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Level 15 Infernal Machine

The beginning of the level reminds the Babylonian library. CIA agent and Sophia have all the machine parts now and are already somewhere on the level. Your goal is to repossess all the parts and place them into proper slots to activate the machine. Looks like somebody has already tried to do it but all the parts are placed into wrong sockets. It seems that it was agent Turner who did this. You will meet more strange electronic robots and some spiky bugs on this level – shoot them all.

The large golden disk that used to be in the wall now lies on the ground revealing a passage behind it. It leads to some strange machinery corridor, guarded by two floating robots. Pick up a medipack and some rockets down below and shoot the robots. Climb the structure at the end of the corridor, find and press a button – it opens the central section of the floor. Go down the stairs and you will meet Sophia and CIA agent Turner in the large Machine's Core chamber. Sophia becomes trapped in a floating power crystal and Turner escapes.

level15_00.jpg Hang and Drop or Jump into the water pit to the right. Get out of the water and run to the end of the corridor avoiding the lightings. Collect Nub's part – it will also deactivate the lightings. Meanwhile pick up [Treasure #1:], a green gem, and [Treasure #2:], a red gem, from the niches. You will need to replace the Nub's part with the Urgon's part later. Return to the water and jump across to the Machine's core. Run along the corridor and jump into the power current – you don't have the Azerim's part but you still can levitate up the current. Jump on the platform high above and use any of the ladders to climb up and reach the top of the strange headless horse statue. Collect Azerim's part there – this will deactivate power current. You will need to replace it with the Marduk's head later. At the bottom of the ladder you will find [Treasure #3:] – golden idol. Climb back up and jump to the narrow middle section of the wall. You can use your whip to jump from here to the passage on the other side of the shaft.

level15_01.jpg level15_02.jpg You're again in the Machine's Core chamber at a higher level. Jump across the narrow platforms to the other side of the room and enter another shaft. Jump into the water and climb the ladder. Finally, pick up the Urgon's part along with [Treasure #4:], a red gem, and [Treasure #5:], a blue gem, from alcoves in the room. Replace Urgon's part with Nub's part. Run through the rotating platforms and enter the elevator. You will descend automatically to a room with Urgon's socket. Place Urgon's part in the socket and return to the shaft – the elevator is operational. Go two floors up and leave it. Jump to the narrow platform in front of you, turn left and jump to the catwalk. Pick up [Treasure #6:], a blue gem, and [Treasure #7:], a green gem, from alcoves in the wall. Jump to the next narrow platform and finally jump to the opening in the wall. It leads to another elevator, which will take you to the next floor of the complex. Meet invisible Turner here (he's got the Taklit's part). When he's dead pick up the Taklit's part, a medipack and levitate up one level. Jump into the doorway towards the electric ball, use Taklit's part to become invisible and quickly deactivate the ball with a button on the wall. Use Azerim's part to ascend to the topmost level of the building - Meet the Marduk's head there. Pick it up and replace with Azerim's part. This will lower the Crystal with Sophia and open a door. Run along the next corridor. On your right there will be a crawling passage (use your lighter to find it). Get [Treasure #8:], a red gem, and [Treasure #9:], a green gem from the niches inside. Return to the corridor and step into the elevator.

level15_03.jpg It brings you back to a headless horse robot – Marduk. Climb there again and attach Marduk's head to his body. Marduk slowly walks into the Machine's Core chamber. Return to the elevator in the center of the shaft and back to where the robot was standing. Get [Treasure #10:], a silver idol.

Return to the Machine's Core chamber and install the last machine's part – Taklit's part - into some kind of control engine on the right ledge. Pull the lever and both Sophia and Indy will be dropped to the next level.