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Level 11 V. I. Pudovkin

level11_03.jpg This is one of the shortest levels in the game. It features large multi-deck ship full of Russians and treasures. All the action takes place on board of the ship. You start the level with empty inventory, with no weapons and no machine parts, imprisoned in one of the ship's cabins. Your goal is to find all your stuff, repossess all the machine parts and leave the ship. You will find the treasures, guarded by russian soldiers almost in every cabin. While playing use your Taklit's part to become invisible and investigate new rooms with guards remaining undetected. Then you can think of the best strategy of fighting them. Note, that Taklit's part can harm your health too – if not switched off in time.

Try knocking at the door – a guard appears, leaving no hope of escape for you. Climb atop the bed and open a ventilation hatch in the ceiling (The guy on the wall is famous Comrade Lenin. Later you will find some other Soviet attributes on this level – red flags and Comrade Stalin portraits). Now knock at the door again and quickly climb inside the ventilation system (It doesn't lead to anywhere). The guard seems to be astonished with Indy's sudden disappearance. Quickly hop to the floor, run through the door and lock the guy inside. Now you will have some time before he manages to escape.

level11_00.jpg In the corridor you will notice some doors. Only first two on the left are important. Behind the first one push the lever – it will attract soldier's attention. Retreat to the corridor and enter the guard's room from outside. Claim Taklit's part! Continue to the large ship's cargo hold with goods and containers. Use your Taklit's part to become invisible and sneak past the guard in the center. Pick up all your stuff in the ship's nose compartment. Two other machine parts and heavy- firepower weapons are missing. Return to the cargo hold and get on top of the box in the center (red one). Jump to the blue one in the distance across some barrels and climb up on the second deck (you can push/pull some cargo boxes if you can't make this running jump). Kill some 3-4 guards and pick up their weapons.

Now go towards ship's nose (the side with only one door). Behind the door there are two guards waiting for you. Kill them (you will get some cash) or sneak past them and pick up the Urgon's part and a large medipack in the small room above the ladder in the next section (meet another guard).

Return to the other side of the cargo hold with two doors. The cabins behind both doors are symmetrical. Inside you will find a couple of russians guarding their money. Now find some dirty rusty wall section in the cabin behind the right door and crack it with your Urgon's part. Kill another guard.

level11_01.jpg You're in the corridor. Right passage leads to the upper deck and a ladder to the left - to the Ship's Crane Hold. You will need Azerim's part to get past the crane, so move right. In the cabins above you will find some treasures, couple of idols, a large medipack and a bunch of soviet soldiers guarding all that. Proceed and climb up to the main ship's deck outside. Run to the rusty wall nearby and smash it. Kill all the soldiers using your rifle/automatic pistol from inside. Later you can kill all the guards and snipers on deck from behind using invisibility. The next door has a ladder which leads to Captain's Bridge. Watch the cut scene and grab the Azerim's part in the darkness. Now get back to the Crane Hold.

level11_02.jpg Move the crane a couple of times and lift up the box with a blue crystal. Now you can levitate to the upper deck (use Alt to leave the power current). Kill the guards and open any of the doors. Behind you will find a couple of russian tough guys. I used a grenade to kill them. You don't even have to get close to them. Far below pick up the money and press the lever – it will lower the ladder to the top deck. Climb that ladder. There's another tough russian soldier behind it – I opened the door, threw the grenade and shut the door again to eliminate him. When he's finished take the crank wheel, which is required to lower the boat. Go outside – to the main deck. After the final battle grab the money on the ship's nose, return to the back and use Crack Wheel to activate the mechanism lowering the boat. Indy leaves the ship and level ends.