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[Estate Office]

"Welcome to the Estate Office. This is where we keep a record of all the dragons housed at the Estate. We keep records of their mating flights, mates, breed, colours, hatchlings and clutches. We also keep a record of the Estate's Fighting Dragon's matches and powers.

This room is pretty messy at the moment, since I haven't had a chance to clean up some of the paperwork mess. I would like to tell you a little more about White Wolf, or Wolfy as I call him. We met back in June and we have been spending a lot of time getting to know each other.

The good thing is that many of the dragons enjoy his company and little Cresent has grown rather attached to him. So they spend a lot of time together, which is good for the little one. I do have a picture of him, which is posted below. If you look on the Northern Wall, you will see his bow and quiver full of arrows. He also presented me with a gift a month ago, we plan on having a picture of it up soon. It is of a beautiful lioness, my protector. I don't know when he had it made, but it is very beautiful.

Near the fireplace, we have a couple of leather couches and a huge bearskin rug on the floor (yes, He has moved in rather well to the castle). This is where We spend a lot of time, sitting and talking Estate business, trying to keep all the paperwork in order and just enjoy each other's company. With such a large Estate to manage, I am so glad to have Wolfy here with Me.

[Here is WhiteWolf]

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