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Level 5 Palawan Lagoon

level5_00.jpg The weather in the lagoon is very bright, but the sea is full of quite dangerous surprises. At this level you will meet sharks and some other deadly fish. The goal is to find an entrance to the aborigines' city. Indy will have to travel vast distances in the sea, so better buy more medipacks than ever. The best tactics against sharks is to keep swimming almost touching the bottom of the sea. You can fight the fish with your Machete but it will cost you a lot of time and health. Crabs are friendly.

You are on the sea shore. Turn around and walk back inside the narrow passage until you reach the deadly pit. Pick up the idol nearby and use your whip to cross the pit. Explore the remains of the skeleton and find Machete and a medipack. Go back to the sea shore and to the right. Follow the passage and break the web covering entrance to the cave with your Machete (key 6 to activate). Kill the iguana and run to the place where it first showed up. You will find another cave nearby covered with some green leaves. Break through it with your machete and take a Spade (Trenching Tool). Walk a bit more along the passage and you will see some white ground near the plant (Indy will say: "there's something here"). Dig it with the spade and pick an idol. Run till the end of the passage and pick a health leaf behind the rock. Return to the beach.

level5_01.jpg Swim to the far shore and get out of the water (Alt). If you have machete in your hand then you won't be able to do it. Kill Iguana on the shore and take some money behind a stone. Run to the cave's entrance and make your way through the web with machete. Kill spiders. On the opposite side you will see a sunken ship. Notice a torpedo behind the rock on the shore. It needs a detonator. Swim towards the back side of the ship and pull up on the deck. If you swim around the ship you will see a large opening in the ship's stern. Inside there's a piece of gold and nothing more. Explore the deck – you will find a crane, pick up a torpedo detonator in the box nearby and notice that all doors are shut. On the second deck there's a lock which needs a key. Your current goal is to get inside the ship and to find the missing part for the crane. Then you will be able to turn the crane and get to the nearby island with your whip.

level5_03.jpg Return to the torpedo and arm it – it will blow up a large crack in the ship's side. Swim inside the ship and pick a piece of gold in the bottom. Now grab some air and save. All the ship's compartments are filled with water and you won't be able to find a place to breathe. Each compartment is empty (not to mention the deadly fish – just don't pay attention to it, you won't have the time to deal with it, swim through).

level5_02.jpg Deep Inside the head of the ship you will find a box with the key to the locked door on the second deck. But first turn around and swim to the opened underwater room behind you – pick up a rusty hammer. It's the only thing you are allowed to use under water. Now grab some air and swim towards the head of the ship inside the opening. You must find a locked underwater hatch which leads to the deck. Swim along the corridors: right, left, left, right, right, left, up. If you swim in the right direction the compartment is lit in some strange way. [Inside The Ship:] Use the rusty hammer to break the lock and open the hatch, then grab some fresh air. Now you're ready to swim further and get the key – you will have enough time to return to the opened hatch to breathe.

You're on the deck. Unlock the sealed door on the second deck and get inside the ship's cabin. Take a handle for the crane on the left wall and collect some prizes and medipack down the hole. Return the same way. Now run to the crane and use a handle to rotate it. With your whip jump across the water to the shore. Dig the white ground and step on the button – a secret grotto will be revealed not far from the place where you started the level. But the door to that grotto is still locked. Your goal now is to unlock that door. At this point the map becomes crazy – it shows two different cross marks. When I move to one of them – another one starts blinking.

By the way, if you swim to the far left from the place where the level started you finally meet a strong current and notice an underwater cave near the rock. You can pick another idol deep down there if you are enough lucky to avoid the sharks.

[Grotto Door:] Swim to the crashed airplane and use your rusty hammer to detach a piece of its propeller. Now swim to the grotto door and unlock it with the new item. Inside beware of the shark and press the button on the right wall deep underwater – it will open a hatch in the grotto's roof. You will be able to swim through and reach the water surface to grab some fresh air. Inside the grotto you can also find a piece of gold. Now continue swimming along the lagoon and get out of the water near the cave. On the opposite side you can see a gate, but it's closed. Go inside the cave and pick up some money behind the rock on the right. Climb on the stone basement in the center of the cave and shimmy along two cracks in the walls to reach the top ledge. Outside the cave press a button on the wooden Idol's front side – it will open the gate. Return to the gate – this will end the level.