlings they have."

Further down the hall, you see a room with plaques on the wall, "What is in that room?"

"That is my Awards Room. At the moment, I do not have many awards, but I am very honoured to have the ones I have. There are many other rooms, but I think you are more interested in seeing my dragons." *smiles*

You feel heat coming from the room on your left. You notice the door is made of heavy steel and see sand near the entrance, "What is in this room?" "That is the Hatchery where I have several eggs warming. It was the first part of the Estate built, since there is a natural underground heat source, I felt that would be the best to warm dragon eggs."

"Let's go outside where the dragons are." As you walk out of the castle, you walk into a large grassy meadow. To your left is a beautiful flower garden of yellow roses, and many other wild flowers. Beyond the gardens, you notice a dense forest. "That is the Enchanted Forest. Near the mountains, is the Dragon's Playground, where you can find many of the dragons playing in the meadow and near the waterfalls. On the right side of the castle, you see another addition to the main castle and a huge arena, "What is the arena for?"

"That is where I train my Fighting Dragons. They are not scheduled to train today, so they will be resting in their Quarters."


"One morning while I was sleeping, someone abandoned a beautiful baby dragon on my front doorstep. You cannot imagine how shocked I was to find him in a handcrafted basket, sleeping. When I opened the basket, he gave a startled cry, but then went back to sleep. Hastily, I searched for a note, it read....

Dear Veronyka,
This here is Cresent, he is my baby dragon. Please keep him....... My castle is under attack and its to dangerous for my baby to stay. Please keep him he has barely opened his eyes and still is a baby. I heard the estate here is a good place for dragons, my wish is for him to live a happy life. Dont throw him out... Please...
I'll keep in touch....

"I have decided to keep him, I mean, who would honestly throw out a baby dragon? Right now, he is resting peacefully in the Estate Hatchery, but at night, I keep him in my room.

Well, things have been rather interesting as of late. I know I have been busy with the Estate and all, but I have been fortunate enough to have Someone Special help Me out here. He is indeed someone very special to Me and We have been spending a lot of time together, making sure the Estate runs smoothly and that all the dragons are well cared for. Well, I would like to introduce everyone to White Wolf. To see His picture and learn a little more about Him, We invite You to visit My Office. Right now, He is outside with Cresent, whom He adores.

Also, I would like to invite you to visit My Poetry page. I have written several short stories there and I hope you enjoy them. Please, do not copy the stories, since they are Mine, not stolen from someone else. I would appreciate any comments *smiles*

[End of Update]

Where shall we begin our journey?

Main Hall
Estate Office
Rumbles Spirit Page
The Sight Fights
Fighting Dragon Quarters
Enchanted Forest
Estate Horde
Dragon Family
Personal Guardians
Dragon's Playground
Estate Hatchery
Web Rings
Blackwater Forest Dragons
Retired Fighting Dragons
Dragon Links
Estate Awards
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