[Eyed Block:]
Prepare to enter the third pyramid: use the Taklit's Part to become invisible and get past the "eyed"
Kill some snakes in the skeleton room, find a cracked wall behind the central pillar with skeletons
and smash it. Pick up a treasure and climb up the racks. Above you will soon see a square in the
floor and a hatch above it. To enter this pyramid's Lens Room you'll have to push some button
(which opens the hatch for a short time), return quickly to this spot and levitate up. Move along
the right passage. There' a trap in the floor (some spikes) near the button. Press the button and
quickly climb up to the next floor, before the spikes are activated again. On the top floor press a
button which opens the hatch and use elevators to get down. Kill a spider and climb up to the
levitation square. Select the Azerim's part quickly and fly up. Activate the Lens in this pyramid
and levitate down through the hatch to exit the room. Make your way to a corridor with a chasm,
you shimmied before, get across and enter the room with sarcophaguses there – you're on your
way to the last pyramid.
Crash two subsequent walls with your Urgon's part and pick up some treasure and a health leaf.
The button in the far passage opens a hatch in the desert's floor and triggers appearance of
Russians – avoid it. Go along the tunnel nearby. Climb the ledge above and pick up a treasure.
Continue along the tunnel till you reach a large hall with mine cart railway below. Pick up a health
leaf, jump across and shimmy left (the block straight ahead won't move). After a while you will
get to a room just behind that block (kill spiders). Move it and use to climb up the room.
From atop the block, jump to the ledge across the room. On your way up collect a piece of wood –
you will need it in the Lens Room. Round the corner on the opposite ledge there's a passage you
can shimmy to. Use your whip to climb up and jump on the platform. Inside the Lens Room place
the piece of wood on the block and light it. The final, 4th beam will spot some place in the desert
where one-eyed statue is hidden. To exit the pyramid turn right when leaving the room and use the
Urgon's part to smash a wall. This will finally trigger the appearance of some Russians. It is not
difficult to shot them from above here. Get down on the ground and kill the rest of them.
Now find the four spots in the desert shown by the beams. Each time you step on the correct spot
(however, move away your jeep) – a statue appears. [Eye Crystal:]
Install your eye crystal in each of the statues in turn and they will open a door in the first pyramid's
basement for you. The third pyramid's beam spots a block near the start of the level (ruins). Push that block
to reveal a statue underneath it. [4th Statue:]
The beam from the fourth pyramid will show the correct location of corresponding
statue only if reflected from the water pit's surface (remember that bucket you attached to a strange
mechanism inside the first pyramid?). The door to the next level faces the old mine.
[Fuel:]Take a fuel canister from your jeep and
get inside that door. Find an old mine cart which needs a wheel and some fuel and finish the level.