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Level 13 King Sol's Mines

You start this level riding a mine cart. Go for a ride around several railroad sections separated with gates. When you're in the cart they open on your approach, however, you can't just turn where you want – it depends on the position of the 5 railway switches. You can change the position of all the switches in the Switch House by pulling corresponding levers. The goal of this level is to gather 3 King Sol's Gems, Eye of Horus and install them in the Pyramid. During your quest you will need to switch to different roads. Watch out for the low pipes – they can hurt you if you don't duck quickly (press C). Grenades turn to be very useful against outnumbered snakes.

level13_00.jpg Find the Switch House in the first large chamber. Check out the map inside. This map is very schematic and gives you only a slight idea of where to look for the switches. After a couple of hours of searching for every switch I decided to draw more specific map for your convenience (check out this level's ultimate map) – now everything's easy. In the Switch House you will find a medikit (also take a look at the picture of young Indy). Behind the map there's an empty fuse box, which requires a fuse to provide electric power for the levers. Note that the 4th switch is stuck – you will need some oil later. On the roof of the Switch House you can read a strange message left for you by some of those crazy game programmers.

level13_01.jpg Drive your mine cart to the next chamber (Railway station) and pick up the fuse in another railroad cart. In the corner behind the boxes you will find [Treasure #1:] blue crystal. Explore the two corridors nearby. The left one leads to a dead-end with a TNT box. When you blow that TNT it will reveal [Treasure #2:] a silver idol. The right tunnel leads to the pyramid. Get back here at the end of the level. Return to the mine cart and proceed – the road loops back to the Switch House. Install the fuse and pull the levels 1, 3. The sequence is not important.

Besides switching to another railway loop they trigger some actions with Russians. After you push the first lever Russians take positions in all main chambers of the level. The Switch House, the Railway Station and some other rooms become heavily guarded and another mine cart with guards appear on the road in front of you as soon as you board yours. The second lever seems to be just a switch – it doesn't trigger any action with soviets. If you push the third lever and then ride past the switch 3 it triggers a cut scene of a bazooka explosion and mine cart jump. And if you push the 4th lever (you'll need to oil switch 4 to do that) – the mine cart with soldiers will finally explode in the dead-end. After this cut scene Indy wisely pulls the 5th lever too – to switch back from the dead-end (you won't be able to pull this lever later – the only way to the 5th lever road segment is on foot).

level13_02.jpg Keep chasing the russian mine cart until you see a cut scene of dynamite explosion. Get out of the cart and kill the remaining guards (watch out for the electric cable – it hurts). Pick up the key in the blown up area. This key opens the locker in the Locker Room next to the Railway Station. You will find some oil there. Take a ride to switch 4 and use the oil on it. Find [Treasure #3:] a blue gem behind the pillar. Get back to the Switch House, kill all the guards (there's also one inside) and push the 4th lever – it works now. Now you have access to all the railroads in the level. Starting from this point you're free to manipulate switches 1-4. Here's the list of items you will have to find (the sequence doesn't matter): the Eye of Horus, 3 King Sol's Gems, some more treasures along the tracks. When you have everything return to the pyramid.

Get the treasures first: ride towards switch 1, stop a little bit before it and find [Treasure #4:] a blue crystal down and to the left of the tracks. Also pick up [Treasure #5:] a green gem near switch 2 (on the right side of the tracks).

level13_03.jpg To get the Eye of Horus do the following: In the room after switch 3 stop the cart and explore the area. Pick up the poison kit near the skeleton on top of one of the boxes. You can see a gold idol behind the opening in the wall but there's another way to get it. Drive your mine cart backwards to the gate nearby (on your right) – it leads to the beautiful waterfalls chamber. Jump across those crates floating in the water and use your whip to get into the secret room behind the left waterfall. Collect the Eye of Horus. Jump into the water and swim into the underwater passage. Adjust monitor's brightness and find the red gem nearby [Treasure #6:]. The underwater tunnels lead to several locations: to the water pit remaining after bazooka explosion, to the [Treasure #7:] golden idol in the previous chamber and to the room with some sarcophaguses which in turn leads to the King Sol's Green Gem. Look for the crates below in the water – that means that there's something useful above. Also Pick up [Treasure #8:] a green gem near the grated tunnel.

To get King Sol's blue gem do the following: Ride towards the switch 4, stop a little bit before it under the broken railway bridge and get out. You can get across the chasm using your whip on the bridge. The 5th switch segment of the road leads directly to the broken bridge. Follow the tracks on foot. Kill the beasts and some russians and jump to the other side. Behind the doors you will find [Treasure #9:] a green gem in the dead-end. Look for the crack in the left wall of the tunnel and smash it with your Urgon's part. Kill the snakes and proceed to the King Sol's blue gem. There's a trap (spikes in the floor below). Either grab the Gem quickly and do a backward flip or use your whip to knock off the gem and trigger the trap. It will be safe to pick it up then. Return to the mine cart.

level13_04.jpg To get King Sol's red gem do the following: Ride the mining car past switches 4 and 5 to the Platform with boxes and push the block near the left wall – it will reveal a passage. Shoot the barrels and climb the ladder. Kill some spiders and you will soon find a cave with the King Sol's red gem. Throw a grenade inside a hole behind the gem – it will kill some snakes. When you claim the Gem the walls start shaking – jump inside the hole quickly. Move along the passage and return to the mine cart.

To get King Sol's green gem do the following: Ride to the Pool Room, pick up a medikit and dive into the tunnel. Pick up [Treasure #10:] a red gem on your way and look for the crates below to find the room above. Get out and climb those ledges, jump through the opening in the wall. Kill some russians, make a couple of jumps and soon you will find yourself above the pool, next to the statue's head with King Sol's green gem on it. Grab the gem and dive into the pool. Return to the mine cart.

Now you've got everything – move towards the pyramid room. Watch out – there are too many guards in this chamber. Fight your way to the pyramid and place the Eye of Horus inside the slot in the basement. The pyramid will lift up. Jump across the ledges on both sides and place red and green King Sol's Gems into the corresponding slots. The pyramid will rise higher and a hatch above with a blue crystal will be opened. Get down and levitate to the upper ledge to place the last gem (King's blue one) – it opens a door in the pyramid's basement. Levitate back down and pull the lever – it will end the level. Indy goes to the Nub's Tomb.