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Level 6 Palawan Volcano

The beginning of this level reminds the Demo a lot, but in fact it is completely changed. Pick up some useful item in the water to the right. Climb the ledge on the left side of the room – you will see a block. Move the block towards the pillar with a torch and climb up. Use your whip to jump to the next pillar – you will see a textured wall with some cracks. Use Inferno Machine's piece to break the wall and reveal the passage. You will have to do it several more times during this level – watch the walls carefully and listen to what Indy says. Collect some treasure in the left corridor branch and slide down in the right one. You will find yourself in the room filled with water soon. Across the water you can see a double Gate. To open it you need to press a button above and to get a key from the funeral barge. Kill some fish from the shore and swim to the far left corner of the room. Get out of the water and jump to the island in the center. Get in the hole and swim to the next area. You can see a large lava room with lava fountains. Be careful and jump to the nearest ledge across the lava. Continue to the end of the room and when you hear a boulder coming from the left – just step forward and it will crack a passage in the wall behind you. Follow the passage, take an idol, kill a scorpion and jump into the hole. You will see a funeral barge outside. Press the button and it will start sailing towards the island. Kill more scorpions, follow the opened passage and jump into the water. Beware of the two sharks! Swim quickly and get out of the water on the central island again – kill the sharks from the shore and pick up the funeral key. This will open the second gate.

level6_00.jpg Jump into the water and find an underwater tunnel near some rocks in front of you. You will soon find yourself near a large lava canyon. Run down the slope and jump to the other side. Here your goal is to climb up to the cave above in the wall. You will find three movable blocks here. First two are not important – just pull them in such a way that you are able to follow the passage. Climb to the second floor and find the third block (it's right on your way if you climb up the ladder in the wall). Move that block to the edge and jump to the highest pillar in a distance – the cave is above. Kill some unfriendly scorpions and move on. You will find a button which opens the first gate out of the double in the room. Jump into the water and go for the second gate – you've got the key already.

level6_01.jpg You're in the huge lava room. On the other side of the room under the ceiling to the right there is a closed door. Your goal is to cross the lava pit and get to that door. The door is opened with a button in the small room above to the left. There are several ways to get there, for example to climb one of the ladders. But when you press that button the room gets all filled with lava. So to be able to cross it afterwards [Lava Room:] you have to move both of the blocks on the two sides of the lava current into colored squares on the floor. Now go for the button and then jump across lava using the two pre-positioned boxes and a central platform. Hey, don't forget to claim some treasure in the far niche in this side's wall! Ok climb up, use your whip and you will soon be in the doorway above. Inside, as soon as you enter the deadly corridor (don't step on the marked squares – poisoned darts) the door behind you will close – don't pay attention and move on. You will meet Sophia – she drops a ladder for you. Pick up a machine gun (cool!) and a medikit and climb up.

level6_02.jpg She opens the door and… Gush! Russians imprison her! Kill some guards immediately. From this point you will have to deal with a bunch of Russians here and there. Pick up some items in the right room and follow the passage (kill another guard) to the hall with lava well and a Monkey statue. Kill both guards and crawl down the large gong. Push a block behind it and get some jewelry. Return to the room and press the elevator button – 4 guards will arrive. Kill them all and get to the surface. Kill another two guards behind the lava current and notice a wall with some cracks. Use your powerful machine toy to break the wall. Inside use your whip to climb up to the niche and collect a crystal. Now follow the lava current (a passage down the left side). The area with the gate is heavily guarded but you can shoot a barrel nearby. After all Russians are dead pick up the key and some grenades on the table and turn around. You will see a block in the wall but you won't be able to pull it out until you clear it up with your machete first. Now climb on the block and look at the wall. You can see a cave above and you also notice that the wall itself is climbable. Start climbing from the top of the block and push a button inside the cave – it will open the gate. Pick up an idol inside and return to the Monkey statue.

level6_03.jpg Stand close to the Monkey but don't step on the border of the lava current. [Monkey Statue:] Whip the Monkey's right hand (from your side) and it will open the door to the right. Move in and make some scorpions feel the taste of a bullet. You will find a lava room with the gate at the far side which opens only for a short time with a button on the left wall. You can cross the pit using your whip but you still won't catch up with the door. Still do it, jump to the far side and climb the wall on your left (there's a crack). Follow the lava tunnel and soon you will find a hole in the floor. If you don't have much health throw down a grenade and the guard will be dead. Jump down and use your key to free Sophia. Notice a box inside – on top of it you can read "Volodnikova" – which means russian general's wife. Strange isn't it? Ok follow Sophia to the door – it opens when you push it – and then make your way again to the room with the rapid closing gate. You will find Sophia there. Indy will cross the lava pit and she will press the button to open the gate.

Jump to the ledge on the left, climb up, jump across lava again and pick up a medikit in the cave. Use your Urgon's part to smash the wall and step inside. You will see a number of boxes in the corridor. In the last box there is a Pulley – a repair part for the Cable Way, required to finish the level. Push and Pull the boxes to the end of the tunnel and the last box will open. Make your way back to the rapid closing gate.

level6_04.jpg Follow the passage and pick up a crystal under the stairs near a skeleton. After the arch to the left there is another cracky wall, which can be destroyed. You can ignore it and finish the level by running along the corridor (watch out the deadly darts). Kill the guard with a machine gun to the right in the building with a cross- shaped lava hole in the floor. Proceed and you will find a Cable way which requires some spare part. Move a box nearby, climb on top of it and attach the Pulley. Don't try to kill the guards which rush into the room – too many of them. Get inside the Cabin and press the button – you will cross the chasm. The gate on the other side is the level's exit.

level6_05.jpg Speaking about that last cracky wall. If you follow the passage you will soon find yourself in a huge secret lava room. Here you can pick the last idol in the niche above in the left wall. You are supposed to get there by jumping over the high pillars. Note that when you start running/crawling the bridge will also start crashing beneath you. [Secret Lava Room: (submitted by BJS0221)] The best way is to run to the central pillar, face it quickly, jump and grab. You have only one chance to get on top of it. Jump across the chasm to the next pillar and claim the prize. Now drop from the central pillar to its basement and press the button. Some wall blocks will make a way up for you. Inside the niche push the box and use Urgon's part to break the wall passage. You're again in the deadly corridor leading to the cross-shaped lava hole. You can use your whip and jump to the next girder. Finish the level.