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[Estate Hatchery]

The Birth of a Dragon
The Earth shakes, the sun rolls,
and in the heavens above, the moon quakes,
the stars stroll like they are in love.
Because this day, born on the Earth
a dragon is calling its name.

And in some way, at its birth, eternity shakes for a day.
A creature of fire and of steel, a beast of bright wisdom,
a beast of a flagon, of brimming hope that I feel,
of mastery in magedom, of truth and of fire in its heart.
eternity within us shows us the way to embrace the day,
it is the dragon's start, and all around us
we see evil fade away.

~ Author Unknown ~

Opening the heavy steel door of the Hatchery, we walk into a large cavernous room filled with sand. You feel the heat of the sand through your shoes. Near the center of the room, you notice three different types of eggs. "How come those eggs don't look alike?"

"Well, I search many places to find dragons to add to my ever growing family. Each of those dragons is from a different agency. At this moment, I also have an abandoned hatchling here. He was left on the doorstep, there was no way I could turn him down."

There is a large rainbow-like egg to the left. Walking over the hot sands, you reach the egg and gently touch it. "The shell is so hard."

"That means that it will hatch soon. That egg was rescued from the Blackwater Forest Orphange. His name is Terros and he will be a Brown male of the Ferna Clan. Once he Hatches, he will remain here until he reaches adulthood, then he will join the other Blackwater Forest Dragons."

~ Terros ~
Brown Ferna Male

[Terros, Brown Ferna Male]

Walking over to the next egg, you notice this one is much smaller than the first egg. It's shell is a solid red color. "Does the shell color mean the dragon will be red also?"

"We hope the shell color is an indication of the dragon inside. He/she will be a most welcomed addition to the Estate. This little egg was adopted from Phynix Adoptions. We are hoping that egg hatches soon, because all the other dragons are curious to see what he/she will look like."

~ Red Dragon Egg ~
Phynix Adoption Agency
[Red Dragon Egg]

You walk over the last little egg. "What about this one? It is so shiny and smooth."

"He is the newest egg here. He is from Domain Adoptions. See, he even has a stat sheet. All the other dragons have similar sheets available to look at in the Office. He will be known to all as Shymshon, which is of the Ancient Hebrew languange and means 'sun'."

~ Shymshon ~
Domain Adoptions

[Domain Egg]
[Stat Sheet]

~ Crescent ~
Abandoned Hatchling
[Crescent, pink & white baby]

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