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Level 7 Palawan Temple

In this level you will come across with some Stone Monsters and their Boss – the Lava Monster, which guards the second Inferno Machine's part, the Taklit's part. The owner of this part can become completely invisible for a short time "The unseen can't be stopped" – an ancient manuscript says. The stone guys are really slow (proximity triggered). It's very easy to run from them, but very difficult to notice in the darkness. Be careful. The monkeys are friendly.

Jump across the broken pillar lying on the ground and turn round the corner – you will see the first stone monster in the level. Jump across the gap to the next area. In that room you will see a large lava lake with some unstable platforms appearing and disappearing in lava all the time. To open the Red Tikki gate on the right you'll need a key. Start moving in the clockwise direction. The first couple of stone platforms don't move but after the central one you'll have to jump through the three unstable platforms to the nearest shore on the left. It seems to be easy, but in fact it's quite a difficult task to do. There's no time for any additional movements while you're on the platform – it sinks immediately. The usual tactics should be the following: between the platforms always jump normally (running jumps will make you dead fast), to move to the edge of each next platform make a step on the run, I mean don't use the shift key to walk, just use it to turn quickly. On the shore take a close look at the left wall – "A-ha! This wall looks like it's ready to crumble!". The wall's surface really does have some cracks – remember this wall, you'll need to get back here soon. continue jumping across the lava to the next platform on the shore. Climb up the ladder and go inside the cave. It's very dark here but trust me – jump across to the other side. You will be able to get down then from the left edge. Go through the doorway and enter the room. Kill a couple of spiders and pick up the Shark Key. A stone monster stands near the right wall. Make all your way back to the wall with cracks in the lava lake room. Use your Urgon's part to kill the wall and step inside.

level7_00.jpg Jump over the lava current and turn left in the dark area. A couple of stone monsters are waiting for you in the darkness – be careful. Find a passage in the right wall - you will be able to crawl inside. Now unlock the Shark Gate with the Shark Key and step inside. Collect the Red Tikki Key and a boulder will start rolling towards you. [Boulder Trap:] Quickly get on top of the block you've just picked the key from and use your whip to climb higher. The boulder passes beneath you. Collect some treasure in the niche, get down and head for the opening, the Rolling Stone came from. Jump across the lava current again and return to the lava room.

Now jump clockwise towards the Gate on the opposite side. On the platform just before the gate you will see a stone monster guarding some poison antidote – skip it. Now make a final jump towards the stairs and open the gate with the Red Tikki Key. You will also need this key later to open another gate. Enter the next area – there's nothing left in the lava room. Kill two spiders and collect some money to the right of the stairs. "No, no Mr. Monkey, I don't have any banana to give you.", besides it seems to be busy anyway. Gush! what those monkeys are always busy with!

level7_01.jpg The next open area contains several rope bridges. Most of them are broken but you still can use them. Pick up a health leaf nearby and climb the ladder to the left with the building on top. Kill the lizard. You must cross the chasm and get to the opposite side but the bridge is broken. Use the upper bridge to reach the lower one. Make a jump across the gap to the center of the bridge, hang and jump down. Now move towards the small island. You can jump to the green grass on the opposite side from there. There's also another rope bridge connecting the island and the next open area with a lake – skip it, it's damaged. That lake will serve you well at the end of the level.

level7_02.jpg Continue moving up along the green hill. Kill the lizards on your way. The best tactics is to climb up the ladder and to press Z+Left/Right Arrow to roll to the side – the lizard won't be that quick to bite you. You will see some water and a palm tree. Note that cave on the other side – you'll have to return here soon after making a long way through the caves. Pick up a health leaf and jump into the water. Waterfalls will take you to the Piranha pond – quickly get out of the water and climb up the ladder. You will see the Monkey Temple ("Why Those doors are always closed?"). To open the gate you'll need the Monkey Key from the large cave below. [Monkey Temple Key:] There's a broken bridge leading to the other side. You can use your machete to cut off its supporting rope - the bridge will become a ladder which leads directly to the cave. But now you'll have to find another way to get across the water to that bridge.

Pick up some Medicinal Herbs near the entrance of the Monkey Temple. One to the left and another – to the right, behind the stone. Go for another bridge leading towards the building and you will enter the cave area. There are a lot of spiders inside and some spike traps. Be careful and watch your steps. First, claim some treasure in the left cave, up the ladder. Return to the right cave near the waterfalls and climb up. Continue moving along the caves – kill some spiders and pick up a treasure on your way. Use your machete to cut spider webs. Finally, kill the spiders on the other side of the hole with some spikes and jump across to the right side. The floor has some spikes in it, so move carefully (walk with Shift and still don't step on the spike). Cut the turn by jumping to the right and walk outside the cave. You're near the spot where you jumped into the river not quite long ago (quite??). Cross the river with your whip and enter the last cave. Both slopes inside lead to a safe spot in the cave with some spikes in the floor. If you want to claim the treasure use the right one. Slide down, jump and grab to reach the platform with a spider above and claim the prize. It's rather difficult to do in the darkness – you can't see the edge of the slope. Now kill the lizard and get out of the cave. You can finally climb down the ladder-bridge now and get inside the cave below. As soon as you take the Monkey Temple Key the walls will start shaking – run for you life and jump into the river. Climb the ladder again and enter the Monkey Temple.

level7_03.jpg Inside press the four buttons on the walls in clockwise direction starting from the first button to the right of the entrance. You will get a Green Tikki Key and find yourself in the room with two boulder traps. Jump to the central platform and run from the first boulder, jump to the next platform stand up and hang – the boulder will pass above you. Jump to the last platform and use your whip to get inside the cave above.

You will soon see a bridge. Activate a stone monster to the right guarding those Medicinal Herbs and pick them up while the monster is busy chasing you. Jump across the broken section of the bridge and down to the small island in the lava. Cross it to the left and collect some money. Another stone monster will be activated. Climb the ladder and use both Tikki Keys to open the large gate in front of you – it leads to the Lava Monster.

level7_04.jpg level7_05.jpg Torches will come to life along all your way to the shore. You will see a large lava lake and a monster inside. He's very quick and can appear in any spot of the lava lake immediately, no matter how far it was from his previous location. If you won't be fast enough he'll burn you down. Your goal is to collect the second Inferno Machine's item – Taklit's part. This will make you invisible and help you to cross the bridge to the other side which is guarded by the Lava Monster. Until then you'll have to be very quick. Go for it! Use some platforms in the lava lake to get to the central one with the bridge. Forget about the bridge for a while and continue jumping along the platforms clockwise. Pick up some item and continue towards the shore. Two stone monsters will be activated and the Lava monster will still be chasing you. Run along the lava current and pick up the Machine's part at the end. The monster will rise in front of you. Save and make all your way back to the bridge in the center of the lake. When the monster shows up use your Taklit's part (pres E and then Ctrl) and become invisible. Get across the bridge to the other side and follow the lava current. Another stone monster will be activated behind you – jump across the lava and enter the cave. Watch out your steps – the floor has some spike traps. [Lava Monster:] Outside you will see that lake I told you before. Push a button on the wall and the water will rush into lava lake and freeze it along with the monster. Return to the cave and head for the level's exit – it's safe to step on lava surface now.