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Level 14 Nub's Tomb

This level features large underground chambers with pillars and hidden passages. Your goal is to claim the final Infernal Machine's part – Nub's part, which accumulates some electric power and allows you to open/use different electric devices. The part is located in the middle of the deadly electric pool. At the end of the level you will have to fight a giant Robot Guardian – but he's not that tough.

Jump across the ruins using the pillars and shimmy right at the far wall. Drop and hang, climb to the ledge and drop down to the corridor. It leads to the Pillar Hall. Go straight to the end of the corridor, kill some spiders and pick up [Treasure #1:] some silver coins in one of the water chambers.

Return to the Pillar Hall and go through the doorway. In the next room with two massive pillars climb the wall. You will see a slope leading down. Slide to the passage below and crawl at the end of the tunnel. Climb up onto the low ledge in front of you and pick [Treasure #2:] silver coins. Crawl further and enter the 2-pillar room again. You can open the door only if you provide the robot with his missing arm. This door leads to the Golden Turtle room. Push away the statue nearby and slash through the tapestry which covers the passage.

level14_00.jpg You will find a lever at the end – pull it. Drop down to the new passage and enter the room with grated floor. When you step on the first floor panel it falls. Kill some snakes and crawl to the next section to pick up [Treasure #3:] the gold bar. Get out of the pit and slash through another tapestry. Pull the block three times and proceed to the next room with 2 moving floor panels. To get across them use the following strategy: Jump to the center of each panel, balance until it stops shaking, jump further. Climb the ledges and the ladder and enter the Anubis Chapel on your left. Your goal is to climb up the front side and whip off the hand of an ancient statue. Push the button on the block – the statue above will move. Go through the doorway and find [Treasure #4:] a silver bar on your right. At the other end of the room use your whip to climb up and get on the roof. Jump across some platforms, hang and hop down to the ledge on the left side. Face the Anubis statue. Now whip its arm and pick it up when it falls to the ground. Exit the chapel and you will again enter the first room in the level. Russians are already there!

Turn right and go through the dark doorway. Use your whip to get to the end of the green corridor and press a button – it will lower a sarcophagus nearby. Pick up the [Treasure #5:] blue gem behind it and move along the opened passage. Kill some russians round the corner and make all your way back to the robot with missing arm, killing the guards on your way (many of them). Place the arm into the Robot's arm slot and pull the lever to the right of the door – it will open.

level14_01.jpg Behind the door shoot a strange floating machine. Your goal is to activate the Golden Turtle elevator and get down to the next room. Near the left wall use your Azerim's part to levitate to the ledge above. Get across the room by jumping over the pillars, pick a medipack and press a button – it will open the floor section in the center of the room and trigger Volodnikov's appearance. He will move directly down the stairs and the section will close. Push the button again – to open the floor. Kill all the guards below using your rifle and hang/drop down from the lowest pillar. Follow Volodnikov's path, press a button to switch the stairs. You're in a large room with rotating bronze gears at the far wall. Time to trap Volodnikov!

level14_02.jpg You can't catch him unless you set a trap first. Several times I even managed to get face to face with that guy but he behaved as if I was a brick wall and disappeared quickly. Notice moveable blocks on both sides of the room and block the middle passage. [Trap Volodnikov: 1.] Pull one of the blocks inside the passage and to the central crossing square. This will prevent Volodnikov from using this way for a shortcut, as he did before. It is also possible to close one of the entrances of the passage with another block, but it seems that you won't need that. Now start chasing Volodnikov – you will soon see him entering the upper floor of the central building. Each time he runs to the room at the far wall with a statue and stays there until you approach. Use this to set a trap: [Trap Volodnikov: 2.] move the statue towards one of the exits of that room and next time when Volodnikov hides in the room enter it. Gotcha! He gives you the bronze gear and quickly disappears. Kill the sniper and return to the Golden Turtle elevator room.

Watch out for those goons behind you. Face the elevator now. Now you'll need to find a way to open the elevator cabin. Slash through some tapestry in the column on your right and pull out the block several times until you're able to climb to the opening in the opposite pillar. The passage leads to the lever which opens the gate somewhere down below. Return to the column where the block used to be and drop down – at the end of now opened corridor you will find a key to the elevator's cabin. Return to the Turtle room. Open the cabin and [Golden Turtle:]place the bronze gear inside the mechanical turtle's slot – it fits. Nothing happens – you need some more weight. Now get out and push the block inside the elevator's cabin. It works – the elevator goes down, causing a huge counterweight block at the left wall to rise up. Levitate to the catwalk and use your whip to jump on top of that counterweight block – it will lower Indy to the next room. Shoot a couple of robots immediately on arrival.

level14_03.jpg Climb up any pillar and get on top of the room. Before climbing up the last pillar take a look at the left and pick [Treasure #6:] a silver idol. Passage leads to the water pool with piranhas. Dive and press the button at the end of the underwater tunnel – it will rise a statue from the bottom of the pool. Pick up [Treasure #7:] a gold bar behind the sunken pillar and get out of the water – there's only one low platform on your left which allows you to do that. Break the cracked wall with your Urgon's part and get [Treasure #8:] a red crystal. Now jump to the other side of the room using statue's head and kill another floating robot. Enter the next room – with the electric pool and Nub's part. The electric ball can severely damage you – try running to each next location only while it is charging. At the first corner to the left you will find a cracked wall – smash it and collect [Treasure #9:] the golden idol inside. Proceed to the next corner and pick up a medipack near poor skeleton fellow. Just before the steps use your whip to climb up to the next floor. Your goal is to climb to the top of the room – use your whip and jump across the pillars. There's also a passage in the inner wall which you can use. Slide down the slope and jump at the end to get to the last platform. Use Azerim's part to levitate up to the upper chamber.

Move all lion heads towards the central hole in the floor, nose to nose. Be careful, don't fall down there while pulling them. Push the button inside the niche behind the middle lion – this will raise the electric ball inside the room and deactivate it. Push other buttons: the gold one to the right and the blue one to the left. Push it two times to lower the level of the water in the pool – this will also trigger Russians. Return to the electric pool room.

Kill the guards and dive into the water. Get out at the small island in the center. Note a socket in the wall – it penetrates a bridge, which you will need to leave the island. Climb the triangular platforms of the killer-machine and claim the Nub's part on top. Now dive again and use Nub's part while standing next to the button I mentioned. Cross the bridge, find a door with a similar socket in the left corner and open it using Nub's part. You will soon enter the room with the counterweight elevator again.

Run to the counterweight shaft and use Nub's part to activate the power socket nearby. Now run to the opposite side of the room to another socket – it opens the hatch above. Now you are able to levitate above to the familiar passageway. Pull out the block from the Turtle's elevator and step inside – it will lift you to the top floor of the building.

level14_04.jpg Climb the stairs behind the elevator, jump and pick up [Treasure #10:] the silver bar on top of the shaft. Jump down and proceed to the next room. Grab the medipack near a skeleton and use Nub's part on the power socket at the door. Pull out your bazooka, shoot another robot through the opened doorway and enter the Nub's Tomb Room. Step on the pressure plate and open the sarcophagus – a niche in the column with another power socket will be revealed. Activate Nub's part and collect the Nub's Eye crystal.

Time to meet the Robot guardian. Activate all the power circles in the floor by using Nub's part at the corresponding socket in the wall. Install the Nub's Eye in the special emplacement at the far end of the room – a Huge Robot Guardian will appear. He's very slow and not that dangerous as he seems to be. [Robot Guardian:] He will be short-circuited after stepping several times on those power panels (about 6 times). All you need to do is to hide under the central structure and activate the dead power panels (a panel turns off after the huge robot steps on it) from time to time. Don't step on the panels yourself and don't let the robot kill you with his laser beam – it hurts.

When he's finally dead climb the central structure and jump across to the catwalk using robot's head. Press the button, cross the bridge and follow the passage to the end of the level. Indy, Sophia, CIA Agent and Volodnikov will have a hard conversation. After it Indy gives all the machine's parts to the CIA agent.