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This whole section was submitted by Mazes. Support this cool lady - visit her page for the latest treasure quest updates.

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LEVEL ONE (a.k.a. Canyonlands)

  1. After pulling out the block (twice), push it into position under the opening in the wall.
  2. Walk to the open which the snake came out of.
  3. After falling two stories into the water climb back up a level and rob the skeleton.
  4. At the bottom of the waterfall dive and grab the first idol and...
  5. surface to get air before swiming down the tunnel. Rob the skeleton at the bottom of the "well".
  6. &
  7. . Off the dig site there are two treasures.
  8. When climbing out of dig area forgo the jump across the gap and fall into if instead. Crawl to the idol.
  9. Before starting the climb up the canyon rob the skeleton of it's coins.
  10. Before the last jump across the canyon climb the ladder to the right.

LEVEL TWO (a.k.a. Babylon)

  1. When you climb the crate to kill the sniper in the truck lot.
  2. After whip-jumping the gap, kill the guard and go to the right to get the coins (in an off room).
  3. In the water Starting point-left-down-right-left Starting point-left-right-down-180 turn *to exit that area Starting point-right-left-down-180 turn-up-left-surface*
  4. At the bottom of the pool you fall in after shooting hole in floor.
  5. In a tomb with a skeleton on the first level.
  6. Right above that one in another tomb.
  7. Push block out and run-jump across the width of the room.
  8. Jump from there onto the center of the pillar. Crawl to the Maruk winged idol.
  9. &
  10. .After putting hte cuniform tablets in place pick up the two treasures revealed.

LEVEL THREE (a.k.a. The Tian Shan River)

  1. Coins behind you in the cave.
  2. Coins after a climb up the canyon wall.
  3. After jumping up into air duct, turn rigt and jump down.
  4. During the first raft ride maneuver into the waterfall after the first turn in the ride. (thanks to the walkthrough site)
  5. After first raft ride run around the second boulder-tree grouping.
  6. Behind the tree with the yellow candle.
  7. Before you cross the bridge into the "piston room".
  8. Golden idol in the "piston room" balcony.
  9. Stop on the stairs and move over to the left wall. Now whip upwards and climb the whip. Another treasure waits.(thanks to the walkthrough site)
  10. Just before you leave the "piston room" (by boat), take the abuse and head left. All the way left. There's a small room along that wall.

LEVEL FOUR (a.k.a. Shambala Sanctuary)

  1. Gem in inner workings of clock (room with first icelings).
  2. Gem in clock room.
  3. Gem under ledge outside clockroom door.
  4. Bar near crumbling wall.
  5. Bar in loft w/monastic seal.
  6. Coins on other side of the loft.
  7. Bar underneath bell (after raising it).
  8. Idol under statue/fountain.
  9. Across elevator (under fountain).
  10. In the bulb room (push block instead of pulling it).

LEVEL FIVE (a.k.a. Palawan Lagoon)

  1. Behind the crate in the camp.
  2. After using the machete on the first web, use the Urgon device on the cracked wall.
    (submitted by Buzztron)
  3. Dig in the spot where Indy says, "There's something here."
  4. Coins behind the big boulder after water crossing.
  5. Bottom of ship (watch out! Baracuda bites Indy's balls!).
  6. After you go through the torpedo hole, go to the back room and pick up the coins.
  7. Go from the boat bridge towards the back of the boat (inside) and jump down. Treasure down the left coridor.
  8. When you've finally opened the underwater room go left and down for a bar.
  9. Return back outside and go south of the plane (follow the tail) until you find an underwater cave. Beware of shark! (submitted by Buzztron)
  10. Gold coins when you climb the stairs in the new lagoon & go around the pillar.

LEVEL SIX (a.k.a. Palawan Volcano)

  1. Go left not right at the first intersection to get silver coins.
  2. When you dodge the boulder (classic Indy) hop over to where it came from and fetch the gold coins.
  3. Silver coins are offered to you on an altar but behind you is a scorpion that takes offense to your stealing.
  4. Gold coins after the double scoprpoin homicide.
  5. Silver coins in a small tunnel in the lava-fall room.
  6. After Sophia is taken, you come to the big chamber with the lava fountain,behind the gong on the right,push block for Gold Coins.(submitted by Buzztron)
  7. Call the lift and kill the four guys. Call it again and kill the three on the surface. Use the q key on the wall to open the gem chamber.
  8. After cleaning out a nearby commi camp, open the two doors with the switch up in the cliff wall.
  9. After Sophia helps you through the gate, check under the stairs at the end of the walkway, Blue Diamond.
  10. To the left of those stairs,look for crack in wall,blast away,jump down for a tricky manuver.The Silver Idol is to the left.

LEVEL SEVEN (a.k.a. Palawan Temple)

  1. After you've dodged the rolling boulder, climb up your whip and jump off for a treasure.
  2. Gold coins to the right of the stairs in the large chamber.
  3. There are two laddres in this area. Take the left one for the treasure.
  4. Use the machete on the web and then on the spider to earn the coins.
  5. At the end of the right slide, jump and grab the opposit ledge with spider and treasure occupants.
  6. Gold bar reward after dodging the double boulder roll.
  7. Coins at the feet of a lava man after the broken bridge.
  8. Silver coins when you round the corner of the dark tunnel. Screenshot
  9. There's an idol on one of the pedistals in the room with the Lava Guardian.
  10. ? - Can't find it.

LEVEL EIGHT (a.k.a. Jeep Trek)

  1. In the camp tent on the table.
  2. Gold coins in the first tunnel after camp.
  3. Silver coins in the next tunnel.
  4. Box of jewels behind two crates before the broken bridge.
  5. Crawl space to a silver idol.
  6. Breakable wall with golden idol behind it.
  7. In the skull hut are gold coins.
  8. Gold coins behind the totem.
  9. Gold coins behind the plane.
  10. Gold coins in the sand bunker.

LEVEL SEVENTEEN (a.k.a Return To Peru) (submitted by Boxcar)

  1. Jump across river outside while sliding. Through vines and up in a cavern.
  2. Behind underwater vines and after a cave before leaving the jungle by waterfall.
  3. Whip a treasure into the water at area where candle is lit to see underwater patch that can be cut.
  4. Niche in area that fills with water after pushing block.
  5. In alcove in room where bamboo stick is located (reachable from the ground).(submitted by DjihEf)
  6. Near window that overlooks the snake pit (alcove seen on way back down from window).
  7. Climbing down ladder from area above snake pit (set of ladders after pushing block).
  8. From the area below where the rocks begin to move from the walls (under the first platform)
  9. Behind vines on rock that has come out from the wall (same area as number 7).
  10. The final idol in the last room before boulder scene.