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[Rumbles Spirit]

Your journey has been quite eventful. Walking back into the Main Castle, you pass the Estate Hatchery and look to your left and see The Rumbler Spirit Room, you inquire, "What is The Rumbles?"

"Well The Rumbles is a place I am associated with. It is a place where web sites, such as mine, compete against other sites and win graphic awards. The really fun part of the competition is all the people we meet through the competition.

"There are several Teams, we are part of The Dragons (of course ~smiles~). Also, they have several positions open within The Rumbles where we can volunteer our time to help decide a lot of things.

"Here are the links to The Rumbles, The Dragons, and The Rumbles Quilt. Come and support us!!"

[Rumbles Approved] [Vote for me at the Rumbles!!]

[Rumbles Quilt Member] [Graphics Judge]

"To show my support for The Rumbles, I am also part of the following cliques. Everyone knows that cliques are groups of individuals who share a common interest. Well, our common interests are that we are members of The Dragons, Graphic Judges, Spirit Page Judges, Welcomers, Creatives, Rumbles Friends and of course.. a part of The Rumbles ~smiles~"

[The Rumbles Clique] [The Dragons Clique] [Judge Clique]
[Rumbles Friend Clique] [Rumbles Welcomer Clique] [The Rumbles Creatives]

"That sounds like a lot of fun."

"It is fun. If you have not visited my Links page, I would suggest that, since I have posted banners to sites I have visited and thought were cool. I also have a banner of my own, so that other people can link to me."

[Dragon Realm Estate Banner]

[NO Vote Exchange]

There are so many things to do at the Rumbles. We have finally received our Charm Sheet!! Please do not just take the Estate Charm, email us and we will send it to add to your sheet.
Estate Charm

Main Hall
Estate Office
Rumbles Spirit Page
The Site Fights
Fighting Dragon Quarters
Enchanted Forest
Estate Horde
Dragon Family
Personal Guardians
Dragon's Playground
Estate Hatchery
Web Rings
Blackwater Forest Dragons
Retired Fighting Dragons
Dragon Links
Estate Awards
Email Me

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All Rights Reserved
Backgrounds, banners and buttons made by Veronyka for Dragon Realm Estate
and are not to be removed without written permission.